Preserved Sheet Ret Naarav - Desert Dakkar

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Sorry, I was busy with celebrations @EnderTheMad .
  • I've discussed with some staff the possibility of sand magic. There's a general consensus that says no, and the chat you had with MantaRey seems rather vague. You say you've done Lore Q&As, but you can't provide links to them. Please look through your post history to find them, or write another Lore Q&A about it. Please take care of this first, and then I'll continue reviewing once you've made possible edits based on the response of the Q&A. Generally, the opinion is that sand magic is not accepted, so if you really think it could be then I'd very much request for you to write another Q&A. Thank you. Please link it here once you have a response from the staff responsible for the Q&As. Happy New Years!
Sorry, I was busy with celebrations @EnderTheMad .
  • I've discussed with some staff the possibility of sand magic. There's a general consensus that says no, and the chat you had with MantaRey seems rather vague. You say you've done Lore Q&As, but you can't provide links to them. Please look through your post history to find them, or write another Lore Q&A about it. Please take care of this first, and then I'll continue reviewing once you've made possible edits based on the response of the Q&A. Generally, the opinion is that sand magic is not accepted, so if you really think it could be then I'd very much request for you to write another Q&A. Thank you. Please link it here once you have a response from the staff responsible for the Q&As. Happy New Years!
All right, I'll see if I can find the link, gonna run a ticket, to clarify, manta said that a stone mage could control rocks down to 1mm in diameter, which neatly fits into the definition for "course sand"
Yes @EnderTheMad , but you asked her for something so specific instead of 'Can I move sand with stone magic' so I first of all think she may have misunderstood what you were asking her (because it was certainly an abstract question) but, this isn't personal, but I'm afraid you may not stick to this 'course sand' definition in-game. Not all sand is course sand and I'm scared this will be a case of carrying around sand to use for it and then being a weapon all the time using this kind-of special 'type' of stone magic you've thought of. But instead of me making the final verdict on this, I'd like to see a lore Q&A saying yes to the exact question of sand magic (no swerving around the question or being vague) and then I'll re-evaluate.
Yes @EnderTheMad , but you asked her for something so specific instead of 'Can I move sand with stone magic' so I first of all think she may have misunderstood what you were asking her (because it was certainly an abstract question) but, this isn't personal, but I'm afraid you may not stick to this 'course sand' definition in-game. Not all sand is course sand and I'm scared this will be a case of carrying around sand to use for it and then being a weapon all the time using this kind-of special 'type' of stone magic you've thought of. But instead of me making the final verdict on this, I'd like to see a lore Q&A saying yes to the exact question of sand magic (no swerving around the question or being vague) and then I'll re-evaluate.
I purposely said course sand because it has certain properties, i have emoted my char not actually being able to move anything more than a cubic meter and if its too fine i would simply say "Does not have any effect"

Currently the difficulty here is "How many 1mm sized rocks could a stone mage control"
Dug this up,
It states that sand/mud/insert anything else here can be controlled just so long as it is very dense, stone-like dense.
Now, the very definition of sand is "Sand is composed of unconsolidated rock fragments that have a general particle size range and include size classes from granule- to boulder-sized fragments."
This means that courser variants can be considered stone, or dense enough to be considered stone, therefore proving that it does fit within the guidelines, just so long as it is mainly composed of high-granule-sized fragments
Now, my "Sand" is actually more fine gravel than course sand, the largest degree of the particulates fit around 18ss on the Swarovski Stone Size Chart
A real-size image of which can be found here

Anything of 31pp to 60ss is considered a "Stone"
Now, as my questions to Manta confirmed, it is possible to control stones down to 1mm in diameter (Technically classified as particulates)
So the size of 4.2-4.4 mm of 18ss neatly is quadruple the smallest size, so size isnt a problem.
Now, my "Sand" is actually more fine gravel than course sand, the largest degree of the particulates fit around 18ss on the Swarovski Stone Size Chart
A real-size image of which can be found here

Anything of 31pp to 60ss is considered a "Stone"
Now, as my questions to Manta confirmed, it is possible to control stones down to 1mm in diameter (Technically classified as particulates)
So the size of 4.2-4.4 mm of 18ss neatly is quadruple the smallest size, so size isnt a problem.

