Regalian Trade Confederacy


Hannibal ante portas
Jun 29, 2016
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The Regalian Trade Confederacy is a multi-industry trade conglomerate operating as a centralised authority to assist in the establishment, development and growth of businesses across the Regalian Empire. The Trade Confederacy brings Merchants, Families and Business owners together under a single informal banner to allow them to discuss, develop and trade alongside each other in a mutually beneficial environment. The Trade Confederacy offers people the chance to do business within a welcoming, stable and productive environment whilst helping them to expand their business outward.



Events: The Trade Confederacy hosts frequent events that will give business owners and members the chance to exhibit their products, promote their company and even sponsor certain events and activities. Events will not just be limited to those with businesses however as the Trade Confederacy is happy to host a variety of unique and enjoyable activities.

Community: Aside from events, the Trade Confederacy exists to open up a community of companies and business persons to allow partnerships to flourish. The Trade Confederacy brings a social aspect to business in Regalia, drawing companies of all sizes together to promote harmonious co-development.

The Trade Confederacy maintains a loan system for all businesses in the form of short-term fixed-income securities, or bonds. To apply for a loan from the Confederacy a business or company must first be a member of the organisation and then ask for sum to borrow. The Confederacy will then purchase stable bonds from the business to loan them a fee which will be paid back at a negotiated interest rate and length of maturity.



The Regalian Trade Confederacy is an Approved Charter and therefore possesses rights granted by His Highness the Undercrown. The Rights are exclusive to the Regalian Trade Confederacy and can only be performed by those within the Trade Confederacy's hierarchy. Affiliated companies and members may bring forward a motion to enact any of the rights listed below.​
  • The Right to Investigate, and suspend Regalian Businesses who do not comply with proper Trading Regulation - Including, but not limited to:
    • Distribution of illegal contraband
    • Improper treatment of Regalian Nobility, Military Personnel, and Members of the Royal Family
    • The purposeful evading of Regalian Tax Laws
    • The distribution of Anti-State material
    • The overpricing of goods, leading to notable inflation of the Regal Etc.
  • The Ability to Oversee, and maintain Trading Posts in Regalian Colonial land, in the name of the State.
    • To distribute Foreign assets back into the Regalian Economy, via free-market trading, and self-gained profit (according to Regalian Tax Laws.)
  • The Right to Keep a Mercantile Guard, to protect Confederacy assets.
    • Permitted to carry non-military grade weapons openly.
    • Permitted to accompany High Ombudsman on inspections during investigations.


Ravenstad Silk Co. ~ House Ravenstad ~ (@AntonVoron)
Ravenstad Boutiques ~ House Ravenstad ~ (@AntonVoron)
Germaine Jewellers and Co. ~ Vivienne Ravenstad ~ (@Ryria)
Typhonus Pelts ~ House Typhonus ~ (@Arendan)
Du Polignac Winery ~ House Du Polignac ~ (@Ellimairy)
Viduggla Artefacts and Auctioneering ~ House Viduggla ~ (@HydraLana)
Quinn Forge Co. ~ House Quinn ~ (@H0on)
Girard Wine Co. ~ House de Girard ~ (@xJomax)
d'Monial Winery ~ House d'Monial ~ (@Lukariatias)
Arkromus Engineering ~ House Celyreos ~ (@GodRoleplayer)
Wynfrith Gold and Silver ~ Wynfrith Family ~ (@Jonificus)
Henrich Grand Forge ~ House Heinrich ~ (@onearmsquid)
Lefeuvre Boutique ~ Celeste Lefeuvre ~ (@_artdeco_)
Peirgarten Perfumes and Incenses ~ House Peirgarten ~ (@seoulmate)
Umberlyn Stoneworks ~ House Umberlyn ~ (@Walrusaur_)
The Holliday Company ~ Thomas Holliday ~ (@Blacksheep)
Drache Brewing ~ House Drache ~ (@FireFan96)
D'Hellegum ~ House Rosendahl ~ (@Nudibronch)

Business Name: E.g. Ravenstad Silks Co.
Business Owner: The Family or Individual it belongs to
IGN: Your in-game name
Skype?: Yes / No (Send to me in Private message if 'Yes')
Why do you want to join the Confederacy?: A short explanation of why joining the community will benefit you and what you can bring to the community.
An IC letter to the High Ombudsman: Letter addressed to Constance Ravenstad.
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Constance Rosamund Ravenstad
The High Ombudsman is the Chairman of the Trade Confederacy and has executive authority over the use of Charter Rights including issuing suspension notices to Regalian enterprises. The High Ombudsman carries a veto over any and all Confederacy decisions that go to a vote and has the ability to loan affiliated businesses money through bonds.


