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Played Character Rodrigo

This character is actively played.


Nov 25, 2017
Reaction score

Character Information
  • Name: Rodrigo.
  • Heritage / Culture: Tierravera Ailor.
  • Age: 37 years.
  • Gender / Pronouns: Male (he/him).
  • Religion: Draconism.
  • Occult: Phantom Archon.
Appearance Information
  • Rodrigo is an Ailor male of adult ages. He has a head of dark brown hair chased in hints of gray, which he wears at a medium length with a beard to match. He is tanned and muscular, owing an imposing appearance to broad shoulders, sturdy arms and a wide torso. Rodrigo's eyes are a shade of bright purple and his pupils are slits, denoting his Archon nature. He stands at a towering height of 7 feet, and wears a Leytech prosthetic in the place of his missing right hand. A scar runs diagonally across his right eye, and many similar remnants from previous battles mark his muscled body that houses full-sleeve arm tattoos depicting Tierraveran motifs.
Skill Information
  • Attack Stat: Strength.
  • Defense Stat: Magic.
  • Strength: 7
    Melee | Weapon Throw Pack (Free)
    Athletic | Heavy Throw Pack
    Bruiser | Bruiser Slam Pack
    Bruiser | Bruiser Flurry Pack
    Bruiser | Bruiser Parry Pack
    Bruiser | Bruiser Grit Pack
    Bruiser | Bruiser Tackle Pack
    Bruiser | Bruiser Unsheathe Pack
    Constitution: 3
    Training | Rage Counter Pack
    Training | Breather Pack
    Training | Thick Hide Pack
    Magic: 5
    Arcane | Arcane Counter Pack (Ley Reclassified)
    Arcane | Arcane Aura Pack (Ley Reclassified)
    Arcane |
    Arcane Snare Pack
    Arcane | Arcane Warp Pack
    Arcane | Arcane Shove Pack
  • Technology Hobby
    Technology Hobby covers broadly things done with machines, making robots, or technology. This includes but is not limited to replacing limbs with prosthetics, producing technological solutions for people with disabilities such as hoverchairs for those who are wheelchair bound, require artificial wombs, want to make air conditioning or washing machines, or generally add mechanical parts to daily tasks or the body to create a better standard of living.

    Athletic Hobby
    Athletic Hobby cover broadly things involving physical labor. This includes but is not limited to lifting heavy objects, carrying other people around, helping others reach a physical fitness goal of theirs, as well as other basic physical labor or athletic roleplay. This hobby is fairly simple but very open ended, allowing the user to manifest their physical prowess however they see fit. Players are asked to self-moderate with what is reasonable and acceptable in roleplay to all participants.
    Magical Talent
    Magical Talent covers broadly things done with magic or that have a magical feel to them. MassiveCraft does not in theory limit the creative freedom of magic roleplay. A mage can create autonomous lights or brooms, give magical effects to drinks, or ignite and douse fires with a simple gesture. Mages can also use their magic to heal and cleanse, so magically closing wounds and restoring lost limbs or healing magical rot of the world can be done. Healing cannot be done before or in combat. Alternatively, mages can use their magic to corrupt and harm. Magic talent has no morality, but to use magic talent a character must be considered a mage of some alignment, and some uses of magic Talent can be considered sinistral magic.
  • Ailor Mechanics
    Ailor are masters of languages, which is expected given their habit to culturally divides. Because so many of their languages are inter-connected, various words become more obviously related, and they also take more effort to learn other languages. If someone insults an Ailor, even in a language they do not speak, the Ailor would know, as they know most curse words or words by which to speak ill of others in all languages.

    Ailor are the masters of the Regalian Empire, and while it has equality between all peoples and heritages, Ailor are just by virtue of being Ailor considered preferential for most government positions and judicial situations. Where possible to do with the Nobility, with Government, or with Palace decisions, Ailor will be treated preferentially over other peoples, even if their qualifications might be lesser than the other options.

    Ailor when using Syncretism can worship up to 3 Gods of their sub-dominant Religion, instead of just 1 or 2. Additionally, when Syncretizing, they gain the Mechanic of the sub-dominant Religion (except for Evolism, where only one of the Mechanics can be chosen). If your Character does not Syncretize, they gain +1 Attack Stat (Breaking Cap up to 11) against Characters that have Syncretized their mono-faith.

    Archon Mechanics
    Winged Flight: You can use Wings (of any Fae/Draconic/Mechanical design), which while out of Combat, allows Elytra flight, including the use of Rockets to gain more height and speed. Combat or Ability usage immediately disables flight and prevents flight until end of Combat.

    Leytech Conduit: You may choose up to 2 Packs from Magic Point Buy, or Invoke Point Buy, that you've Point Bought and re-classify them as Ley Point Buy Packs. These Mechanics/Abilities will not be classified as Magic, or make you Magical, instead, they will be fueled by the Elderlaw.

    Long Living: You live much longer than the average life span of your heritage. You can live up to three times as long, and you can visually stop aging at a chosen age (must be at least 21). Additionally, you are immune to non-magical diseases and Afflictions.

    If you own the Protocol Rewind Pack from Ley Point Buy, you may see the possible future threads of time as Dragons see them, a chaotic jumbled mess of thousands of possible future realities without a clear outcome or probable correct thread. This may also cause you to go mad.