Swarovski are gemstones, not actual stones. They're glass.
Buuut, @EnderTheMad , I'm still going to have you ask a Lore Q&A. Else I'm going to have to make you remove sand from this and bump your magic level down to mage. You don't need to justify it to me, you need to write the Lore Q&A so the higher-ups can make their final verdicts, as this is apparently a debated topic. I vote no for sand magic. What their decision is is up to the answerer of the lore Q&A. So get on to doing that, and then we'll see - else I'll have to reject the application for lore incompliancies.
@EnderTheMad Nevermind, this is the final answer.
Therefore, please remove all mention of sand from this character application and bump the magic level down to mage because I see you already have a special permission on another character with an expert level fighter group. I know this is a core part of your character, so let me know what you do.
@EnderTheMad Nevermind, this is the final answer.
Therefore, please remove all mention of sand from this character application and bump the magic level down to mage because I see you already have a special permission on another character with an expert level fighter group. I know this is a core part of your character, so let me know what you do.
You are allowed 2 special perms
Writing that Ret is able to control "large amounts of stone" is powergaming. No matter how skilled, you can't exceed the boundaries of expert magic. On top of that I'd like you to add another physical weakness; one that will actually affect him. Your lack of resistance to cold is only applicable in winter (which is almost over, too) and builds on a weakness that's not even described in normal Dakkar lore. The way you've described anxious, it doesn't seem like it should belong in weaknesses, but rather be a personality trait. Being short-sighted isn't a very strong weakness; therefore I find that most of your weaknesses are simply too weak to counterbalance your character's rather extreme expert level stone magic. Therefore, remove resistance to cold and remove anxiety (move it to personality, or just redact it) and then add two more weaknesses. I look forward to seeing good weaknesses you'll be forced to play out. Additionally, make sure to expand in the weaknesses just how they'll affect him; go in depth, or I'll bug you to do it again. @EnderTheMad
Writing that Ret is able to control "large amounts of stone" is powergaming. No matter how skilled, you can't exceed the boundaries of expert magic. On top of that I'd like you to add another physical weakness; one that will actually affect him. Your lack of resistance to cold is only applicable in winter (which is almost over, too) and builds on a weakness that's not even described in normal Dakkar lore. The way you've described anxious, it doesn't seem like it should belong in weaknesses, but rather be a personality trait. Being short-sighted isn't a very strong weakness; therefore I find that most of your weaknesses are simply too weak to counterbalance your character's rather extreme expert level stone magic. Therefore, remove resistance to cold and remove anxiety (move it to personality, or just redact it) and then add two more weaknesses. I look forward to seeing good weaknesses you'll be forced to play out. Additionally, make sure to expand in the weaknesses just how they'll affect him; go in depth, or I'll bug you to do it again. @EnderTheMad
Ok, short-sightedness is a weakness used by another approved dakkar stone mage, "Large amounts of stone" just means that, he can control large amounts of stone, not large for a expert, but large in general,
Slender for a Dakkar, Ectomorph
Just gonna drop this by.
The average Dakkar (meaning nothing spectacular) weighs about 200 pounds. So if you are going for the chubby Dakkar picture, you are doing fine. But seeing as this is not what you are going for, I suggest you drop the weight a good bit.

If you want the lore backup for this, I am sending something in the Skype chat, as I honestly have no clue how to post screenshots onto the forums.
@EnderTheMad I'm close to saying the sheet can be approved.
  • You still include references of "large amounts" of stone. Just remove these mentions as they seem a little presumptuous.
  • How does him being physically short-sighted affect his magic abilities? If he can't see beyond a meter, his stone magic skills would no doubt become very inaccurate if they're far away, and Ret wouldn't stand a chance of casting in time if a physical fighter was within a meter of him. Please make it clear how this affects his magic casting, and I can't express this enough - please, please make sure you roleplay this out as it's likely the key to balancing his character for now.
As @Chiruda has said, his shortsightedness will play a major part in his casting, and a bigger part in his every day life. Its a strange thought that any advantage a Dakkar has over his opponent is canceled out when the enemy takes a few steps back, but its true enough.
@EnderTheMad remember to do your edits. This sheet's review has taken a very long time compared to normal sheet applications. It'd be great to get it squared off and closed up soon.
Okay, @EnderTheMad ; this sheet has been a haul but I think I can approve it now. Just keep in mind that his shortsightedness is imperative to roleplay out because it's essentially what balances his magic in this. Just keep in mind that his magic is at a disadvantage if the enemy is far away. Ret Naarav is finally APPROVED.
Okay, @EnderTheMad ; this sheet has been a haul but I think I can approve it now. Just keep in mind that his shortsightedness is imperative to roleplay out because it's essentially what balances his magic in this. Just keep in mind that his magic is at a disadvantage if the enemy is far away. Ret Naarav is finally APPROVED.
Bumped him up to expert in hurling stone.
This is not going to work. Due to the balance of the sheet previously and the very close to rejection it was, I am not going to accept another expert magic on this character. It is incredibly unbalanced and due to this I am only going to allow one expert magic subschool. Please edit out all and any mentions of expert level hurling stone.
This is not going to work. Due to the balance of the sheet previously and the very close to rejection it was, I am not going to accept another expert magic on this character. It is incredibly unbalanced and due to this I am only going to allow one expert magic subschool. Please edit out all and any mentions of expert level hurling stone.