Archived Removal Of Mcmmo

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Aug 18, 2013
Reaction score
Hello, I have been a player of MassiveCraft for 2 months now and I feel that MCMMO is completely unneeded on our Server.

- Unbalanced PVP where the strongest one almost always wins, coupled with the Premium perk.
- With Fishing items removed, it is unfair for our newer players who have to repair items from scratch compared to the older players who received more than 7000 power due to the repairing of the Treasures.
- Several special abilities don't comply with Medieval terms, such as Super Breaker or Tree Feller. You don't just cut off a whole tree with a chop or mine through tens of stone with just a small touch of the Pick. Also, you don't fall from a 15 story building without breaking a limb.
- New players will be encouraged to stay, knowing that they won't feel inferior to the other players and are actually on par with them.
- This feedback doesn't come from me alone, as I have spoken to several other players about it.
- Instead of players just restraining themselves to the Dark Room all day, they can work more on building great structures, which MassiveCraft is in need of at the moment. (Outside of Regalia, only Factions such as Algaron or Valorian have good architecture out of the hundreds out there)
-As a coder myself, I understand how hard it is to actually update this plugin version after version, especially when the owner isn't very up to date as well as the amount of bugs players are complaining about these days.

What do ye guys think? :P
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
I feel sorry for the guy. Some of us have gotten only 5 Negative ratings.
Some have 10.
A few have 20.

But this guy got 50. Within a week.
I feel sorry for the guy. Some of us have gotten only 5 Negative ratings.
Some have 10.
A few have 20.

But this guy got 50. Within a week.
But in a way we all knew it was coming. I mean mcmmo is a core part of the server, its like factions or massive chat, you wouldn't suggest removing those (although there was that 1 guy). It can be changed of course (like it was when fishing was removed) as can factions and massive chat.
I shouldn't have to comment so I will post a meme.


Marry me.
Mcmmo dose not make pvp unbalanced, its not hard to train your skills. Anybody can do it, I've fought people with very low mcmmo and had a hard time killing them (I have max stats), its not all about the stats its more about skill. All you have to do is join a faction with a dark room and kill mobs. Or like I did make friends over team speak (SoTotallyAce) and they might help you learn how to train them. It took me about 3 weeks or less to get all the mcmmo pvp stats maxed, unarmed 1000+, axes 1300+ swords 850 (750 is max) archery 1000+. It just takes dedication.
ive been on this server for slightly over a year, and my power level is only about 150, i could be lazy, or maybe i focus on RP too much, while my sis plays, barely focuses on RP, and virtually takes care of everything, has a power level of 1000 (give or take 50), and she has only been playing 2 months. My idea, is to reset mcmmo every year, but i dont care, as i am in Regalia 87.95% of the time

Why would you do this? That would just waste peoples time, besides it would make little difference as you can get axes above 1000 in 3 days, If you're a pro.

This is a stupid and terrible idea, you are basically dictating what people know, you can be good with math and the same time good at computers, who are you to say you can't master more than 1 skill? If you train each skill you learn it and master it, very realistic. For example, a soldier is skilled with his gun, but also skilled with his fists.
I'm going to agree that no one can be a master swordsman AND farmer. I suggest a cap on power and not each skill. Maybe 5000? That way you can have each skill at an average level. 5000/12=416.66667 or five skills at 1000. Also a cap of 1000 (when skills reach their peak) so resource gatherers that want PvP skills don't lose power they want somewhere else. Anything you'd want different, just tell me.

Are you dumb? Why can't someone be a master swords man and be good at farming? Its not hard to learn how to farm.
I want to give this post an agree and a disagree at the same time:
  • I personally think that McMMO is a bad example of how training a certain skill should be. In my opinion, for all those top McMMO masters, you can't be the best farmer in the world as well as being the best swordsman. It just doesn't work like that.
  • Furthermore, an algorithm where if two conditions are met would trigger a maximum for both(such as swords and farming both being above 750 or whatever, maybe being editable in configuration), would be a better approach and actually have certain roles.
  • Continuing to add on to that, if you haven't practiced that skill in a certain period of time, you lose a level or two. If you haven't picked up a bow and shot at something for a while, you are going to be rusty. That is the way I believe McMMO should work.
Also, guys, remember there are different viewpoints to this and that these are, essentially, debates. Hating on somebody and trying to give them as many disagrees as possible isn't the way to debate something like this. Not only that, but responses like these aren't the type of constructive feedback the person should be getting:

All I ask is that you keep an open mind to whatever is brought up, even if it may be seriously dumb and ridiculous. At least provide why it is dumb and ridiculous, and maybe see if there is something you might agree with him. After all, it is a suggestion, so don't start making him feel stupid about it and just being a bunch of jerks.

