Renard Family.


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Jul 24, 2016
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The Renard Family.
"Bien sûr, c'est une bonne chance."
"Of course it's all luck."


Family History.
With humble beginnings and humble continuing, the Renard family is a modest but historic family of the eastern Vixhall lowlands. The Renard family is best known for their orange orchards that roll through the quiet hills of Paseau, or perhaps by some for their dedicated work to the Church or their much more recent expeditions in the honey business. Nevertheless, the hardworking Champagnard family is comfortable with it's longstanding line of farmers. They also claim to owe their lineage to a rumoured folk hero from the early years between 100 A.C. and 120 A.C. that served under Primae Julian de Montverrat himself as one of the first Viridian knights. They have however abandoned their ties to the order and favour tending their land, with a rare few moving to Basta to study in the Havre-Sur-Bastillion or as men of cloth.

Family Heraldry.
Though the family owns little in terms of coin, it is old and like all families with rich history they must have heraldry to match. The Renard family heraldry pays homage to the Ivrae family and Unionism of course. Their coat of arms is split into quadrants, with the Ivrae stork in the top left corner whilst the other three contain an orange tree, a Unionist eye and an empty slot. The coat of arms is often wreathed in orange tree leaves. The colours are baby blue and orange.

Family Tree.




The Renard family is a side project that is a little lost for direction but I had some inspiration to make the thread anyway. Applications are open but it will be hard to get a character given the fluid nature of the family right now - I should mention, all characters are essentially write-ins. If you have an idea for someone then write it down. I would like to clarify that the Santigo family which I lead otherwise takes precedence over this family.

Given the state of the family oocly, I think I'll leave no application format. Write what you think is right.