Archived Remnants Of A Lost Society

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The Local Chav
Jun 6, 2014
Reaction score
England is my city
The Spanish Inqusition
Anyone here seen Guardians of the Galaxy, that gameplay of The Division?
Wouldn't it be cool if you could discover a left remnant of the people who lived in Regalia first. I mean, what if the Ailors were much more advanced in a early age? Maybe there are holograms which describe the past or maybe even the future? What about bioshocks holograms, they ran by the constant eve flowing through the player, creating the image of the memory. Still, if there was something really dark or something about Regalia?
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
I'm wondering if I should make a few references to the cat.. So, here I go.
"I obey the Cat.. What it gonna do, though? Cos its a pussy! To scared to fight me!"
"A man does! A Slave obeys!" Andrew ryan - 2 Seconds before I bashed his brains out with the ranger 9 iron.
That's sort of like the current Tigran lore. It's implied their ancient civilization may have had firearms, even electricity.
That's sort of like the current Tigran lore. It's implied their ancient civilization may have had firearms, even electricity.
...I was gonna say that too, but beat me too it. Also I think it's more like American Civil War era tech if we're talking about firearms and electricity. (Firearms been around for a while, around C.W. era is when both electricity and firearm weaponry started getting put to more common use, if I'm not mistaken. Could always be wrong though.)
When I saw this I though more of portals. Correct me if I'm wrong, but lore wise, portals were recently a rediscovered knowledge in the way that we re-discovered that you need a frame and emerald blocks to power it, but no one actually knows how it works. However, I do think it would be cool to have at least an old, fallen-down building or something from past inhabitants.
I would like to see something like the Maori or Native Americans having previously inhabited the Archipelago, but the idea of holograms and stuff is quite... silly.
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Not even Tigrans were that advanced.
I came here to be primitive and magikkly, post-apocalyptic scenes would make me vomit my own eyeballs