Reinhardt Kellan Josef Typhonus

Discussion in 'Character Sheets' started by SouthernComfort_, Aug 7, 2019.

  1. SouthernComfort_

    SouthernComfort_ Absent, Indefinitely

    Feb 10, 2016
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    Full Name: Reinhardt Kellan-Josef Typhonus

    Age: Twenty-One

    Gender: Male

    Race: Ailor

    Culture: Calemberger New-Regalian

    Religion: Unionism

    Preferred Weapon: Twin Shortswords


    Total Points: 21 Points [+15 Ailor Boost]

    Combat Proficiencies

    • +10 Blades Combat
    • +5 Athletic Training
    • +21 Front-Line Combat [+15 From Ailor Boost]

    Knowledge Proficiencies

    • +10 Marshal Knowledge [New-Regalian Boost]

    Body Shape

    Total Stat: Twenty-Six

    Body Type: Ripped

    Body Fat: Extremely Low


    • Common
    • New-Regalian


    Combat School of Rangers | Taught to him by a Veteran Ranger of the Bone Horror Crisis.



    Eye Color: Blue-Green

    Hair Color: Dark Brown

    Hair Style: Crewcut

    Skin Color: Lightly Tanned

    Clothing: His more casual outfits consist of well made jackets to wear over his loose dress shirts; he keeps his distance from any tight-fitting clothes. For pants he dresses with heavy fabric, and a pair of black leather boots to go with them. All of his choices consist of dark colors, though trying fit in his family’s colors somehow.

    Height: 5’11

    Reinhardt has a square face shape, with a well-defined jawline to add to this. Below his jawline he has a prominent adam’s apple, there is a thin scar that runs down next to it at a diagonal all the way to his collarbone. He has high cheekbones that give an angular, streamlined shape to his face. At the center of his face, he has a roman nose and bowed lips, giving him a symmetrical appearance. There is a scar that goes into the left side of his top lip, and another near that one that goes down the length of his jaw. His eyes are a balanced blend of blue and green, his brows have a low arch and give him a resting serious face. While he has a balanced face, it is not a very welcoming one and can give someone the impression that he is aloof.

    He trains everyday to maintain his ripped musculature, and has a mesomorph body type. His body is well balanced, not being either too top-heavy or vice versa due to his build; additionally, he does his best to maintain this balance by avoiding training his upper body more than his lower. Even though he spends a good amount of his time outdoors, he does not tan very easily due to his fairer skin which leaves him with a sunkissed tan and small freckles on his shoulders from sunburns. On his body, he has hair on his arms, chest, legs, and lower abdomen. There are countless scars on his body ranging from small to large, the more prominent ones being across his chest and arms. The Fourth Creed of Unionism is tattooed on his right arm, the numerals “XIII” on his left wrist.

    In reference to clothing, he loves high thread counts in his clothes, especially in his jackets and outerwear. While he has many outfits, his favorite and most common one that he wears is a black velvety jacket trimmed with silvery threads worn atop his green dress shirt. Normally he tries to incorporate some of his family’s pelts into this outfit, as a form of advertisement. He wears steel-toed black leather boots with any outfit he wears, however. Reinhardt is not one for jewelry, though he wears a single gold earring on his left ear.


    How would your character express Happiness and Contentedness?
    Even though he doesn’t smile very much, if he really is feeling happy, he surely will smile and let his guard down a bit. Though to maintain appearances, he doesn’t get very warm and happy a lot around people he doesn’t know. Unless he has had a drink or two, then it’s a different story.

    How would your character respond to experiencing Fear?
    As a trained fighter, he has learned to not lose his cool when he is afraid. He can keep a level head and train of thought whenever a dire situation rises. On the other hand, if someone is trying to scare him he will respond with swift outrage and anger. Depending on the situation, the only real times when he is scared is when he is helpless.

    How would your character respond to experiencing Stress?
    There are two reactions he has to stress. If the stress is being caused by a source unrelated to his family, then he handles it as best as he can but overall it generally doesn’t affect him deeply. Now, is the stress is related to his family it changes his response to it drastically. Often reacting with alarm to the situation causing his stress. It also makes his blood pressure spike, turning his face rather red. To put it simply, Reinhardt doesn’t handle stress that is family-related very well, often times resolving to solitude to think it over.

    How does your character view Law and Authorities?
    With many of his family members being members in the law and himself aspiring to be apart of it, he has a sense of great respect towards the laws and those who uphold them. No matter who the Guard is, he will treat them rather warmly and pay attention to what they say. Consequently, he has a rather cold response to those who break said laws.