Helmut Ravenstad
The Chief Ombudsman leads and issues investigations into businesses and companies deemed dealing in illicit materials or contraband but can also investigate malpractice or infringements of Trade laws.


Alaric Wynfrith
The Chairman of Colonial Enterprise focusses on the development and safeguarding of trade and merchant routes throughout the Empire but most specifically beyond the Crown Isle. They are in charge of foreign trade posts and establishing new trade communications throughout the Colonial lands.


The Events Secretary is in charge of organising and managing the Confederacy's monthly events.


Baron Dietrich Drache
The Lieutenant of the Mercantile Guard is responsible for the organisation of the Mercantile Guard and therefore the protection of all Trade Confederacy assets and members.


All affiliates invited to sit once every two weeks
Each affiliated company is granted a seat in the Council that will sit to discuss important matters when they occur. These seats can be filled by any representative of each individual company.

Other positions include Mercantile Guards and General Staff.

All positions are appointed by the High Ombudsman and can be applied for through an IC letter to Constance Ravenstad (@YLMadness).​
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Business name: The Quinn Forge Co.
Business Owner: House Quinn
IGN: H0on
Why do you want to join the confederacy?: I hope to gain business partners and expand Quinn's forges by joining the confederacy. I will be helping other businesses by donating and counsel with their business dealings.
An IC letter to High Obusman:
To Constance Ravenstad,

Your trade confederacy has come to my family's attention. We own The Quinn Forge Co. and we would like to join your confederacy. If we are permitted to join, we will further the Regalian economy by forging business partnerships and helping other companies. We hope you consider our request to join your confederacy.

Kalben Quinn​
Uhh if u need my skype it's h0on
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Business Name: Girard Wine Co.
Business Owner: House de Girard
IGN: xJomax
Why do you want to join the confederacy?: I want to gain a bit more experience in trade, more than I have as my experience is slightly unsatisfying as I want to get better all the time. I also want to grow my company by becoming affiliated with the Confederacy and other companies, I believe having me in the company would be a good decision as I have a good understanding of finance.


To Constance Ravenstad,
your confederacy has caught my attention, I own the Girard Wine Co. from Ithania and we would be very grateful if we were permitted to join your Confederacy. By joining I believe we would be able to grow the Confederacy and improve the economy. I also believe we would forge business partnerships and help smaller companies grow into big ones. Hopefully this has persuaded you to let us join your Confederacy.

Aaron de Girard
Business Name: d'Monial Winery
Business Owner: House d'Monial
IGN: Luka_Shashva
Why do you want to join the Confederacy?: So I might partake in an organization that desires to ensure the protection of quality and honest trade. And to expand my own knowledge of those within this line of work, meet and befriend possible future trade partners, and to maintain my own high standards of trade.
An IC letter to the High Ombudsman:
To Constance Ravenstad,
Upon becoming informed of such a confederacy my interest in becoming a member was rather quickly gathered and asserted. Such an organization who's desires lay to prolong the positives of trade and commerce is one that I will most assuredly support, for good and honest trade is the mark of a society within the upper echelons of existence.
From Ser Alan d'Monial,
Imperial Knight​
Business Name: Viduggla Arefacts and Auctioneering
Business Owner: House Viduggla
IGN: HydraLana
Why do you want to join the Confederacy?: A short explanation of why joining the community will benefit you and what you can bring to the community. I was in the old Merchant's Guild and I can bring the unique trade of Northern arefacts and art as well as being the only nobility from Norrlan.
An IC letter to the High Ombudsman:
Dear Constance Ravenstad,
I would be most interested in meeting with you as your letter said and to join this trade confederacy.
Sincerely, Imperial Knight of Faardberg Ardige Viduggla​
Dearest House Quinn,

I am pleased to welcome you into the Regalian Trade Confederacy. The Quinn Forge Co. will benefit greatly from membership and I am confident that your representatives will contribute to the development of other affiliated businesses.

Constance Ravenstad

Dearest House de Girard,

I am pleased to welcome you into the Regalian Trade Confederacy. The Girard Wine Co. will benefit greatly from membership and I am confident that your representatives will contribute to the development of other affiliated businesses.

