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Return Of The Islander


Archmage of Avgard
Nov 20, 2012
Reaction score

The return of the Madame de Oakclyff was a glorious one, the family once more being one of notice. The small folk were overjoyed at the news and were proud to serve such a powerful woman. Those that weren't as glad would be dealt with accordingly. Olivia had the loyalty of her people, and more importantly, her eyes set on the stars. Her ambition would not -- could not -- be tamed. It was with this in mind that she would set about making her ideas reality.

She looked across the sea from beneath the branches of the mighty oak that her family had found guidance from. Just barely viewable on the horizon was that outline of an island in the morning fog. That would be their first stop. Her first claim.


They departed from Oakclyff in the twilight hours of the day, the light of the moon still shining down upon them as their ship made its way out to sea. It would be best to get there before the small folk had began their duties for the day Olivia had decided. That, and their previous attempt had happened under the light of the moon and stars and the Ithanian could not help but hope her husband and daughter were looking down on her from those specks of starlight.

They made landfall on Avull Island just as the sun rose from the east. The golden beams sparkled on the silver sigil that graced the sail of the ship, and the islanders arrived to the dock to see what it was their neighbors wanted. While they had been in close proximity to one another for generations, the various bouts of depression that family had gone through had kept them from ever making any acts towards the island. Now, however, they were as powerful as they were proud.

Olivia stepped down from the ramp, the crew behind her unloading barrels and crates as she strode forward, the people of the island eyeing her nervously. She wore a fine coat of blue and silver to protect her from the winds of the sea, and her boots looked as worn as those around her. The Ombre matriarch retained her regal aura yet also had an air of familiarity about her that the small folk found comforting. When she finally spoke, standing atop one of the crates that had been unloaded, they listened with open hearts.

"Bonjour à tous!" She said in greeting, a smile upon her face. "I come bearing gifts for ze wonderful people of zis isle. Luxuries I fear zat you 'ave been robbed of because of ze isolation island life can force upon you." As Olivia spoke, her crew broke open the boxes and barrels, revealing tea leaves, wine, and raisins. The people of Avull Island looked in awe, baffled as to why they were being given such things. Reaching down, Olivia brought forth a handful of the dried tea leaves, breathing in the aroma that drifted from her hand as she crushed the leaves. She looked to the crowd as she did this, adding, "Zees is tea from ze island I was raised upon." At that the crowd looked even more confused. They knew the Ombre resided in their keep in the cove, what was she talking about?

Olivia took note of their bewilderedness and continued to speak, explaining, "I am an islander such as you. I know ze struggles that come with zis kind of life -- a lifestyle I would never give up." At that, she earned some hoots of approval and cheer. The smile on her face finally reached her eyes. They were hers. "Oui, ze island provides for you as it always will. So will ze sea! I know zis. You know zis." Again, roars of approval came from the people.

She brought her closed fist in front of her, the crushed tea inside, and opened it. The dust of the leaves gone in the wind and a somber tone fell upon the crowd as she spoke, "Yet zere are dangers zat come with zis life. All you care for, you love, you worked for can be taken away in an instant. Gone to ze wind like ze leaves we sow." The crowd grew silent as they took in what she said. It was true. They still grieved for those they lost to raids and nature's wrath. "So I offer you my protection. As a zista' islander and woman of her word I promise zat you will prosper. I will keep your ladders full, children healthy, and pockets rich." Olivia said, the hope and reassurance in her voice bringing the crowd to a roaring applause and cheer.

As she set about the main hall of the island, signing this decree and that to formally mark her claim on the island, Olivia couldn't help but smile. Things were finally coming together.

Bonjour mes pairs,

I do hope this letter reaches you all in good health and well being, something the people of Avull Island have not had the luxury of. For too long they have been forgotten by the mainlanders of the Archipelago and shall no longer suffer because of the ignorance of others. I have brought the people and their land under my watchful wing, to be protected by the same mighty oak that has blessed mine own house.

My protection now extends to these fair people and all they hold dear. Any act of aggression taken towards them shall be seen as a direct attack on my house. Which will have dire consequences for all involved; yet, that is not the only promise I make to you. I hope to open the island to more trade and it would behoove you to stop by the island when sailing to Regalia from the south, as my ships will be patrolling the waters to make them safe for all. This safety of the straight between Montania and the Island is something I hold important, so do take time to stop by and freshen up, purchase some local goods, and pay the proper tax.

Blessings on you,