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Regalian Times #9


Mar 3, 2020
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Roleplay Guilds
The Regalian Mafia, and the Old Guard
Regalian Times Edition 9

Race Riots Break out in Dragenthal as the Recession hits the Empire
It is clear now that the empire has hit a Recession, prices on goods services have skyrocketed, and some lay-offs are beginning to take place. It is clear that Dragenthal is one of the hardest hit. Dwarven tradesmen, with their money running dry, took to the streets and began to protest. Although the protest soon turned violent becoming a full-on riot. Shopfronts were destroyed in the riots that occurred, only worsening the local economy. Some Dwarven tradesmen blamed Ailors for the crisis, and it soon became about race. Ailors stepped in to counter-protest the Dwarfs, but they to became violent themselves. Both Ailors and Dwarfs began to straight-up fight on the streets, the fights were fist to fist so besides some broken bones and black eyes no one was hurt badly. The local guardsmen did their best to take control of the situation and suppress the riot but despite their best efforts, the riot continued on. The race riot eventually calmed down Although at the end of it all there were a couple hundred regals in property damage that had to be paid. Both Dwarfs and Ailors are blaming each other for the riot and claiming that the other side has to pay for the damages. Although no agreement was made and the Dwarfs and Ailors ended up just paying for repairs in their own property themselves.

A manipulated part of Ailor History exposed
It was recently uncovered that an entire section of Ailor History was being manipulated the whole time. It was long believed that the grand admiral Marianne Cadar and her Marshal Corps played a key part in creating the empire we know today. Although according to a recently published document, that was signed by the Lord Chancellor, this is not the full truth. The resting place of Marianne Cadar was found in Northern Anglia, and near it notes and papers that were left undisturbed for decades were found. According to the papers, Grand Admiral Marianne Cadar never fought a war against the Hintercalems, in fact, some papers claim the Hinterclames never existed in the first place. Further papers say that Grand Admiral Marianne Cadar did not die in the heat of battle, but rather in Northen Anglia. There was a conspiracy between the Dread Dragon and her trusted generals. Half of her generals lured her into an isolated place and then crippled her. Then the Dread Dragon murdered her when she could no longer put up a fight. Then the Dread Dragon manipulated some peoples' memories to hide the whole affair. An entire section of Ailor history was a lie the whole time. This is a serious matter and something that will not be forgotten.

An officer of Iron Watch fired for guard corruption
Officer Urijah Jameson of Iron Watch has been spotted assaulting individuals in the sewers and committing various acts of corruption. When this information was presented to Commander Julius Peirgarten of the Old Guard he decided that it was best to fire Urijah Jameson. He stated that Urijah Jameson will be stripped of his rank and will not be allowed to do any further guard's work. Then he stated that he will be investigated for going into the sewers. After which he said he will be triggering a full-on investigation on the commander of Iron Watch for allowing such guard corruption to take place. Hopefully, these investigations will be enough to quell guard corruption. Although if this type of guard corruption was allowed to continue on for this long, who knows what else could be going on without anyone knowing. Let's just hope this is the only case.

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"Oui, oui. Paperboy, go tell your boss to give me a subscription. The papers pass the time, and aren't that bad." Said a certain Green Eyed Admiral, as he purchased a paper from wherever they would be sold in New Town. He'd lift a flask to his lips, taking a swig as he read over this current paper. "Eh? Dread Dragon can control memories? .. What the fuck." He'd comment, before seemingly shrugging it off and continuing his read.
OOC: Subscription, please. @ThePear