Archived Removal Of Mcmmo

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Aug 18, 2013
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Hello, I have been a player of MassiveCraft for 2 months now and I feel that MCMMO is completely unneeded on our Server.

- Unbalanced PVP where the strongest one almost always wins, coupled with the Premium perk.
- With Fishing items removed, it is unfair for our newer players who have to repair items from scratch compared to the older players who received more than 7000 power due to the repairing of the Treasures.
- Several special abilities don't comply with Medieval terms, such as Super Breaker or Tree Feller. You don't just cut off a whole tree with a chop or mine through tens of stone with just a small touch of the Pick. Also, you don't fall from a 15 story building without breaking a limb.
- New players will be encouraged to stay, knowing that they won't feel inferior to the other players and are actually on par with them.
- This feedback doesn't come from me alone, as I have spoken to several other players about it.
- Instead of players just restraining themselves to the Dark Room all day, they can work more on building great structures, which MassiveCraft is in need of at the moment. (Outside of Regalia, only Factions such as Algaron or Valorian have good architecture out of the hundreds out there)
-As a coder myself, I understand how hard it is to actually update this plugin version after version, especially when the owner isn't very up to date as well as the amount of bugs players are complaining about these days.

What do ye guys think? :P
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Point one - Mcmmo allows certain races to have advantages in 'skills' that realistically, they would excel in, which enhances Role-play.
Point two - Mcmmo allows players to have a standing chance against those premiums that choose to spend money to get advances in the game, because all they need to do is train.
Point three- It's realistic for a person to have to 'train' something, to be good at it. 'Practice makes perfect'.
Point four- This is a MCMMO based Server and it's ridiculous to want to change that.
Point five - This server isn't solely about 'building'. It wouldn't make sense that everyone focuses on that because then, everyone would be having there own town....
Point Six - This server isn't only RP, it's also PVP based as well.
How many factions have you seen? I've counted quite a few with very remarkable architecture. Likewise, though this server isn't only RP, but also PVP, I do feel that if people wanted to PVP, they could simply go to the minigames hub for that. It gets to be a real annoyance when you're trying to work on building and then suddenly you're dead from someone who decides they want something from you so they instantly kill you until you meet their demands.
Also, I don't know about you, but I don't want to sit around all day chopping at a tree to get all of the wood from it...
A veteran swordsman will beat a beginner in most cases, a better trained player will beat a lesser trained one in most cases, it makes sense. Also you don't need mcmmo to win a fight. Lava, traps, team work, flint and steel, tactics, cannons, can all win a fight even if you are at a disadvantage when it comes to mcmmo. It is just as much about skill and skills.
Fully armoured new player attacked me with diamond sword.
I was unarmed, and unarmoured... Hit him once, and he dropped his sword.

I've got nothing against the MCMMO stats ^_^
If you don't like mcmmo leave massivecraft.....
- Instead of players just restraining themselves to the Dark Room all day, they can work more on building great structures, which MassiveCraft is in need of at the moment. (Outside of Regalia, only Factions such as Algaron or Valorian have good architecture out of the hundreds out there)
If you think like that, go TRAVEL to all the continents, as far as I am concerned ALMOST every faction has great structures. Take Fehem's for example, there's a whole frickin' town! Sure there's a bunch of people who stay in the darkroom and nonstop train. But that doesn't mean we aren't building "great structures", so open your eyes and go visit those structures and stop complaining about people only training their stats!
This is the evolution from noob woodcutter to god class woodcutter...

That said, I can agree with all the points he made, as well as all the points others have made. While I do not feel that MCmmo should be completely removed I do think there should be lower power caps placed to keep it, well, not obnoxious. When I can dig 12 diamonds from sand or dirt using 1 shovel, no repairs, there is a bit of an issue (though I love the diamonds). The balance hasn't been found yet, and I personally think there would be less complaints from newer members if the power caps were lower. I'd like to note that by Power Caps I mean the amount of damage an axe does in combat and the amount of tree feller power one can use. That would help balance the older, more god-level players with the newer ones. Think about it, every multiplayer game has a max level you can reach - but MCmmo can simply get better and better continually without ever hitting a max point. The newer players simple can't possibly reach the power levels of older ones because the older ones will always be improving.

