Archived Regalian Raid System

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Darthian A. Luthius
Sep 17, 2013
Reaction score
Hello, as some of you may know awhile back Regalia had a horrific surprise attack from Baver who had killed handfuls of innocents along with the near destruction of the Golden Willow Tavern (If you were not at this event, this took place during the October 2013 event about 8 months ago.) But not only did we have to fight back against Baver, but she had brought companions along with her (corrupt roleplay characters, and mobs would be those companions.) So this brought a huge event that required players to work together to fight off Baver. Even though we didn't defeat her, she did disappear leaving a trail of destruction behind her (The Golden Willow Tavern fire.) When the Golden Willow Tavern set ablaze, injured innocents along with guards were in the haste to escape the fire. But sadly enough few managed to escape in time which led many to burn in agonizing pain with the engulfing blaze of the Tavern.

But not only was this one of the most tragic events in Regalia, but it was also the key to inspiring me to a new concept that might actually work. Hello, some of you know me as LordJT (Otherwise soon to be known as DarkStrider) and I am here to announce a new idea for Massivecraft's amusing events. I introduce to you Regalian Raid System. The Regalian Raid System is an idea where we will have events taking place in Regalia (like the Baver attack) but in a more safe, secure setup. As some of you may know, a lot of players were quite annoyed by the Baver attack 8 months back where it started off to be a simple October event to becoming a riot of raging players. Some players were killed by the invading mobs near the front enterance of the Golden Willow Tavern when they were just trying to get by doing their own business and leaving the others to fight. But sadly enough, players began dying and other players started taking their items. Now even though you can feel free to say "Not my problem." or "You were dumb enough to walk into the fight." let me inform you that some of these players were just trying to spectate the event when they were attacked by the mob who changed their targeted player.

Now I'm not asking for a complete mob coding let alone build a complete replica of Regalia just for raid events (obviously that would just be silly, but again I'm not sure if admins have a copy of Regalia stashed elsewhere.) But anyways, my suggestion was to add in a plugin used for Massivecraft Raids where you can walk straight into a fight without getting harmed (obviously you can't attack the mobs either) and there would be a command where if you are in the given 'Raid Area' you could enable and disable this command so that you could enter a raid if you felt like killing off mobs for loot or simply just because you want the experience points from the killed mobs.

This new raid command system will allow players to enter and exit combat while a raid event is currently in session. Now it seems confusing at first but here is a simple way of explaining how this would work.

Step One:
- Admins would set up the 'Raid Area' which they would first build then create a grid span of what area will the raid be in (Obviously this can be from 16x16 areas to massive 200x200 areas.)

Step Two:
- Admins would set the Raid setting to 'public' allowing players to now enter the raid area

Step Three:
- MassiveMobs plugin would be active in the grid span set for the area so now it will lock onto anyone who has enabled their raid command

Step Four:
- If the raid command is disabled, mobs would ignore you (Just like the old vampire plugin where hostile mobs ignore you unless you attack them) as well as you could not attack them (Like disabled PvP with faction members and allies.)

Step Five:
- After players have completed the raid or Admins have ended the raid event, players who were active during the raid will be rewarded with an item or items that are based around their skill traits (For example if you have a high ammount of acrobatics you'll probably get boots with the feather falling enchantment on them. Also you will be rewarded with better items if you upgrade to Premium)

Now obviously the Regalian Raid System sounds too far fetched now. But if you think about it, it would make Massive a much more entertaining server to join along with think of the possibilities of this new raid system.

Thank you for reading this and I do hope this does inspire you to make this idea come to reality.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
I like the idea. I like it a lot. New players would need to default on "Raid Off" though.
-gives a slow blink- Hmmm, how interesting and well thought out. It sounds nice but a tad bit of a hastle for staff members to organize the whole thing. But I do like it.

You sir, are going to contribute positively to this server.
I have yet to receive access to the 'Interesting' button so you get constructive :) I like the idea. Having lines of Regalian citizens beat back hordes of beasts (*cough cough Fahlein cough cough*) as they try and overtake the city. Ooh, fun :3
Hm..That's nice..So basically, we could make all of Regalia a raid area, but default on Raid off.. That would make things very fun, indeed.. ;)
I would love to see lore items come out of things like this, perhaps you fought off corrupted soldiers that had been possessed, leaving their bodies mutated. You could get a "Corrupted Blade" which suffered the effect of being through the void. Maybe if you fight off a wave of undead dwarven soldiers, you could get an "Old Dwarven Axe."
I would love to see lore items come out of things like this, perhaps you fought off corrupted soldiers that had been possessed, leaving their bodies mutated. You could get a "Corrupted Blade" which suffered the effect of being through the void. Maybe if you fight off a wave of undead dwarven soldiers, you could get an "Old Dwarven Axe."
Dibs on the grandpa set.
Really nice and thought out, you my friend are on your way to being a creative mastermind for Apple. :D
I like the idea, though I think it'd be a pain to keep setting those areas, and massivemobs would cause uber lag.

I really want raids or events similar to happen in Regalia. Maybe even player-led raids. That'd be veeeery interesting to see.