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Regarding The Latest Denunciations By An Honest Fellow


The Messiah
May 7, 2017
Reaction score
*A note would be on the Regalian Boards in most districts in Regalia, specifically closest to the Golden Willow, regarding the latest denunciations*

Greetings to all those who read this note,

My name is Aston Domincy. Some may know me, and some may not. What I try to be is an honest and forgiving man, and I hope my attempts have worked. To begin, I apologize for the waste of space on the notice board, as it may be dwelling with denunciations. What I have to say is no denunciation, but my word about the latest talk.

Lately, I have seen many denunciations written by good and understandable people in Regalia. I give no hate for their thoughts, and I agree with what they said in some ways. I am attempting to not pick a side like many have in Regalia. I simply have something to ask all reading this note. I ask that this is followed upon. This is completely up to those reading this, as I am not forceful and have no grudges to hold.

These denunciations have given no room for the Black Regiment to change, and rather has made them hide. This is not the way, in my opinion.
I ask, to all those with grudges against the Black Regiment, to stop writing denunciations. The most efficient way is to write to the state, rather publicly humiliate the Regiment. I am not picking sides with what I am stating, but I also believe that these denunciations have grown rather childish with the quantity it has become. I believe people like Lady Peirgarten and the Alchemia Order who I BELIEVE are the first to write denunciations have no fault what so ever. I also believe everyone else has no fault.
*The rest is written in a more dark pen, dipped in ink twice as much.*
I beg, for the Spirit's Sake, that no Denunciations are made after this point regarding this specific topic. Please, people of Regalia.

I beg that all write a letter to the government with their statements privately if this does not stop immediately.

I beg letters are written to the Black Regiment.

I beg that the Black Regiment makes a public apology or one that appears on many notice boards.

I wish there is no hate towards what I say, and I beg there is no hate to what I say. I profoundly apologize for anyone who disagrees with what I say, and I beg that you think about it.

Aston Domincy,
Patriarch of House Domincy,
Owner of The Regalian Horizon,

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Alban took interest in this notice. It was quite different from all the others. He glanced to his bff, Asher.
"This man seems.. conflicted."

Alban took interest in this notice. It was quite different from all the others. He glanced to his bff, Asher.
"This man seems.. conflicted."

"And he should be. There are many things said against us, though many are skewed and biased and some faked completely, with many conveniently ignoring what they did to provoke us. It's smearing. An information war."
Marie stood alongside her kin, reading over the post, she emitted a long- and exhausted sigh.
"I wonder how many more denouncements will be published after this.
Nothing such as this can so easily blow over like a feather in the wind. Whatever horrid punishment the Black Regiments receives, is highly necessary."

She exhaled a huff, before departing for her Teahaus, gesturing her kin along with a lazy wave of her hand.

"Well Mr.Domincy clearly has a good head on his shoulders. Really all this back talk to a guarding charter is really getting out of hand. .. Only a couple summers ago no one would dare to sass the Violet Order and the Vigilants there after, at least publicly. I wonder whats changed now. There should be a fine or something for any nay sayer who wants to publish his rant publicly. " Remarked Henri.
The Aggressive Mu-Allar would flick out his forked tongue, waving a desperate hand to Llox and Allreizz. "<Z> Quickly! Write ten more denouncements!" He'd fiddle with a few blank pieces of parchment, provided from their shop, scribbling useless lines and markings.
@Utto_ @Juan_Plays
The Aggressive Mu-Allar would flick out his forked tongue, waving a desperate hand to Llox and Allreizz. "<Z> Quickly! Write ten more denouncements!" He'd fiddle with a few blank pieces of parchment, provided from their shop, scribbling useless lines and markings.
The small Al-Allar would peer over Zzal's shoulder, copying his scribbles and symbols into Common. <Z> "We might have to write a few more than ten at this rate." He'd strecth his frail frame out and squeak from the base of his throat, as he looks between the Allar around him.

@JarrettdaCarrot @Juan_Plays
Mathieu Celyreos looked over the notice and sighed after a long night of being stressed and drunk...perhaps that was the best course of action. His emotion and fieriness has already, most likely, gotten him into trouble, and this might've been a better idea on things. But he then began to wonder if anyone would listen.