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On the Lukewarm and the Necessity for Devotion
The Seventeenth of the Fourth Month, 309 AC
Gruß und Kaiserliche benediktion.
It is devotion in faith which is paramount to the Unionist mission and yet, it is devotion which wanes in the hearts of men. It is devotion to the Holy Spirit, to the Unionist creed, to those foundations which have molded this very society which have sadly become things of yesteryear, devout faith replaced with that of the lukewarm man, apathetic to those plights and plagues of the modern day which so egregiously erode those said foundations as to dim the light at a nation's heart. It is that once bright beacon, now rendered a thing so faintly seen which must return and will only return by the will of men, steadfast or renewed in their piety and at the center of their own hearts, a burning flame; a flame of faith.
Renewed faith is what is necessary, lest our cultures too be ultimately consumed by those divisions sparked by such a false faith as the temporal, not of that which is Holy, the Imperial Spirit, but of that profane and only capable of virtue through Him: man. It is in a world ruled not by the faith but by culture which is one absent of peace and pure only in chaos, consisting of said divisions which tear so unceasingly at the very fabric which joins us together. So to those who find devotion to that of man and of culture, so lukewarm in their faith to truth, I admonish and beckon them to that devotion needed so direly.
Renewed faith is what is necessary, lest our cultures too be ultimately consumed by those divisions sparked by such a false faith as the temporal, not of that which is Holy, the Imperial Spirit, but of that profane and only capable of virtue through Him: man. It is in a world ruled not by the faith but by culture which is one absent of peace and pure only in chaos, consisting of said divisions which tear so unceasingly at the very fabric which joins us together. So to those who find devotion to that of man and of culture, so lukewarm in their faith to truth, I admonish and beckon them to that devotion needed so direly.
"The Importance of Faith"
"The Importance of Faith"
As faith erodes, so too do many things along with it. Virtue, good, unity; with faith absent, so are they, replaced by that of the temporal which is, as something purely of men, an amalgamation of imperfection before the perfection of the Holy Spirit. Such imperfection, allowed to fester without check, will destroy us, iniquity among men corroding the good of others and so, all society shall be ruled not by virtue, but sin. It is perhaps this very fact which brings to mind most stirring images of terror; yet, this is not to say that the temporal is an abhorrent thing. In fact, the temporal is a vehicle for good, yet only when guided by the true faith. Without it, man finds itself without it's beacon, stumbling on the Great Path and delving into the brush at either side, one filled with progress in contradiction to that of the mission the Spirit did ordain; His mission, one of progress of innovation, not of corruption of the good and right values of Unionist teaching.
It is for this reason why faith is so intrinsic in the temporal world for it is due to the grievous hand of temptation that the source of good is not man but the Holy Spirit and with that, man only capable of good by those teachings of Him. So, it is through the Spirit alone that that vehicle which is the temporal can be molded into a vehicle of good, striving for innovation among a Path which changes so quickly before our eyes. Yet, among this innovation, it is through the Spirit that the traditions and core values, lost in the Spirit's absence, can be maintained and only through Him can man stay true to their Path.
Lest we see man crumble due to those temptations, it is us who must see the Spirit returned to the core of all walks in life, man always conscience to the virtues they are beckoned to so fervently follow by those teachings; the one truth, of the one true faith.
"The Lukewarm Man"
"The Lukewarm Man"
As said prior, it is the lukewarm man who is apathetic to the plights of the day which so effectively and in such an abhorrent manner, tears at the moral fabric of Unionist society and allows into our homes iniquity of such a considerable degree. Whether the lukewarm Unionist supports this outright or simply stands idle as moral teaching crumbles around them, it is they who must be admonished for action is necessary and inaction or rather, the welcoming of these immoral troubles, shall ensure our degradation for centuries to come. It is the lukewarm man, without devotion for the cause of the righteous, who will see to it that the great halls; bastions of virtuous belief which are the Cathedrals and the Churches, shall lie empty and the halls of governance, the town centers, the city squares, are filled with affronts to the traditions of the ages of which we have so proudly upheld for these tens of decades since the First Revelation.
So, as I too said prior, I also call those admonished fellows who no longer find themselves devoted to the Unionist message, to once more reignite within their hearts and souls, the flame of faith. It will only be then, when those flames shine brightly that too, the flames at the hearts of the Unionist Empire and nations will too be reignited and once more, as the beacon of which we of humanity and of the Unionist flock as a whole have been ordained, will serve as the guides and shepherds of all to that foretold Paradise. Only then shall the moral teachings be upheld above all others and we shall be the virtuous once more, as have been anointed at our birth by none other than the Holy Spirit Himself.
"The Unionist Resolution"
"The Unionist Resolution"
As I sit here, I come to the realization that what I have written may sound like fear mongering, of which some of it is for these are times to be feared. Yet, while my words may seem as if they are laced with anger, instead, they are ones of worry. As I witness before my sunken eyes the times of old disperse like day into night, I worry to such great degree that that sun of which I grew to love, a sun which symbolized tradition, Unionist belief, will never rise again and unto the people of the modern day will befall this horrid and eternal night, only to be relieved by some divine intervention and not by the efforts of man of which we have been entrusted to do.
As this most terrible night surfaces upon the horizon, I must remind all of why faith is so very important and whilst progress and the temporal are not things inherently of evil, they can only ever be things of beauty with the Unionist faith alone. Progress for instance is a matter of great importance, yet as we make way for this new, modern era, what becomes of progress is not treading a defined path but instead, walking those lands outside of that path; lands of where we are not meant to go. Too, the temporal, a vehicle of such good, can be made one of obscene design when it is deprived of the truth which has been bestowed unto us by the Spirit.
So, while nothing of man, or man itself, is inherently terrible, a falsity of hopelessness and narcissism, the place of the Spirit can not be forgotten and His place is at the heart of these matters of man. Therefore, I pass on this message to you that as a Unionist, there is no place for lukewarm faith, the lukewarm man not being a Unionist at all for a Unionist is not a cherry picker in this great garden of virtue, but instead, one who takes into their basket all the fruits of virtue and all the teachings held upon those blessed vines. So take unto your shoulders all those fruits and once more shall we be beacons; ones of good and ones who shall mold this modern era into years of glory which shall be remembered fondly by the faith and not ones discarded to the centers of degeneracy which can so easily become commonplace in His absence.