Constance Ravenstad
Dearest House d'Monial,

I am pleased to welcome you into the Regalian Trade Confederacy. The d'Monial Winery will benefit greatly from membership and I am confident that your representatives will contribute to the development of other affiliated businesses.

Constance Ravenstad
Dearest House Viduggla,

I am pleased to welcome you into the Regalian Trade Confederacy. Viduggla Artefacts and Auctioneering will benefit greatly from membership and I am confident that your representatives will contribute to the development of other affiliated businesses.

Constance Ravenstad
Business Name: The Cajo'ja Jug'ollie
Business Owner: Mama Yahdga
IGN: HoshiChomp12
Why do you want to join the Confederacy?: I tried to create a different kind of business and I want to use it in RP. The Confederacy seems a friendly place to get acquainted with people and communicate information about our businesses and events.
An IC letter to the High Ombudsman:
Constance Ravenstad,
Hello there! I am Mama Yahdga and I'd love to be part of this little venture you've made. I'd like to apply my animal clinic here in the city, the Cajo'ja Jug'ollie. I've been told it's a bit hard to say, but besides that little inconvenience, we are fully functional and ready to treat any and all patients that come into our care. Thank you for considering us! This is a beautiful opportunity, indeed.
Mama Yahdga,
Business Name: Arkromus Engineering (Planning and Development for equipment.)
Business Owner: House Celyreos
IGN: GodRoleplayer
Why do you want to join the Confederacy?: I'm interested in involving myself with this guild to try and get more developed in roleplay, hopefully providing some quality but more importantly, interesting content to other roleplayers; be that through feuds, affiliations and otherwise.
Dear Constance Ravenstad,
I have been hearing of this guild recently and it has peeked my interest, House Celyreos and our archipelago-based business would like to join the much-esteemed Regalian Trade Confederacy. Thank you for considering us at the very least, spirit bless. ~
Natasha Celyreos
Business Name: Wynfrith Gold and Silver
Business Owner: The Wynfrith Family / Alaric Wynfrith
IGN: Jonificus
Why do you want to join the Confederacy?: I want to establish my character as a proper Regalian merchant and provide some sorely needed merchant RP to the city. Be that with events or just his pursuit of profits offering fierce competition and rivalries. I've been maining merchant roleplay for years and would consider it one of my great strengths, so I would feel right at home with this guild!
An IC letter to the High Ombudsman:

To the good Lady Constance Ravenstad,
I am Alaric Wynfrith, of the magnificently rich Wynfrith family of Anglia. I have recently sought to establish my businesses here in the great capital, starting with a splendid jewelry store in the market district (With the hopes of moving to more prime real estate soon). I would like to get to know my fellow merchants here in the city and offer my services to both the guild and the people of Regalia.

May life smile upon you,
Alaric Wynfrith.
Business Name: Heinrich Grand Forge
Business Owner: House Heinrich
IGN: onearmsquid
Why do you want to join the Confederacy?: we wish to expand our relations with other businesses.
An IC letter to the High Ombudsman:

Constance Ravenstad

I have heard great news about your Confederacy and wish to join it. House Heinrich is well known for its work in masonry however we have purchased a forge with the past few months. If you'll have us, we would be greatly honored

Lewis Heinrich
@HoshiChomp12 @GodRoleplayer @Jonificus @onearmsquid Sorry for the late reply. Been extremely busy last few days.
To the sender,

The Regalian Trade Confederacy regrets to inform you that we are unwilling to immediately accept membership from any member of the Nelfin races without approval from our current affiliates.

Following a review conducted by our investigators your family are recorded to be of Cielothar origins and with this in mind we would be willing to make an exception under certain terms due to the historically peaceful nature of your race. In order to proceed with your application the High Ombudsman asks that you seek out current member of our organisation to vouch for you, only then will we consider your application.

Rudi Geert

Offices of the Regalian trade Confederacy
Dear House Celyreos,

I am pleased to welcome you into the Regalian Trade Confederacy. Arkromus Engineering will benefit greatly from membership and I am confident that your representatives will contribute to the development of other affiliated businesses.

Constance Ravenstad
Dear Alaric Wynfrith,

I am pleased to welcome you into the Regalian Trade Confederacy. Wynfrith Gold and Silver will benefit greatly from membership and I am confident that your representatives will contribute to the development of other affiliated businesses.

