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Reverential Address - Oh Hymns We Cry!

Jun 11, 2016
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Reverential Address
Oh Hymns We Cry!
High Exarch Aelfric Harhold

April 19th, 308 AC


'Sɛkʃn I - The Beauty of Hymns
'Sɛkʃn II - Hymns of the Radiant Eye


"Blessed is the one who walks in the step of the Unionist Faith, the divine faith of Humanity. Those who delight in the law of the Spirit, and those who work for the betterment of their kin."

- First line of the Verse of Faith. -


| 'Sɛkʃn I |

If you are a Unionist, you have certainly heard the hymns of Union on various occasions. Song plays a large role in mass and the voices of young seminarians and men and women of the choir can frequently be heard throughout service. The angelic sounds of the choir bring a sense of serenity to mass and just like incense and the choir bells, a choir can be heard in one of the abilities of a Unionist Sanktist.

Just as the wonderfully written sermons of a man of the cloth can leave a great impression upon the faithful, so can a beautifully crafted hymn impart a great sense of faith and piety upon listeners. The power of hymns is a great one and they can be employed to communicate great devotion and fervor for the Holy Spirit on high.

They can also help pious Unionists express the faith themselves as many find themselves within the choir or joining in the cries to the Spirit upon the Imperial throne as they sit within the congregation.

To perhaps aid the people in their worship, I have adopted three hymns and written them in this Reverential Address. As one worships, whether it be alone or among the congregation within one of the great Cathedrals of the Empire, additionally to your usual prayers do sing these hymns as to express your praise and devotion to the He and His Creeds.

| 'Sɛkʃn II |

"To Theomar We Cry!"

On the mountains we cry,
To Theomar on high,
With praise we sing,
As our voices carry along the wind,

Our voices raise,
To praise,
Theomar on high,

The author of the Creeds,
The enlightener of man,
For he we bleed,
Theomar on high,

On the mountains we cry,
To Theomar on high,
With praise we sing,
As our voices carry along the wind,

Our voices raise,
To praise,
Theomar on high,

Wars we fight,
For the divine light,
Expanding the Spirit's cause,
To lands abroad,
Theomar on high,

For the Emperors we sing,
The vessels of the Spirit,
The first of them being,
Theomar on high,

On the mountains we cry,
To Theomar on high,
With praise we sing,
As our voices carry along the wind,

Our voices raise,
To praise,
Theomar on high!

"The Great Path We Take!"

The Spirit's light,
Shines down upon us,
As we tread the great path,

He leads the way,
To keep His enemies at bay,
Along the great path,

His light shines down,
Upon the Great Way,
To lead us,
Along the great path,

We stand as pillars,
March as soldiers,
Push the boulder,
Along the great path,

Centuries come,
It shall have begun,
We shall reach the end,
Of the great path,

Those lost return,
We shall no longer mourn,
For Ailordom shall rule,
Purity shall prevail

So the great path we shall take,
For the Spirit commands,
The Ailor race to rule,

We move to Paradise with haste,
With the Spirit as our guide,
As we tread the great path!

"The Spirit's Eye"

The Spirit's Eye stands valiant,
Among the clouds on high,
He watches those on the mortal plane,
Each day of their lives,

He assures the faith,
Of the Human race,
To see their virtues,
And their vices,

To await his faithful,
When they ascend to the heavens,
To weigh their good deeds to their sins,

To be allowed past the gates of the heavens,
One is permitted into the destined future,
As one day the two worlds will merge,
And the place of the living will mirror the dead,

When one finds themselves cast back to the living,
They had lived their life in sin,
Yet to be allowed such as chance to redeem,
Is the Spirit's light,
Shining down upon ye',

Yet to live a life non-human,
Is to be of a lesser race,
His mercy not coming without challenges,

So beware ye' sinners,
For to live life in vice,
Is to live life non-human in the next,

The Spirit's Eye stands valiant,
Among the clouds on high,
He watches those on the mortal plane,
Each day of their lives,

He assures the faith,
Of the Human race,
To see their virtues,
And their vices,

So live life in virtue,
Otherwise to be cast to a life askew,
The Spirit watches!

Faithful! Take these hymns to show your great piety and utilize them in your worship. To sing these hymns is to praise Him above. To worship Him devoutly. More will come in the coming days and weeks and I hope to spread the hymns of Union far and wide. For now, Spirit's benediction be upon all.


May the Spirit above,
Upon the radiant Imperial Throne,
Protect us against all evil,
Until the day where we his faithful,
Bring forth Paradise to Aloria,
When his light shall shine upon all,
Oratario Paean.

Sorry for how not professional these are. I wrote them by myself and I am in no way a great songwriter or poet. So, if anyone who is good at this stuff and is interested in helping out as I do plan to hopefully do this again in the future, I would be happy to receive that. Otherwise, thanks for reading!
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