Archived Removal Of The "mental Characteristics" Section

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a muppet of a man
Aug 20, 2016
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Some dark basement
Chalsie's fac
Roleplay Guilds
Silver Lining Fleet
Look at the people around you. They differ from you, right? You don't have the exact personality as another. You don't have the exact motives and morals as others, right? Look at a dog, there is no other dog like it, right? It is unique in at least the slightest of ways, right? It doesn't enjoy the same dog food as every other dog of that breed alive. Not all elephants like a certain type of food. Not all alligators like the same types of meat. This is what I think is wrong with roleplay. I have a character who is a yanar and often helps shendar characters and everybody around me goes "yanar can't like shendar, they are natural enemies" This really annoys me. My character doesn't care about race and I don't see why everybody has to make the mental characteristics so strict. Not all of a certain race have to have the same personality/mentality. What I propose is that we delete the "mental characteristics" section and replace it with "cultural opinions/mental restraints" Stating the intelligence capacity of each race and the major opinions of the main culture of each race."
This would make roleplay a lot easier and make it more open and compatible to the user. Right now, each race is in very strict social and personality boundaries. This is why nobody plays certain races as well. You don't see barely any slizzar because they are nearly impossible to roleplay as nobody is willing to talk to them under the impression that they are all untrustworthy and evil, which they are forced to be.
In the worlds of @Rinus "I don't find it fun rping as clone #738" (that is close enough to the quote I can't seem to go back and find it)
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
Look at the people around you. They differ from you, right? You don't have the exact personality as another. You don't have the exact motives and morals as others, right? Look at a dog, there is no other dog like it, right? It is unique in at least the slightest of ways, right? It doesn't enjoy the same dog food as every other dog of that breed alive. Not all elephants like a certain type of food. Not all alligators like the same types of meat. This is what I think is wrong with roleplay. I have a character who is a yanar and often helps shendar characters and everybody around me goes "yanar can't like shendar, they are natural enemies" This really annoys me. My character doesn't care about race and I don't see why everybody has to make the mental characteristics so strict. Not all of a certain race have to have the same personality/mentality. What I propose is that we delete the "mental characteristics" section and replace it with "cultural opinions/mental restraints" Stating the intelligence capacity of each race and the major opinions of the main culture of each race."
This would make roleplay a lot easier and make it more open and compatible to the user. Right now, each race is in very strict social and personality boundaries. This is why nobody plays certain races as well. You don't see barely any slizzar because they are nearly impossible to roleplay as nobody is willing to talk to them under the impression that they are all untrustworthy and evil, which they are forced to be.
In the worlds of @Rinus "I don't find it fun rping as clone #738" (that is close enough to the quote I can't seem to go back and find it)
You can pick this apart and criticize the heck out of it but actually read it, perceive what the words mean. Get an idea of what the heck I'm Trying to say other than just looking at this and seeing:

No progress is ever going to be made like that
Too many players, for the sake of being a snowflake, ignore obvious plot holes in their character designs, especially when they design their characters against the norm just for the sake of being contrarian.

If you're going to make a character that goes against the mental characteristic norm (which by the way, it totally allowed within reason), you should spend time thinking and declaring /why/ the character is so contrarian. If you haven't done this and you get annoyed because you have no way to respond to the people around you criticizing you, that's not the fault of the lore but your own need to make a speshiul character.

Also I wouldn't recommend holding banned players up to a platform of praise.
Yes, boo hoo. You wanted to be a loving, caring, compassionate little darling but you couldn't. You wanted to be a special snowflake. I get it, you're pissed that you couldn't get a character sheet approved due to a race's typical mental habits. But hey, in your argument, those don't matter. Perfect. So you're saying that, no matter what race, everyone happened to be raised on the same values and had the same history? How great. Utterly splendid. So you think someone who's lived in Pakistan their whole life has the same values as an American citizen? That someone in Sudan has the same values as a Russian man? No. It's called culture. I understand that you're butthurt but it doesn't change the facts of life.
You don't see barely any slizzar because they are nearly impossible to roleplay as nobody is willing to talk to them under the impression that they are all untrustworthy and evil
hey i didn't really have any problem with this as Cynthia tbh

but yeah i think it's all about perspective honestly. it's all about being shaped by their experiences and the culture they surrounded themselves with. what's in the lore in essence, is then the default culture they'd normally find themselves in, and their default set of beliefs.
I have a character who is a yanar and often helps shendar characters and everybody around me goes "yanar can't like shendar, they are natural enemies" This really annoys me

