Archived Regalian Law Board

This suggestion has been archived / closed and can no longer be voted on.


The Antagonist's Right-Hand
Oct 25, 2014
Reaction score
New Ceardia
Roleplay Guilds
The Ivory Company
My idea is simple, a board of signs in Regalia somewhere new Roleplayers could easily see it, such as at spawn, or outside the tavern. After all, how would people learn about the laws In-Character, if not by a board of them? I mean, this is in the medieval period, and not many would go to read laws unless they are somewhere they could read them easily.
Out-Of-Character, this could also have Roleplay rules on it, or a link to them. I see a lot of people who just don't know about the rules/laws, and would instantly make better Roleplayers if they had them easy to access for a newcomer.
Thank you for reading.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
+1. I love this. Might help in preventing Tavern-Assassin-itis. Horrible disease.
Glad that everyone agrees! Maybe they can implement something like this then. :D
malzy approves
I think this is great, I've had a person try to attack me in the middle of the street with a sword before. It could also help old players that are returning, in case there is a new law made that they don't know of.
So far everyone seems to like the idea, but without the staff, that's all it will ever be, isn't it? An idea. Could I get some @Staff opinions?

though IC a lot of people can't really read, OOC a board sounds like a superb idea to make sure rules are known.