I can't understand your logic on this "You can't be" How do you know what someone can or can't do? You're not them so how could you possibly know what someone is capable of? Lets look at it this way "I can be a master swords man but I can't plant seeds in the dirt next to water...?" Logic=Broken
is it weird that I would love to see what would happen if there was no mcmmo for a week :P
Hello, I have been a player of MassiveCraft for 2 months now and I feel that MCMMO is completely unneeded on our Server.

- Unbalanced PVP where the strongest one almost always wins, coupled with the Premium perk.
- With Fishing items removed, it is unfair for our newer players who have to repair items from scratch compared to the older players who received more than 7000 power due to the repairing of the Treasures.
- Several special abilities don't comply with Medieval terms, such as Super Breaker or Tree Feller. You don't just cut off a whole tree with a chop or mine through tens of stone with just a small touch of the Pick. Also, you don't fall from a 15 story building without breaking a limb.
- New players will be encouraged to stay, knowing that they won't feel inferior to the other players and are actually on par with them.
- This feedback doesn't come from me alone, as I have spoken to several other players about it.
- Instead of players just restraining themselves to the Dark Room all day, they can work more on building great structures, which MassiveCraft is in need of at the moment. (Outside of Regalia, only Factions such as Algaron or Valorian have good architecture out of the hundreds out there)
-As a coder myself, I understand how hard it is to actually update this plugin version after version, especially when the owner isn't very up to date as well as the amount of bugs players are complaining about these days.

What do ye guys think? :P

Are you dumb? Why can't someone be a master swords man and be good at farming? Its not hard to learn how to farm.

No, but think about roleplay. The only training peasants needed for farming is defending their crops and animals. None of them are master swordsmen; their life is dedicated to farming.
It's more about than just planting seeds in the ground. Master farmers have to watch over them, make sure they get enough water, food, and sunlight, and they can't get the best harvest they can get if they are also fighting a lot with swords.

Farmers need to know a lot of things, such as how to plow the soil, what kind of soil to use. You don't just stick shit in the ground and hope it grows. There a lot of variables that an experienced farmer should know, and if you switch to being a master swordsman, many of those things will not stay with you and you will have to relearn them.

Also, my logic is correct. It's just like the lore - Are you going to argue with that as well? The lore states that you alone cannot hold up an aura no matter how strong you are, without being killed, of course. Same thing with resurrection. I could use that exact same logic to justify everything I do in RP, because like you are saying:
How do you know what someone can or can't do? You're not them so how could you possibly know what someone is capable of?
It's more about than just planting seeds in the ground. Master farmers have to watch over them, make sure they get enough water, food, and sunlight, and they can't get the best harvest they can get if they are also fighting a lot with swords.

Farmers need to know a lot of things, such as how to plow the soil, what kind of soil to use. You don't just stick shit in the ground and hope it grows. There a lot of variables that an experienced farmer should know, and if you switch to being a master swordsman, many of those things will not stay with you and you will have to relearn them.

Also, my logic is correct. It's just like the lore - Are you going to argue with that as well? The lore states that you alone cannot hold up an aura no matter how strong you are, without being killed, of course. Same thing with resurrection. I could use that exact same logic to justify everything I do in RP, because like you are saying:

Are you dumb? Why can't someone be a master swords man and be good at farming? Its not hard to learn how to farm.

Seriously, Panther? Do you seriously think that it's realistic that you can both be a master swordsman, fisherman, farmer and archer? There is no way that anyone could do that, and I only counted 4 skills.

I'm not sure that I agree with what Imboring is saying, but you are simply wrong.
Not being able to be good at all skills doesn't need to be realistic, players not being able to do everything on their own would help the economy and make factions more important.
I think its clear that most (95%+ , dont ask where I got my totaly legit data) of the Playerbase is against the removal of Mcmmo as this has become the probably most disagreed Thread in the Forums , I mean almost 60 ratings gainst it...
I think this thread is becoming ready to lock imao.
This thread has dissolved into a flame war. Locking.
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