I don't actually see how that's an issue. Mostly stemming from the fact that there's such thing as a Shendar Seedling. Meaning that there must be at least one Yanar that was willing to create a Shendar seedling, meaning they definitely didn't view the Shendar as an enemy.

That's my two cents on the matter. I feel this is the root problem of this thread, so hopefully this helped to alleviate that problem. And just for the heck of it, I'll just link the yanar subrace page:
The thing is that some things are minor exceptions like a zany cat who is willing to eat lettuce! Wowza cats usually don't eat veggies. The problem is that some things are so contrary to the natural order that they are unacceptable. What if it was a man-eating house cat? The cat (if it existed) would be put down.

The problem isn't in small exceptions to small details of a culture like who likes who and who thinks they are superior to who, the problem is if you took the idea of some house cats eat odd things that other house cats don't eat and said that there therefore must be a 9 foot long albino house cat that eats nothing but other smaller house cats for food. Oh and it's completely sentient and totally a nice guy that eventually became really good friends with all the people at the humane society because they just happened to give it a shot at proving itself.

It's not a house cat anymore.

The point is that there are Unionist Shendar out there, sure. There are Yanar whose altruism extend to Shendar, sure. But there is probably not a whole neighborhood in some Yanar village where a whole tribe of Estel worshiping Shendar live side by side with seedlings of every single kind where they all practice Shadow magic because it's super cool and they just happened to also take in a family of Qadir who they teach all about Estel and also basic math and common because they thought that the Qadir family was just plain nice. Oh and there was a Rashaq with a PHD in Biology, just cuz idk, being a savage beast just wasn't cool anymore.

There are minor exceptions and there is just plain going too far.
Yes, boo hoo. You wanted to be a loving, caring, compassionate little darling but you couldn't. You wanted to be a special snowflake. I get it, you're pissed that you couldn't get a character sheet approved due to a race's typical mental habits. But hey, in your argument, those don't matter. Perfect. So you're saying that, no matter what race, everyone happened to be raised on the same values and had the same history? How great. Utterly splendid. So you think someone who's lived in Pakistan their whole life has the same values as an American citizen? That someone in Sudan has the same values as a Russian man? No. It's called culture. I understand that you're butthurt but it doesn't change the facts of life.
This, this a thousand times.
No? But why tho is my answer. None of your points are valid, because humans have the personality type of: varying. Others can be limited by fantasy. They don't follow rules.
Yes, boo hoo. You wanted to be a loving, caring, compassionate little darling but you couldn't. You wanted to be a special snowflake. I get it, you're pissed that you couldn't get a character sheet approved due to a race's typical mental habits. But hey, in your argument, those don't matter. Perfect. So you're saying that, no matter what race, everyone happened to be raised on the same values and had the same history? How great. Utterly splendid. So you think someone who's lived in Pakistan their whole life has the same values as an American citizen? That someone in Sudan has the same values as a Russian man? No. It's called culture. I understand that you're butthurt but it doesn't change the facts of life.
sure why not
I've noticed a few points in this argument which seem to imply that you aren't arguing about the issue of conformity and stereotypes when it comes to choosing a character race, but you simply lack the effort or ability to establish a realistic and organized character structure that is can be roleplayed. It's somewhat insulting to many when you attempt to promote and point out flaws (which really don't exist) in the character creation system that has been in place and has been improved upon for years, simply because it seems difficult for you to adhere to the guidelines set by those who develop the Roleplay Universe. While it's fine to try and develop a unique inspiration for the content you create, it is needed for you to actually try to develop a storyline for said character that will run full circle. I'd to take the advice of other people after they have responded to you many times trying to be supportive and respectful despite your impatience with the system in place. It's unfair at this point.