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Mar 3, 2020
Reaction score
Regalian Times Edition 3

Werebeasts Vs Werebeasts!!!
With major Guard Crackdowns in the Werebeast world, Warrants being put on the heads of prominent Werebeast leaders, it would be expected that the Werebeasts would try to unite in order to fight back for their evil cause, but it seems like these beasts can't even get along with each other. A day after The Arcanum order put warrants on the head of 2 Werebeast leaders, Lorelei Luxford and Nagrund, The Werebeast by the name of "Nagrund" put out a bounty on another Werebeast by the name of Ainur. In the bounty Nagrund claims that "He is not a Werebeast, but a monster, holding no regard for people or those of his kind." later in the bounty Nagrund claims that "In response to his abducting of a Werebeast after challenging the Alphas of Crookback and then running when that challenge was answered I place a bounty of my own, open to all." Seems like the Werebeasts are fighting each other in a disunited mess, we took to the Streets to ask questions on the matter. "Werebeasts fighting Werebeasts, no surprise there, they are just beasts hungry for power what do you expect of them", "Werebeasts fighting Werebeasts, I want tickets to see that fight", "Really, I thought they would have united since they are being hunted down and such", "What is a Werebear?", "Wait they are hunting Ainur?" As seen here the Public has mixed opinions on the subject matter. With this Nagrund figure calling out an open bounty on Ainur many are asking, Who is this Nagrund person? Many people believe that he is just another sewer dweller and others think that he might be someone on the surface. We will be covering that story in the next edition of the Regalian times. But for now, lets head to our next story, Enki Ningiszhia, Forage master of Vakgar's Torch, calls out Markus Ironfist.

Vakgar's Torch calls out Markus Ironfist
Here we have some juicy drama between Vakar's Torch and Markus Ironfist. Enki Ningiszhia has posted posters around the city calling out Markus Ironfist for multiple crimes and shady business tactics. Within the poster, he says that Markus has talked shit about him from behind his back which is the reason he created the poster. Then within the poster, Enki claims that Markus overcharges on all of his goods, Markus is using a pawn shop to sell to Werebeasts, and he is selling illegal items to enemies of the state. This is some juicy drama between the stores, so we took to the streets to get people's opinions on the matter. "Wait he sold to Werebeasts, that Dwarf son of a bitch, I expected better from him but after hearing about this shit I am not going to buy from the asshole ever again, they should place a warrant on this man", "Hmm, I guess I am going to buy from Vakgar's Torch since his stuff is cheaper", "Markus is a greedy man, this proves it", "Who is Markus?" As seen here the people have a very negative opinion on Markus. Although we currently don't have Markus's side of the story. We are going to try to get an interview with him next time. But for now, we will jump to our next story.

The future of Warfare
With advancements in technology like the airship and the Puretek, many are asking what will the future of warfare look like? Many people are saying warfare will never change and even with Pureteks and airships good old sword to sword combat will still be better. Although others are saying that the future of warfares future lies in Crossbows, a Military professor says, "Crossbows give a lot of power in the hands of untrained soldiers, You just teach them how to load it and fire it unlike with bows where it can take years of training. I imagine a future where war will be massive fights where ever side is using only crossbows."
Meanwhile, a small group of people believes that Puretek like weapons will be the weapons of the future. "Gunpowder is the future, if someone is able to create a hand-held device that shoots an arrow with gunpowder then that weapon will become the next weapon of the future." We don't know what the future will look like, but we can always try to.

Will the Werebeasts be caught? Is Markus Ironfist Guilty? and who is Nagrund? find out next time on the Regalian times.

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An Arak grins in his shop, it seemed his tactics worked, he played his part masterfully, that was showing all too apparent. Even if he took the posters down, the damage had been done, and this proved as much.
Forucs Ironfist would be heard screaming in rage as the sound of thunderclaps would be heard as his Battleaxe struck against some of the chairs within his home! He cursed many things as his arms seemed to have gauntlets of lightning, in which he'd look to the notice as he'd subscribe. However, he was still furious as he'd look at the piece of paper. "Nothing can describe my anger.. my rage.. I pray that Markus fixes this.. or things will NOT end well.. for anyone!!!"