The Residents of the Jaaku are a group of varying criminals.
Either it being thieves or murderers they are all welcome.
While The Residents of the Jaaku let thieves and murderers into
the group, they do not allow sanguine of any kind into the group.
Because the group leaders do not believe that sanguine deserve a life and/or friends.
The Residents of Jaaku are always accepting new members.
All races alike are able to join the group.
The two leaders of this group are taking on apprentices of any age between twenty and thirty.
If one of the leaders happened to die their apprentice will step up and take their place as one of the next leaders.
2. If any member of the group is infected by the Sanguine curse they are to be removed from the group immediately if they are known to be one.
3. No fighting with other members, any other fights with non-members are allowed.
4. If members happened to get into trouble with the guard they are to not ask for any help from the group, for it is their problem.
5. Listen to all higher ups.
1. Do not be rude to other members.
2. Do not force your opinion onto other members just because they do not want to go along with your ideas.
3. Don't be a booty flake :3
Ign: (Minecraft Username)
Character name: (Full name including middle name if they have one)
Is your character approved: (I do not mind if the character is not approved)
Lil Physical Description:
Characters Strengths:
Characters age:
Do ye have skype?: (Highly recommended to have. If you have one pm your name)
How well do you think you can roleplay? On a scale of 1 to 10:
Do you believe yourself well versed in the lore?:
How active are you on massive?:
What timezone do ya live in:
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Leaders: Reilly Leianna @LickTheDamnDoor and Celina Orpheus @HubeyDoo
Apprentices: Theodluin Royra @AnimalisticArts
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If you have any further questions pm over forums or message me ig if I am on or mail me ig
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The Black Dragons
The Dark Watch
Reilly Leianna @OyaOyaOya
Celina Orpheus @HubeyDoo
Thorin Foliar Joshtin @Nano_Kay
Theodluin Royra @AnimalisticArts
Tiatha Fayeth @KingBrooke
Daeris Caleth @ikatiebee
Tina Amelia @Plasmar_Zebra
Melrin Teirist @Waifu__
Lyone Alaina Kinsley @Zytus
Celina Orpheus @HubeyDoo
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