    How does your character feel about Races other than their own?
    While he doesn’t feel any hatred or contempt towards other races, he much rather prefers to be in the company of other Ailor. Kathar put him on his guard, he never knows what to expect from a race with a strong connection to the void. All other races he is generally alright with, albeit feeling somewhat uncomfortable around them. It’s not impossible for him to find a friend in a non-Ailor.

    How does your character feel about Religion for themselves, and other faiths?
    Reinhardt is a Unionist at heart, he has the Fourth Creed tattooed down his right arm as a show of his devotion to the Emperor. To put into perspective, he would go to holy war for his faith and would put his life down for the Great Way. Of course, this means he does not have a warm welcome to those who make their personal faiths known to him. For preachers of other Faiths, he treats them as heretics and can’t stand to hear their blasphemy.

    How does you character feel about the Arcane and Magical in the world?
    Though he wouldn’t ever strike at any magic users for no good reason, he keeps his distance from those who have connections to the Void. Unless they use their magic to support the Great Way and use it in a non-heretical fashion, he does not respect them. Commonly Reinhardt sees the arcane and magic usage as a threat and at an extent, heresy.

    How does your character feel towards their family?
    He would do anything for his family. No other person(s) get as much respect and attention that he gives his family. While he never actually expresses his love for them very often, especially publically, he does love his family very much.

    What is your character the most proud of about themselves?
    Reinhardt takes pride in his mental and physical strength, he’s able to handle a lot all at once.

    What motivates your character to move forward and better their life?
    His faith and Unionism and the Great Way drives him forwards, it plays a role in all of the decisions he makes and his view of the world. Despite seeming rather negative, he has a very positive outlook on life because of his faith. The fear of unfulfilled potential also drives him in bettering himself.

    What is your character’s biggest insecurity?
    The nagging feeling that someone will have an agenda against him at some point, even though he knows its bound to happen. He doesn’t like the thought of someone purely hating him because of who he is.

    What is your character’s biggest fear?
    Through all of the fears and worries he has had in his life, nothing has ever affected him as much as the fear that he will fail his family and his Emperor. He has a strict moral code because of this, to avoid disgracing himself and the people that matter in his life.



    (1-7) Reinhardt was born in 288 AC to August Friedrich Typhonus as his only child, and was raised accordingly so. Whether he was a bastard or not, he was kept close by his father. August instilled in his son many lessons and morals, and had his earlier years filled with schooling. It was a busy life for a child, however, Reinhardt looked up to his father and did what was asked of him. At six years old, he picked up his first practice blade and started swinging. Seeing that other kids had mothers, he asked his father about his mother and never received an answer. One of the family guards told the boy not to ask that question again.

    (8-13) As he began to grow older, he became more aware of the world around him. He took an interest in the way things worked, and always asked himself “Why?”. Every day he trained with a blade, and read history and literary books. August had been telling Reinhardt since he was a young boy about the Emperor, The Great Way, and Unionism as a whole. However, he had not actually grown a passion for Unionism until he was eleven years old. It finally clicked for the young boy, and it changed all of his goals. This was around the time when he started questioning whether he was a bastard or not.

    (14-15) He no longer wanted to try and train himself, and pressed the issue to his father. August had one of the house guards tell Reinhardt of the different schools he could attend now that he was of age. However, he didn’t want to be so far away from home as to be so isolated from his family and home. Despite the risk of being a Ranger, he felt a calling to that purpose and life. His father spoke with a few people, and found one of the few Veteran Rangers of the Bone Horror Crisis who had been hailed by the locals as a hero for surviving that war as a Ranger. The Veteran's son, Rudiger, trained alongside Reinhardt to be an example for him. Rudiger and Reinhardt became friends over the course of their training together.

    (16-19) As he got older, he was progressively taught more about how to command the front lines by his tutor, who was a veteran. Everyday he spent time with the Veteran and was taught in the ways of a Ranger. Reinhardt had found a purpose and devoted his time to it. His father had less of a presence in his life now, though their conversations grew more philosophical everytime they talked. Reinhardt admired his father's skill with espionage and watching over the family, but he certainly didn’t want that life for himself. He began taking trips to Regalia, visiting with his family whenever he could find time for holiday.

    (20-Present) Soon, he heard the news of the Kathar War and told the Veteran that he needed to go to Regalia for a “long holiday” and try and see if he could help the war effort. While he is not a full-fledged ranger, he has years of training behind him. Reinhardt arrived in Regalia and found himself a personal house within the city, away from both his family and the Rangers so he wasn’t fully committed to either.

    • Powerful Powerful x 6
    • Winner Winner x 2
    #1 SouthernComfort_, Aug 7, 2019
    Last edited: Aug 9, 2019
  2. Caelamus

    Caelamus Sir Honeybear the chronic druid main Supremium

    Nov 20, 2013
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    • Thank You! Thank You! x 1

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