Also, just for the OP to know, I have been on this server for 1 year 7 month (I used to be MasterMachine100). My power level still in the 4000s though, and doesn't look to break 5000 any time soon. I know folks who've been here less then 6 months with 2-3 thousand more power then me. So simply being on the server longer doesn't mean you'll have a higher power level, it's the effort you put into raising it that makes the level rise.
Hello, I have been a player of MassiveCraft for 2 months now and I feel that MCMMO is completely unneeded on our Server.

- Unbalanced PVP where the strongest one almost always wins, coupled with the Premium perk.
- With Fishing items removed, it is unfair for our newer players who have to repair items from scratch compared to the older players who received more than 7000 power due to the repairing of the Treasures.
- Several special abilities don't comply with Medieval terms, such as Super Breaker or Tree Feller. You don't just cut off a whole tree with a chop or mine through tens of stone with just a small touch of the Pick. Also, you don't fall from a 15 story building without breaking a limb.
- New players will be encouraged to stay, knowing that they won't feel inferior to the other players and are actually on par with them.
- This feedback doesn't come from me alone, as I have spoken to several other players about it.
- Instead of players just restraining themselves to the Dark Room all day, they can work more on building great structures, which MassiveCraft is in need of at the moment. (Outside of Regalia, only Factions such as Algaron or Valorian have good architecture out of the hundreds out there)
-As a coder myself, I understand how hard it is to actually update this plugin version after version, especially when the owner isn't very up to date as well as the amount of bugs players are complaining about these days.

What do ye guys think? :P
Your sober go home!
This is what I think McMMo helps with:
-It encourages newbies to try to be their best and try to get the highest power level.
-It keeps a lot of people out of Regalia, which produces less lag.
-It makes it easier to survive in the difficulty Massivecraft is set on.
-Also, it runs Massivecraft's Economy, because of thousands of miners who get over a stack of diamonds a day.

There might be more, but without McMMo, you would have to go through these pointers that McMMo gives.
Ok seriously, if MCMMO got removed what am I going to do with my 24 Sharpness Axe? burn them in lava? Or charge people with it 24 times
ive been on this server for slightly over a year, and my power level is only about 150, i could be lazy, or maybe i focus on RP too much, while my sis plays, barely focuses on RP, and virtually takes care of everything, has a power level of 1000 (give or take 50), and she has only been playing 2 months. My idea, is to reset mcmmo every year, but i dont care, as i am in Regalia 87.95% of the time
As one of the first acctual pvp'ers commenting on this heres what i have to say:

Mcmmo Is one of my favourate plugins, It allows you to use a variaty of different weapons to counter what your opponent is using. It adds so much depth into fighting and makes the experiance fun. With Mcmmo someone who understands it can take on multiple people with the same stats as him because he knows the effects and the abilitys.

Removing Mcmmo will make alot of very good fighters (All of them buy premium) rage quit massivecraft, there is no arguing with that.
So the OP is saying that he's gone out and seen every faction and only two of them are built well? I don't think that's likely. There may be some poorly built factions, but there are far more than two that are well made and planned. (Visit Sero.. I'm not biased.. at all ;) )
How is tree feller un-medieval? If I chopped my way through the bottom of a tree, the tree falls. Same with tree feller. If anything, that seems like an excellent addition to realism. Far better then wood floating in the air with a pile of leaves around it from people who don't chop down the whole tree. As for other things...I am not going to list all the realism that exists with all the aspects of mcmmo, but it should suffice to say the the more you practice something, the more skill you have at it, the better you are at doing it. Nuff' said.
I shouldn't have to comment so I will post a meme.

You say you've been here for two months, which would mean you are fairly new yourself. Though I've seen even newer players that seem to be more comprehensive of how MCMMO works and how it adds to the experience.