Constance Ravenstad
Dear House Heinrich,

I am pleased to welcome you into the Regalian Trade Confederacy. The Heinrich Grand Forge will benefit greatly from membership and I am confident that your representatives will contribute to the development of other affiliated businesses.

Constance Ravenstad
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Business Name: Lefeuvre Boutique
Business Owner: Celeste Lefeuvre
IGN: _artdeco_
Why do you want to join the Confederacy?: The Lefeuvre Boutique is a rather new business situated on Reynaud Road. It boasts a variety of imported fabrics and dresses, though it is in the works to import perfumes, incenses, jewelry and accessories as well. The owner of this business, Celeste Lefeuvre, plans on establishing various small-medium scale businesses to support a comfortable lifestyle. Celeste will attempt to make herself an active and avid member of the Confederacy by forming ties, donating to other businesses and securing alliances. I feel like this would be beneficial for my business as well as the Confederacy to provide a social platform to advertise and promote partnerships.

Lady Constance Ravenstad,

The Lefeuvre Boutique has heard most wonderful things about your Regalian Trade Confederacy and would be honored to join, should you accept. We are a new business set up in the Ithania District selling fine fabrics and dresses imported from Ithania. The Lefeuvre Boutique plans to expand both our stock and locations, finding the Confederacy a perfect location to establish the connections to do so. We do hope you'll consider us!~

May the Imperial Spirit shine upon you,
Celeste Lefeuvre
Business Name: Peirgarten Perfumes and Incenses
Business Owner: Amelina Peirgarten
IGN: seoulmate
Why do you want to join the Confederacy?: I enjoy running my business and I take pride in what I am able to do, I think being able to partner up with these other business owners to help trade would be wonderful.
An IC letter to the High Ombudsman:

Lady Constance Ravenstad,
I do hope that you will consider me to join the Trade Confederacy. My family has been in the perfume business for years and since coming to the city we have wanted to expand on our business even more than what it is before. I hope that this opportunity will be extended to me and that I will be able to join the group to continue help Regalian trade.

With kindest regards,
Imperial Dame of Lorhauser,
Amelina Peirgarten

Business Name: Umberlyn Stoneworks
Business Owner: House Umberlyn of Carraigh
IGN: Walrusaur_
Why do you want to join the Confederacy?: See below
An IC letter to the High Ombudsman: See below

Business Name: Umberlyn Heraldry
Business Owner: House Umberlyn of Carraigh
IGN: Walrusaur_
Why do you want to join the Confederacy?: Joining the community will allow me to rebuild currently shattered political ties, while also providing a service (both on the IC and OOC level) to characters and players.
An IC letter to the High Ombudsman:
Lady Ravenstad,

I write to you today to request that both of House Umberlyn of Carraigh's businesses be permitted to join the Regalian Trade Confederacy. We offer stonework, providing ample material to build the forts, castles, ballrooms and courthouses that may be needed. We also offer our service as crafters of heraldry, many families (and the many more to come) will always have need of heraldry and sigils, we hope to be a premiere source for said families in their search for a potent identity. Should you wish to discuss matters further, do pen me at your leisure.

Ser Harald Umberlyn of Carraigh
Imperial Knight of Dol Carraigh
Keeper of the Heart
Business Name: The Holliday Company
Business Owner: Thomas Holliday
IGN: blacksheep65
Why do you want to join the Confederacy?: Thiscompany is my first real attempt at running an IC business and the confederacy seems like a good opportunity to become more involved with merchant RP through meeting the other members and the possible events that could be held.
Lady Constance Ravenstad,

Although I'm new to the city, the confederacy has certainly caught my intereste and I'd be honoured if I were permitted to join. I run a large whiskey distillery that's operated out of Framlingham, New Ceardia and we've recently begun an expansion, importing it the Regalian market. The opportunities and connections that the confederacy offers seems invaluable, I do hope you will consider me and my application or possibly to discuss this further
~Sincerely, Thomas Holliday
Business Name: Drache Brewing/Dragon's Den Tavern
Business Owner: House Drache
IGN: FireFan96
Why do you want to join the Confederacy?: Recent events have led me to figure out ways to RP again with some of my characters, and I feel that merchant RP could be an avenue to pursue that I remember enjoying a year ago, so I'd like to give it a shot with the peeps again.
An IC letter to the High Ombudsman:
To the Ombudswoman the Madame of House Ravenstad,

I write this letter to request my family's membership into the trade confederacy. The benefits I offer to my membership include knowledge of the brewing industry, and a versed opinion on improving fellow member's businesses. I myself will be representing my family on the council, should you deem our membership accepted.

