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Mar 3, 2020
Reaction score
Roleplay Guilds
The Regalian Mafia, and the Old Guard
Regalian Times, 5th Edition

Colonization of Ceardian
Ceardian was the original home of the Ailor, but currently, the original home of the Ailor is a void plagued hell. But the Regalian Government has begun the first operation to reclaim this void tainted hell of a continent. Currently, the little colonies that exist on that continent are in ruin, but the government wishes to send an expedition to fix that, and even maybe set up a new colony. We took to the streets to see what the people thought of this. "It makes sense to take back the original home of the Ailor, its where we come from and it's our right as good Unionists to take back that original home from the forces of evil", "Does Ceardian provide any strategic or economic value? If so then sure we can make money off of it, but it does not provide any value then why would we send good unionist men to die in a void tainted hell just because of its historical value", "With a tow, row, row, row, row, row, to the Regalian Grenadiers", "So they want to colonize a disease-ridden rock", "OH SAY CAN YOU SEE", "We gonna go in guns blazing, and we are gonna kill all of the void mother fuckers." As seen the public has divided opinions on the matter, but the real question to ask today, is where the fuck did Jimmy get this Kaffee, because this is some good shit.
Sanguine on the fall
As the werebeast threat begins to hit a critical point many people are stating that once Werebeastism is dealt with then all of these horrible curses will become irrelevant in politics, recently vampirism has seen a sharp and sudden fall. As known cases of Sanguinism fall, many people are hoping that Sanguinism as a major threat will eventually go away. We took to the streets to get other people's opinions. "The threat may seem like it's going away, but it is truly not, Many people forget about the more sneaky types of vampires out there, such as Alais", "Vampires are spooky I guess", "Finally the hell is over, we can finally defeat these spirit dammed creatures." As seen here the public has interesting responses to the fact that vampirism is finally in the fall.

So Anyways I started Blasting

Some citizens of Regalia are wanting weapon laws to be tighter, claiming that weapons are being used on good regalian citizens because of how easy it is to get them. A local business owner named Frank Reynolds signed up to give insight on the current laws surrounding weapons, this man has a heroic story. "A few days ago, 3 thugs tried to mug me. I just want to make things clear that these pieces of garbage don't know what they are dealing with. So these punks, I don't know if they wanted money or they wanted something more sexual, but lucky thing I had my pieces. My GUNS" It was here where Frank Pulled out 2 live and loaded Pureteks "So Anyways I started blasting, BANG BANG, I don't see so good so I miss, they run away, So I ran after them, BANG, Try to shoot them in the back, but I don't run so good either. Anyway, you guys all think I am a hero, and I will accept that responsibility. You see crime in this community is out of control, thank spirit I went down to Vakgar's Torch and picked up a spare, I don't think one would have done it. Now I am going to get some more, and I think you should do to. Don't be a victim its time to fight back."

Will the Colonization of Creardian work? Is this the end of Sanguinism? and will you just start blasting?

Find out next time on Regalian Times!!!

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