The most logical and simple answer to this post is no.
The courage and stupidity of people these days...
As we have "builder VS PVP" and noob/vs someonewithskills, please do remember, that with The End removed, the little "endgame" Minecraft has is gone.
This is where MCMMO goes into action, by adding endgame goals to the game.
I know players, who doesnt want to build or PVP, but devote their gameplay to become the best of X skill, such as fishing.
Mcmmo is one of the best rewarding plugins that exists in my opinion. It offers you more and more the longer you put effort into it. Infact getting more diamonds out of a job than you put into the job is actualy more encuraging to do the job. You want to build something? Mcmmo rewards you for gathering the stuff you need. Mcmmo also makes players want to stay. The longer they stay, the higher the rewards. Mcmmo is a constant flow of rewarding and giving the people gifts for wat they do. I see absolutly no harm in such.
As we have "builder VS PVP" and noob/vs someonewithskills, please do remember, that with The End removed, the little "endgame" Minecraft has is gone.
This is where MCMMO goes into action, by adding endgame goals to the game.
I know players, who doesnt want to build or PVP, but devote their gameplay to become the best of X skill, such as fishing.

Recently the "endgame" goal aspect of Massivecraft has been diminished for those who have reached the cap of almost all the mcstats. Now I find everyone, who I used to play Massive with, playing League or some other game(Or they're just jumping around their f home). Before, there was always a way to train. Now, its not tough to reach the cap of certain mcstats, I know people who've done it in a about a week or two if they get access to a fairly good darkroom. Although theres many other things to do in Massive such as RP, build, etc, they don't provide an "endgame" feature/aspect. And there aren't as many staff generated RP situations as there used to be such as Mrsbaver attacks. I'd like to see more things such as Masquerade balls and others if there isn't a way to implement a new endgame to Massive. It used to be more fun knowing that I have yet to reach the end of Mcmmo. Now that I have, it doesn't feel all that exciting now that theres not much to do.
Hello, I have been a player of MassiveCraft for 2 months now and I feel that MCMMO is completely unneeded on our Server.

- Unbalanced PVP where the strongest one almost always wins, coupled with the Premium perk.
- With Fishing items removed, it is unfair for our newer players who have to repair items from scratch compared to the older players who received more than 7000 power due to the repairing of the Treasures.
- Several special abilities don't comply with Medieval terms, such as Super Breaker or Tree Feller. You don't just cut off a whole tree with a chop or mine through tens of stone with just a small touch of the Pick. Also, you don't fall from a 15 story building without breaking a limb.
- New players will be encouraged to stay, knowing that they won't feel inferior to the other players and are actually on par with them.
- This feedback doesn't come from me alone, as I have spoken to several other players about it.
- Instead of players just restraining themselves to the Dark Room all day, they can work more on building great structures, which MassiveCraft is in need of at the moment. (Outside of Regalia, only Factions such as Algaron or Valorian have good architecture out of the hundreds out there)
-As a coder myself, I understand how hard it is to actually update this plugin version after version, especially when the owner isn't very up to date as well as the amount of bugs players are complaining about these days.

What do ye guys think? :P

Dude delete the post and ask someone to lock or delete the thread before you get 100 negative ratings.
I want to give this post an agree and a disagree at the same time:
  • I personally think that McMMO is a bad example of how training a certain skill should be. In my opinion, for all those top McMMO masters, you can't be the best farmer in the world as well as being the best swordsman. It just doesn't work like that.
  • Furthermore, an algorithm where if two conditions are met would trigger a maximum for both(such as swords and farming both being above 750 or whatever, maybe being editable in configuration), would be a better approach and actually have certain roles.
  • Continuing to add on to that, if you haven't practiced that skill in a certain period of time, you lose a level or two. If you haven't picked up a bow and shot at something for a while, you are going to be rusty. That is the way I believe McMMO should work.
Also, guys, remember there are different viewpoints to this and that these are, essentially, debates. Hating on somebody and trying to give them as many disagrees as possible isn't the way to debate something like this. Not only that, but responses like these aren't the type of constructive feedback the person should be getting:
The strongest person wins the fight? I agree, totally OP. /sarcasm
You say you've been here for two months, which would mean you are fairly new yourself. Though I've seen even newer players that seem to be more comprehensive of how MCMMO works and how it adds to the experience.The most logical and simple answer to this post is no.

