Preserved Sheet Reyna

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@Caelamus Got rid of Commerce Schooling from backstory and re-invested the points elsewhere. Ended up taking the chance to update the backstory for more recent events as well. Only 3 points moved and shuffled around.
@Caelamus Haha its me again Mr. Caelamus. Character was turned Twiceborn, tagging @Magivore for that bit. Cratos Bloodline selected with abilities from such added. Requesting re-review as a result pls?
@Caelamus Got around to updating per Ailor changes. Points moved around, mainly 2 taken from dagger and 1 taken from somewhere else to be left open for 3 points to do IC learning of a new skill.
@Carlit0o Updated app, changed out axe pack for unarmed and section added with two spoiler sections for vampire and disguise stuff
@Carlit0o 1 Dex moved to 1 str. Unsure of what the new Re-Review threshold is with format, but tagging you for adjustment. Also some other basic info updates/edits.
@Carlit0o Changed Storm Magic for Cosmic Magic w/ ability reworks. Also Added Greater Vampire status as @Transistor 's Lieutenant. Unsure if re-review tag needed but @ tagging u
Subbed Thin Blades for Short Blades, at this point gonna tag for a re-review @Carlit0o
Ok. Remains approved. Also make sure you change your tag dude. I just glance over this and go "huh I must've looked at that" and forget.
@Caelamus Custom Perm abilities added to the app, small color edit of linking shadow magic to demonology (subbed this from space magic bought vs from vampire points). Point Changes: 1 Charisma switched for 1 Strength for Flexible Weapons Pack, felt the aesthetics of that would be cool given kit aesthetics.
@Caelamus Needs a re-review. Changed stuff around with new abilities released the other day
@Caelamus changed sand magic back to afflicted predator pack from Vampire ability gain. Assuming doesn't need a re-review, but tagging to be sure.
@Caelamus Changed shadow magic to afflicted evasion pack now that twicegiven mechanics have been removed from artifacts
Dropped a STR Pack for a Magic investment for a Spell Point Buy to see about some of the new specials @Caelamus
@Caelamus No point shuffling, just noting that Demon Alter is the same appearance as the Vampire form and also decided to give it a name and some brief backstory/personality.