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Regalian Trader's Faire


Hannibal ante portas
Jun 29, 2016
Reaction score
A portly gentleman would circle the Golden Willow Tavern, his hands pressed to his chubby cheeks to announce the coming of the Trader's Faire.


"Come one, come all, for the Regalian Trader's Faire!

With exotic goods, lavish materials and a friendly atmosphere, all are invited to indulge and enjoy the Faire that will host some of the Crown Isle's most prestigious and flourishing businesses.

All are welcome to attend and furthermore all traders are invited to send a short letter to Lady Constance Ravenstad (@YLMadness) and you can have a stall set up for your own products and wares!

As it stands, those with stalls at the event:

Ravenstad Silk Co. sampling the Empire's finest silks!
Wynfrith Gold and Silver selling necklaces, broaches and rings!
Viduggla Auctioneering Company selling Northern artefacts and oddities!
Drache Brewing selling beers and ales!
Lefeuvre Boutique selling luxury Ithanian fabrics and perfumes!
D'Hellegum vun der Hirsch selling Leutz beverages and Ivory statues!
Quinn Forge Co. selling jewellery and ornamental knives!
Germaine Jewellers and Co. selling jewellery and trinkets!

A lecture will also be hosted by the Regalian Trade Confederacy's Chairman of Colonial Enterprise, Alaric Wynfrith."


Event will be at /tp rpevent at Midnight GMT. Send me a Forum PM if you want a stall.

What? A market-place styled Faire

Who? All are welcome
Where? Merchant's District near Museum (/tp rpevent)
When? Friday 15th September (Midnight GMT)
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The crier would do his rounds once more.

"Come one, come all, for the Regalian Trader's Faire!"