All I ask is that you keep an open mind to whatever is brought up, even if it may be seriously dumb and ridiculous. At least provide why it is dumb and ridiculous, and maybe see if there is something you might agree with him. After all, it is a suggestion, so don't start making him feel stupid about it and just being a bunch of jerks.
Hating on somebody and trying to give them as many disagrees as possible isn't the way to debate something like this. Not only that, but responses like these aren't the type of constructive feedback the person should be getting:

All I ask is that you keep an open mind to whatever is brought up, even if it may be seriously dumb and ridiculous. At least provide why it is dumb and ridiculous, and maybe see if there is something you might agree with him. After all, it is a suggestion, so don't start making him feel stupid about it and just being a bunch of jerks.

Er. There is no need to actually pick by pick which entries you found ''not the type of constructive feedback the person should be getting''. The first sentence; ''Hello, I have been a player of MassiveCraft for 2 months now and I feel that MCMMO is completely unneeded on our Server.'' is quite silly in itself. May I also add the fact that I fully stand by my point, and a simple NO, is much better then going into detail about every flaw with this, for there are several.
Also, I regret nothing. Good day, sir.
Er. There is no need to actually pick by pick which entries you found ''not the type of constructive feedback the person should be getting''. The first sentence; ''Hello, I have been a player of MassiveCraft for 2 months now and I feel that MCMMO is completely unneeded on our Server.'' is quite silly in itself. May I also add the fact that I fully stand by my point, and a simple NO, is much better then going into detail about every flaw with this, for there are several.
Also, I regret nothing. Good day, sir.
Point five - This server isn't solely about 'building'. It wouldn't make sense that everyone focuses on that because then, everyone would be having there own town....
Point Six - This server isn't only RP, it's also PVP based as well.

The greatest thing about this server is that it can accommodate people that only want to PVP, only want to RP, or only want to build. You are never really forced to do it all.
Mcmmo should be removed, but not until something better shows up to replace it.
I want to give this post an agree and a disagree at the same time:
  • I personally think that McMMO is a bad example of how training a certain skill should be. In my opinion, for all those top McMMO masters, you can't be the best farmer in the world as well as being the best swordsman. It just doesn't work like that.
  • Furthermore, an algorithm where if two conditions are met would trigger a maximum for both(such as swords and farming both being above 750 or whatever, maybe being editable in configuration), would be a better approach and actually have certain roles.
  • Continuing to add on to that, if you haven't practiced that skill in a certain period of time, you lose a level or two. If you haven't picked up a bow and shot at something for a while, you are going to be rusty. That is the way I believe McMMO should work.
Also, guys, remember there are different viewpoints to this and that these are, essentially, debates. Hating on somebody and trying to give them as many disagrees as possible isn't the way to debate something like this. Not only that, but responses like these aren't the type of constructive feedback the person should be getting:

All I ask is that you keep an open mind to whatever is brought up, even if it may be seriously dumb and ridiculous. At least provide why it is dumb and ridiculous, and maybe see if there is something you might agree with him. After all, it is a suggestion, so don't start making him feel stupid about it and just being a bunch of jerks.
I'm going to agree that no one can be a master swordsman AND farmer. I suggest a cap on power and not each skill. Maybe 5000? That way you can have each skill at an average level. 5000/12=416.66667 or five skills at 1000. Also a cap of 1000 (when skills reach their peak) so resource gatherers that want PvP skills don't lose power they want somewhere else. Anything you'd want different, just tell me.
I'm going to agree that no one can be a master swordsman AND farmer. I suggest a cap on power and not each skill. Maybe 5000? That way you can have each skill at an average level. 5000/12=416.66667 or five skills at 1000. Also a cap of 1000 (when skills reach their peak) so resource gatherers that want PvP skills don't lose power they want somewhere else. Anything you'd want different, just tell me.
Sent a modified version of my idea with yours to the McMMO feature suggestions page on GitHub. Going to wait for a response on that.
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