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Rise To Action- The Dawn


Feb 19, 2023
Reaction score

Citizens of Regalia, My friends.

We have been under a plague that has created a darkness, a darkness that makes us hide who we are, roam hidden in the streets in fear of being attacked, has grasped and stripped away who we are and what this Empire stands for. Many people and I have watched those around us being attacked for simple things, from Eye Color to Race to Religious beliefs. It breaks our hearts to see the hope and promise of a new future crumble under the grasp of new tyrants, those who aim to destroy what we love.

The Lothar and Red Hunters.
The ones who have destroyed our dignity, have brought a hatred into our lands, a hatred the Guards are unable to fight.

The people have spoken and nothing has been done so it is our turn to rise, rise up and fight for our home. It cannot be done alone, without your help so please.

If you wish to make a change join The Dawn, bring forth a New Hope, A New Life, A New future.

Look for me, if you see the signs That is your key. Mana's Bounty is where you will be fed.

May you Find a New Dawn,

-Colla Vinmas, Leader of The Dawn
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"The Dawn, mm perhaps they'll get Estellon banned next attaching their God's name to something like this. Ah probably not but imagine if it did happen," The Feka shrugged, "A new dawn by Estellon, imagine next they'll say it should be a Allorn dawn perhaps? Given, the issuer is going to be found out soon wonder if it'll be some Revaunchist."

The Feka considered writing something but shrugs, "Lets leave writing rebuttals to the Celacy and such, but they're mistaken to believe the Lothar and Hunters brought all the hatred. Its been there, by Elen and Ness' light it shall be remediated with legal effort not vague revolution. As for eye color, if this one means the Cahal, Geists, and Vampires they're a idiot for trusting their lies about being the victim when they feed on the innocent. If they mean the Arkenborn, then look to Tristian Kade and Duke Ryker Lampero it's not because of eye color but demonic origin and uncertainty around their intentions that they're watched. Yet, I would drink happily with any Arkenborn who serves the Empire faithfully and give almost all of them a chance to prove their intentions."

"As for the rest, as Vess teaches defend the rights of others...so I can not fault this message entirely. I can only hope it's given with the right intention and this call done with noble intention," with that he walked onward.

OOC: @RookieMelody you might've not been informed but all RP posts can't be anonymous. So you'll want to give some indication of who posted this, (i.e. their character name) as far as I know groups also aren't technically allowed to be signatures. Though, for confirmation make a ticket :) thanks for the notice its neat.
The Archon looked over the post, a sad smile gracing her lips as she did so. A thornless, purple rose was pinned to the board. Letting out a small, disheartened sigh, she wrote:

Dear Writer,

I applaud your wish for wanting to build a group against the Red Hunters and the Lothar. As I had written not long ago, the thicket of brambles may grow if we leave it unattended, but I urge you to think through what your call to action may cause. I fear that my call to action had caused much fear and, perhaps, granted boldness to the more delirious of the Occult-- the ones beyond help-- to cause violence.

I do not wish for you to regret your words and your call to action. Your heartache, anger, and hatred are all understandable, my friend. Yet, you may see consequences you did not intend come from your writing. Writer, I do not wish to see this happen to you. The Occult may respect you or be overzealous all together, calling for yet more violence. The Lothar will place a mark upon your head. I doubt they have the gall to act on such, but it is not an easy road to stride along. As for the Red Hunters... I am unsure what they will settle upon, I was not faced with such as I saw to my conversion of Magic and since deovotion of my life to the Dragons.

I humbly abide to my service to Zanboi, however. Do not fear, I am no Red Hunter. I will support you in your endeavors for the Occult do not deserve this persecution. I wish for peace, my friend. I wish to speak with you as well. Please pen me a letter at your earliest convenience.

Aaliyah Al-Hakim
Conjurer of Zanboi
Loyal Servant for the Empire
The Commissioner sipped his glass of milk once more, as it was another morningā€¦ Another time to see what notices were posted up for the world to see. The Urlan huffed, tossing aside two notices of "Purity and Hypocrisy" for now. Before picking up a the call to action. He picked up his pen and swiftly wrote his only warning.
To the Dawn,

You are a concerned citizen of the State, and it is the State Metropolitan's job to keep the citizens of the State safe. I continued to read your letter Though, as I continued to read, I grew more and more wary and skeptical. So, allow me to shed light on your calling, and show "The Dawn" what kind of message this "notice" gives to the State, and give you advice proceed.

Your notice is fueled expressly by your own emotions. I have realized that notices fueled by intense emotion never last, or are counterproductive. Look to the countless notices send my Sera Rionval of the Lothar Order. He is an absolute mockery of the Order, and is probably one of the reasons you've chosen to create this notice. It is painfully obvious you despise the Lothar Order and Red Hunters, and I know why. You are a mage. You fear your magic is being targeted by such hateful people. Allow me to remind you of the environment you choose to speak in... You speak in a city where it is deemed illegal to cast magic in public settings. While being a mage is not illegal, casting outside of designated ordinances is. This is not your land to claim. Your desire for change is against the Crown's current desired reality. Coming from a former Director of Reality Enforcement within the Truth Ministry; your beliefs and desire for change is delusion, and your little rebellion goes against the ideal society the Crown wishes for us to have. Now I'll say this; if the Crown wills public casting of magic to be legal, I will be delighted. Because that means my FiancĆ© would be able to utilize her gifts freely. However, public casting is not legal, and I will proudly enforce the Law as it is written, for it is my function. So, until magic is legalizedā€¦

You will not rise up, you will not fight.

You will comply.

His Eminence, Tarlok
Commissioner of the Vanguard Chapter
State Metropolitan