Spirit's Guidance in your decision.
Baron Gruenwald
patriarch of House Drache

Business Name: Hervydier Wines
Business Owner: House Hervydier
IGN: Erzly
Why do you want to join the Confederacy?: I think this'll be a great new RP experience for me, having being something I've never tried before, and I really wish to meet other people who have business characters and join in with said community. It'd be a great opportunity to expand not only on my character, but also I'd get the chance to interact with people more.
An IC letter to the High Ombudsman:
Lady Constance Ravenstad,
On behalf of Hervydier Vineyards, producers of Hervydier Wines, I'd like to request permission to join the other traders and your affiliates in the Regalian Trade Confederacy. Situated in Arvost, it'd be a great aid for us to be involved in trading within Regalia, so we can import our fine wines into even more places in Aloria than we already do. This expansion would be very beneficial to us, and we believe that the key to success is through this Confederacy. Although our only representative in Regalia is Altalar, we are an Ailor originated company, currently held by Ieuan Hervydier, and we apologies for any misconceptions this may cause.
Eleri L. Hervydier
Eleri L. Hervydier​
To the sender,

The Regalian Trade Confederacy wishes to inform you that we are unwilling to accept representation from any member of the Nelfin race. This decision will not be overturned nor will our terms of membership be reconsidered. Nevertheless we thank you for your interest.

Rudi Geert
Offices of the Regalian Trade Confederacy
Business Name: Haagenvig Riverside Company.
Business Owner: House Haagenvig.
IGN: Jouster.
Why do you want to join the Confederacy?: With me wishing to expand my roleplay relationships in general, I see that I can converse with those apart of the Confederacy. As I lack in this area of roleplay, I feel as if I can benefit from it, either from advice from others or simple IC progressing with my family.
An IC letter to the High Ombudsman:

To Lady Constance Ravenstad,
Good evening, Lady Ravenstad. I am here to pen admittance into your guild. I show great interest into joining the Confederacy with hopefully open arms as I wish to meet new faces, and see how others represent their family's trades. Being fairly quiet with my company--which dabbles in fishing and shipbuilding--it would be nice to gather advice from others as well. I am sure I can assist in anything the Confederacy needs done as well.
Spirit Bless
Imperial Knight of Kopvagr,
Vaughn Haagenvig
Haagenvig Riverside Company
To the sender,

The Regalian Trade Confederacy understands that the Haagenvig family have come under disrepute as of late and are cautious in their decision to allow ease of entry to the family and its affiliated business. With this in mind, the Trade Confederacy challenges the representatives of the Haagenvig Riverside Company to gain the sponsorship of a current Confederacy affiliate, whereby if vouched for, the Haagenvig business may be invited to join.

We believe this challenge is deemed reasonable considering recent circumstances.

Rudi Geert
Offices of the Regalian Trade Confederacy
Business Name: The Gochni Imperial Post
Business Owner: Fimbur Wilbus Gochni
IGN: super_enderman
Skype?: Yes
Why do you want to join the Confederacy?: I used to be involved in the old mercantile guild of Regalia, but i had recently taken a leave of absence, little did I know that it had closed while I was away. Thus, I'm trying to get back into the swing of things. In the old mercantile guild I provided a unique service (Not many people think of a post office) along with my being online quite often, this resulted in me ending up doing marketing for many of the houses (Namely House Black and House Fong). Also, one of my main goals in Massivecraft is to enrich the business side of Massive, as it (in my opinion) has quite the potential.
An IC letter to the High Ombudsman: To Constance Ravenstad
I hope this letter finds you in good health, sound in mind and body. For I have a little request to make. I, Fimbur Wilbus Gochni, of the Gochni Imperial Post, would like to formally request membership from your esteemed Confederacy. As of late, business has been dwindling in my small Company - Whom commonly deals in the transport of goods from place to place, along with the manufacture of roads - which naturally concerns us. We have decided to join your Noble Confederacy, for many reasons, not the least of which is the plethora of advice I shall hope to seek from my peers.
But I am diverting from the matter at hand,
Fimbur W. Gochni