Archived Revolutionizing Progress

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Apr 7, 2013
Reaction score
The Issue
As the years have passed, Staff have less and less looked at a being staff as a job and more as something to do at their own convenience. Now wait a second, before you post a reply, and please read the rest of the post.

This is not a bad thing, Everyone needs time for themselves and I think staff deserve to dictate their own free time. Studies have shown that the best progress can be made from an individual when breaks are properly applied to seperate the work day. The consequence however is the dwindling response time and progress. I remember the time when it took staff 30 minutes to respond to a ticket, thesedays I find myself waiting a few days without any luck for a ticket to be answered.

This can be problematic as a player, especially when you are stuck in the creative world and cannot /tp out or perhaps when you have been scammed out of your money, and you happen to owe a friend 1000 regals that day. Regardless of the situation, expectations cannot be met, and staff dont have the man power to attend to each players needs.

Another Issue is the delay between the mention of a new world and its actuall coming. Jorhild took atleast a year from the moment of its mental conception to its official release. Some players cannot stick around for a year to wait for a world. Life happens and players move on. This is all part of the reality we need to accept on any server.

The Solution
It is first important to look at how a project is done. For example, producing a world in minecraft takes time to develop in world painter, from then on Bo2's are designed to tailor the world to its own unique look. The next step would be to figure placement for all those Bo2's, then finally the worlds spawns can be built and the world is released to player usage. It may sound easy when read, but it takes months to develop these builds, and months to develop the world in world painter.

We can help hasten world production by holding incentivised bi-weekly Bo2 making competitions. An event as such would allow perfect recruiting grounds for new world staff, players would recieve recognition for Bo2's found worthy to be implemented, and of course a reward for being a winning participant in a competition.

What I'm trying to say, is that staff should find better ways to let the community (Us) help them develop the changes that affect our gameplay.

Disclaimer ***
This thread is not intended to insult, please use the same mindset when posting below.
I do want to hear your responses, so please fire away (Without being flamey).
Thanks for your time and please post below any ideas you'd liek to add.
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This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
cough silverwind cough
if your point in question was to request Bo2 competitions regularly to speed up world production, then what was the point in bringing up ticket length? I don't really see a correlation.
if your point in question was to request Bo2 competitions regularly to speed up world production, then what was the point in bringing up ticket length? I don't really see a correlation.
Just gonna take from context here...

Pokyug had 2 main points. World development and ticket time.

World developement happens on a larger scale. And boy should it. The Massivecraft worlds are amazing and that level of quality only comes with time. But in an effort to speed up that time a bit, the presented idea brought forth the potential to have more players involved in BO2 creation.

Tickets, on the other hand, happen short term. Its supposed to be rather fast and, sometimes, the reason for the tickets are time sensitive (as the examples that were brought up in the OP)

And gosh imma tell you @Gabauchi i cant even think of a single solution that is feasible. There is only one idea i have that could possibly work. That would be to relax the recruitment process to allow more people to join the gamestaff, and therefore have more people available for tickets. But that wouldnt work. I wouldnt dare ask that of the staff because the integrity of the staff lineup is something that makes Massive great.

So thats why there wasnt an alternative for the ticket issue
So thats why there wasnt an alternative for the ticket issue
Yeah lol, I was thinking about bringing up that other servers allow their premiums to have punishment perms (Like 1 ban a month). The thing is though... That is can be so easily abused. So yeah, thats why I didnt think of an alternative for it. Plus, I want to listen for other ideas on how we can be more involved with staff.

if your point in question was to request Bo2 competitions regularly to speed up world production, then what was the point in bringing up ticket length? I don't really see a correlation.
The point is, Staff should enable ways for us to ease the work load, so in turn more focus can be made on playerside issues like tickets.
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Staff should enable ways for us to ease the work load, so in turn more focus can be made on playerside issues like tickets
Oh i see. Since some of the other staff jobs can be put onto player volunteers without granting any actual additional perms... which means the staff would have more time for tickets
Since some of the other staff jobs can be put onto player volunteers without granting any actual additional perms...
Even though they aren't getting perms, there will most likely have to be a staff chaperoning said players with whatever it is they're doing. Making sure nothing is going on that shouldn't.

I do however agree with the BO2 suggestion, but again that takes some amount of monitoring that could just be spent on building the worlds. Staff would have to be going through builds looking at whatever was made and judging them. Takes up time just like the building does.