    If you own any Magic Point Buy Packs that are not re-classified as Ley Point Buy, and thus make you Magical, you can perform a Cleansing Ritual to remove a Magical Alignment from a (willing) Mage, shutting off a specific realm, or all of them. Lost Packs for them are refunded.
  • This Character is aligned to the following Dimensions:
    The Vortex
    The Abyss

    This Character's Mage Origin is Blessing Origin, and Mage Training is Divine Training.
    Magic Schools:
    The Elemental School covers the concepts of weather, temperature, and the permeable state of substances, like solids and liquids. This is thematically seen as the fire, lightning, water, earth, and air school, and the creation of these elements.
    The Mind School covers all forms of Magic used inside the mind of the Mage, and the minds of others, like psionics, memory and mind reading, mind control, etc. The Mind School has a controversial reputation, due to the invasiveness of scrying minds.
    The Gravity School covers all concepts of motion, movement, attraction, and repulsion. Traditionally it is used to suspend the laws of gravity but also covers concepts like telekinesis and distance-based object movement (does not allow flight for game balance reasons).
    The Enchant School covers the application of beneficial effects on for example weapons or objects or people. Enchants are commonly used as a term in Aloria to define an object that has been magically enhanced or appears magical in some way or another.
    Realm-locked Schools:
    The Shadow School covers the act of using Shadows as a vehicle to do things, such as moving shadows around, concealing one's self in shadows, using shadows to attack others, or causing shadows to animate as if they are separate people. This is an Abyss School.

Backstory Information

    • Rodrigo was born in the suburbs of Daenshore as the illegitimate offspring of an Archon Knight who had taken as his lover a maid from the local tavern. In the absence of his father figure, Rodrigo, who had similarly been born an Archon as was the gift of his heritage, was faced with the responsibility of caring for his mother. He took up swordsmanship at a young age and was eventually discovered by a passing troupe of Tenpennies who took him on as a cup-bearer and eventually an enlist in the Regalian Military. At the age of twenty-two, he emerged in the City of Regalia as a graduate of the Regalian School of Marshalry with several years of military experience under his belt.
    • While residing in Regalia, Rodrigo met and became infatuated with the Countess of Lorhauser and thereby married into the Peirgarten Household. He served in several prestigious military ranks during his time among the aristocracy and famously rose to the title of Field Marshal for the Imperial Army, leading in the Dread War and the Sendrassian War. In Regalia, he was responsible for the protection of the city when he was appointed to the position of Lord Commissioner of the State Metropolitan.
    • Rodrigo became a notorious figure for his ruthless acts on the battlefield. The Ten-Thousand Cairns that surround the Aelrrigan Temples on the Regalian outskirts were built in memory of the ten-thousand Velheimers who were put to the sword at his command during a conflict with House Viduggla. However, he was praised for his selfless actions during the Vampiric Insurrection where he mustered a sizeable force of Mercenaries to combat the incursing vampires and werebeasts, as well as for seizing victory against the 'invading' force of Bralona during the Bralona Occupation when he personally defeated General Ravann in single combat.
    • Rodrigo's fate took a turn following his divorce. After falling out with his fellow Draconists, he faced off against Artarel, the Lady of Justice, who stripped him of his Archonism as punishment for past sins. Led astray by these events, Rodrigo orchestrated a violent attack on the Fornoss Temple in a bid to steal a Divinium Shard. This plan failed, and as consequence Rodrigo fell deeper into the embrace of the darkness and was inducted by the Argentum Order For a time, he paraded as an Evolist and worked with the Old Ones, carrying out several assassinations, including the attempted assassination of the Amontaari Sol's Steward. This attempt resulted in his eventual capture and execution by the Amontaari Guard, though by divine intervention Rodrigo resurrected from the dead and thereby restored his Archonism.
    • After his resurrection, Rodrigo made a choice to repent from his recent actions. He abandoned the Argentum Order and shunned Evolism, choosing to once again find faith in the Dragons despite knowing they and his fellow Draconists would never again believe in him. He returned to the City of Regalia as a rogue Archon, determined to live out the remainder of his days dedicated to the tenets of Draconism, acting from the shadows as a lone blade in the dark, working away from former accomplices, but serving the same cause.
  • To be added. One day.
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@HydraLana Proficiency Points have been re-shuffled in light of the Dragon Warden Update. Abilities updated as well.
@HydraLana Proficiencies were somewhat reworked, enough to justify a re-review. The previous point set-up was not working for me, and thus changes have been made.
@HydraLana Requesting re-approval in light of the update, which has led to some minor proficiency shuffling.
Needing reapproval, sheet updated according to new proficiency system.
@Staff Roleplay Tagging because the previous reviewer is no longer staff. Proficiencies updated in light of the system changes.
@Caelamus Proficiency setup had to be reshuffled with Mythic and Draconic categories no longer existing. I've also written down the description for his Urlan form in the appearance section. Requesting re-approval.
@Caelamus I've decided that 10 STR was not worth it and I really want to be able to gun larp, so I've made a minor change to the proficiency spread to afford some Firearms techniques and I'm requesting a re-review.
@DedJok Rodrigo has lost Ostarius and I have altered his proficiency setup after some consideration. Requesting re-approval.
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