Aloria Story Progression Regalian Politics: The State Elections


Staff member
Jun 29, 2012
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Over the course of the day, many political dignitaries arrived in rich carriages. First to arrive was Grand-Prince Adouard of the Ithanian Realms, who exited his carriage in tow with the various statues of his ancestors as was cultural practice in Hive Haute Puisse. Second to arrive was Queen Lobo, with her usual head cage and her servers covered in metal chains and padlocks. Finally a parade of Kade family members arrived and the doors closed. The official voting procedure was decadent as ever, the dignitaries and stewards were summoned in political order with powdered faces and blackened hair. Some of them even had drawn on beards to conform to the state fashion trends.

The first vote was for the position of Arch Chancellor. The various lobbies pranced around, engaging in a complex dances of court positioning. A prey and hunter composition was engaged as the Typhonus representatives and allies bound together, one hand in front and one hand bound behind the back, chins up. Meanwhile the Anahera representatives and allies danced around with a certain southern flair and rhythm. All the while, the Ithanian lobby was gravitating around the Anahera representatives, with their massive wigs furiously fanning their over sized fans, causing the thick powder on their face to twirl trough the room.

As soon as the cultural game was over, the doors of the throne room burst open and a row of women in hoop skirts entered, carrying tables with various feathers. The representatives approached with as much poise as possible, picking up a colored feather for their vote, finally inserting it into the giant wig the hoop skirted women were wearing. When the voting procedure was over, the women bowed to the Emperor who made the final vote count, to stand up and announce the results:

"Thirty-One votes for the Lady Regentesse Theresa Anahera. Thirty-Four votes for the Lord Ulric Typhonus. Three votes of No confidence."

Immediately upon the release of the result, the representatives of the High Pontiff and the Patriarch of Etosil slapped themselves on the wrists with their gloves and walked out of the room in protest. The aggressive fanning of the Ithanian lobby immediately ceased, their whipped out small sticks of lipstick and drew a single vertical red line on their lips, as they resumed to pout them for the rest of the afternoon. The Typhonus representatives stood center to the entire charade, whipped out their mustache masks (basically fake mustaches on a stick used to emulate Ulric's mustache) and started doing a victory waltz in the middle of the room while a string quartet played a Calemberger tune. The whole scene was incredibly decadent, surreal and impossible to emulate.

Then proceeded the State Council vote, but first, a show of entertainment and parody. Various dwarven actors entered the room dressed up as comedy versions of the various State Councillors currently in office. To add injury to insult, the one representing Cedric Kade was actually a Kleinfolk to emphasize his dwarfish size in comparison to the other Lords. The group engaged a dance around a central table, all the while making funny faces and shouting random things. Then, a servant came carrying in a massive roasted pig and a large platter of golden forks. The state Councilmen took out knives and started stabbing the pig so as to emulate the soon new addition to their council, and how their political nativity would cost them dearly if they did not watch their fingers. Eventually all the representatives paced forward, picked up a fork and then took a single chunk out of the Pig. They then tied colored ribbons to their fork and stuck it into the pig. The pig was finally carried to the Emperor, who then counted the ribbons by color. He then stood up and announced the results:

"Thirty-Two votes for the Duke di Alan. Thirty-Three votes for the March Coen of Mithranna. Three votes in absentia as the representatives of the Patriarch of Etosil and the High Pontiff of Vultaro have neglected to be present."

Immediately upon the release of the results, the room fell rather quiet. There was no official Coen representative, as none of the colonial lords had a right to vote. The di Alan representatives and the Anti-Typhonus lobby fell rather quiet, as the discontent could be read from the Emperor's facial expression. Prince Cedric Kade finally broke the silence by coughing loudly, after which all the representatives were presented fine silken napkins, wiped their mouths clean and exited the room in political order. The results of the elections were pinned across public buildings all over Regalia. Now that these results had been made, the court held its breath to see what would happen in a political scene where the election results were even more overboard close than the previous year. How would the new Chancellor fare knowing he was only elected by a hair's length? How would the new Lord fair, a March with zero experience being a Lord of political involved?
When historians look back upon this day, it shall be known as...The Weirdest, Bizzarest and Narrowest Elections in Regalian History.
Not bad.
There will be an IC response once Leuthar hears of this IC. He tends to be one of the last to find out.
Can someone please explain the rediculous ceremony? It sounds like something out of Alice in Wonderland...was everyone in the room on opium?
(I don't really need to have separate reaction for me and Alistair, they're pretty much the same)

"Hmpf, a militaristic prideful Regalian as the Chancellor, an inexperienced Lordling, and the discovery of a new mass of land and society to the south. Aloria's going to go to Void in nigh a minute at this rate."