Really is difficult finding a perfect solution to some of these things.
maybe they could have a ticket staff separately? like they could have lower level game staff only have the authority to answer tickets, and in turn they have to turn to a higher up to only get in the elbow grease. it'd be an unabuseable system, and also lower the time it takes for other staff to get through tickets, and it lets the players get the attention they need
maybe they could have a ticket staff separately? like they could have lower level game staff only have the authority to answer tickets, and in turn they have to turn to a higher up to only get in the elbow grease. it'd be an unabuseable system, and also lower the time it takes for other staff to get through tickets, and it lets the players get the attention they need
Not un-abuseable. Anyone could easily flame in the ticket. Yes they would be punished for it almost immediately, but still that puts more on staff to worry about. Not to mention a lot of the tickets only certain departments can handle.
but anyone can flame already? it doesn't give them any real power beyond what they have. the whole purpose of it would be an information relay system, in which the player would function as a filter and remove simple issues that can be easily solved, while compressing the information into a short two minute task for the moderator in question. in this way, it's possible to have a larger amount of help available, while only needing to recruit a small handful of very competent people, and freeing up time for staff, who have other important issues to address
like they could have lower level game staff only have the authority to answer tickets, and in turn they have to turn to a higher up to only get in the elbow grease.
Keep in mind that the current system essentially has the rank1 gamestaff can only answer some issues. Rank2 can answer more.. Rank3 can answer them all. So that would be (at least i think) a bit hard to change.
Just a few points that I'm pretty sure a staff member is going to bring up at some point, that I'm going to mention from my past experience as a staff member.

As the years have passed, Staff have less and less looked at a being staff as a job and more as something to do at their own convenience. Now wait a second, before you post a reply, and please read the rest of the post.

If you weren't making the assumption that being a staff member is a job, you're alright. If you were though, do know that almost every staff member does not view being staff as a job, in the textbook definition of the word. As far as I know (and what I knew when I was staff), they do not get paid for their work, there are no investment options, benefits given can be argued (/fly and staff commands could be considered a benefit or perk of the job by some,) and they aren't required to work a set number of hours per week on a set schedule. If I had to take a guess, I would assume (and I could be wrong) that most staff members view their staff work as "down time," as you so called it. Because when I was staff, when I logged on to the server, it didn't feel like I was punching a timeclock and starting a job, it felt like I was doing something I enjoyed, while helping other people, and enjoying my down time.

My second point stems more from player assumptions of how complex an internal staff related issue may be, and what can be done to fix it. I've noticed a lot of players in the past raising issues such as server lag, lack of meaningful PVP, etc, and thinking their proposed solution is the fix all end all. And it isn't isn't. I might be the tip of the iceberg.

My point being is, you made a lot of assumptions in your original post. I can't tell you which ones ended up right or wrong, because I'm no longer staff so I don't know how they function nowadays when it comes to internal issues. Just be prepared for a lot of challenge on your assumptions if you continue this discussion further.

As for constructive ideas, to help players via a community outreach, you can always be super active in help chat yourself, or join with @onearmsquid and his group that does help chat staff.
What I'm trying to say, is that staff should find better ways to let the community (Us) help them develop the changes that affect our gameplay.
I believe that the current staff are busy with either IRL or important issues/projection for the server. Staff shouldn't have to come up with a way for the community to help. We should be finding our own ways. The Help Chat Army is my attempt in helping as it would help free up staff to do more important things aside from answering questions. Many players who just join or have joined long ago do not know/remember how to play MassiveCraft as it is a very different way of playing Minecraft. Many people can help others just by being friendly and by assisting people who need help. There are many posts in the "Help Central" forum a day that you can help with. Instead of creating this post (which I do agree with some of these points) you could be thinking of ways for you as a player to help the server. We shouldn't put the whole load of work on the current staff, they can only hand so much before their back's break (metaphorically speaking).
First item of business: Players don't have days of free time to scour the forums for a single thread. A thread that most likely will not appeal.

It's uh, stickied as third thread in the server announcements, Is there any more important section on the forum/any easier to find thread?

Second: There literally no incentive to help with Bo2's other than getting staff credits.
(Which doesn't appeal to many active player)

You're losing me here. You're advocating players to help staff make the community better, but you're denouncing this particular point that was brought up because it doesn't have enough incentive? Like what other incentive do you need beyond making the world production faster and getting access to new content easier? If someone demands further incentive or reward for "helping" then they aren't helping, they are just finding a new venue to make a profit for themselves, which is entirely not the point even of being staff or helping staff.
I might also add, the reason why the Help Chats squad was made, was because players noticed staff weren't answering help chat questions as often as before.
I founded and now lead the "help chat squad/army" and we agree that there has been a slight decrease in players and interest in the server. This usually happens every year when the summer ends and school begins. The group that we are in did not start by any notice in staff activity or anything along the lines that deals with staff. Granted, we do it to help them, but we didn't start it because staff weren't doing their job. We started it to help free up staff's time so they can focus on more important things such as Job Island, PvP balaning, etc.
So you have any other ideas on how we can help staff?
There are many ways to assist the current staff, you can start by leading with example. Following the rules and showing your interest in bettering the server. You can also help by joining the Bo2 squad, link to join provided here ( Coming up with cool and exciting new ideas that can become premium features or just a feature on the server. As well as creating an interest in the server, becoming popular on YouTube, Twitch, etc and advertising for the server through that.
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