Archived Regalian Gaurds Easy Identification

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High Council member of The Algorian Empire
Jul 17, 2012
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It's a real simple suggestion that benefits the majority
Can we give them red names? Just to establish the real and fakes? Or some colour that mods don't mind?
Would also give them something to show for, ergo don't mess with the red names

Just a note, there are a few regalia guard imposters walking round, literally walking round regalia having just joined the server claiming to be on patrol, fakes are silly, this would add a genuine identification to the guards. Jus sayin :P

Edit: toxiclord has suggested we add a regalian npc's guard at the spawn to help us identify the frauds from the fakes, would love that instead of a name.
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The specific colours of the guard uniform are irreplicable in survival. When a fake is standng next to a guard you can tell the difference. Having said that, I admit it is rather annoying when there are no guards so you can't tell the difference. And having said that, fake guard uniforms might be good for rp. Frankly with a red name you might get a bunch of meta-gamers screwing over someone's disguise by yelling 'AhaHahfaek guord uguu!'
The specific colours of the guard uniform are irreplicable in survival. When a fake is standng next to a guard you can tell the difference. Having said that, I admit it is rather annoying when there are no guards so you can't tell the difference. And having said that, fake guard uniforms might be good for rp. Frankly with a red name you might get a bunch of meta-gamers screwing over someone's disguise by yelling 'AhaHahfaek guord uguu!'

Have it toggle with a command. So if the guard is off duty/undercover/not rping right now/not in regalia then they don't have to be marked out as a guard.
you can normally tell if a guard is fake by the way they act.
I don't think the color name would work out, but maybe a badge, like the old Crimson Inquisition Badges, to show that they are the real thing.
I thi
I don't think the color name would work out, but maybe a badge, like the old Crimson Inquisition Badges, to show that they are the real thing.
I think that would be a better idea. Even though experienced role players don't meta-game the relatively new members to the server might.
It's a real simple suggestion that benefits the majority
Can we give them red names? Just to establish the real and fakes? Or some colour that mods don't mind?
Would also give them something to show for, ergo don't mess with the red names

Just a note, there are a few regalia guard importers walking round, literally walking round regalia having just joined the server claiming to be on patrol, fakes are silly, this would add a genuine identification to the guards. Jus sayin :P

The specific colours of the guard uniform are irreplicable in survival. When a fake is standng next to a guard you can tell the difference. Having said that, I admit it is rather annoying when there are no guards so you can't tell the difference. And having said that, fake guard uniforms might be good for rp. Frankly with a red name you might get a bunch of meta-gamers screwing over someone's disguise by yelling 'AhaHahfaek guord uguu!'

Hmm maybe with the new quests and stuff they could deploy 1 npc with Guard Armor near spawn warning about imposters. That way you would know exactly how guard armor looks like, that it is not createable in survival and how to distinguish real and fake guards.
Official Guard uniforms are very vibrant in their color. Fake uniforms will usually appear to be very dull.
DrFong would love to hear more role play staff opinions, the official sensus of the thread is the guards need something to stand out from a regular, drfong spends much time in regalia I think his opinion in here would be highly valued.
I think metagaming could be a problem, what if those posing as guards were severely punished if/when discovered by real guards? This way, they could still go around pretending to be guards, but have serious reason not to. Plus we have a reason to use the ideas from the Harmful Devices thread!
I think metagaming could be a problem, what if those posing as guards were severely punished if/when discovered by real guards? This way, they could still go around pretending to be guards, but have serious reason not to. Plus we have a reason to use the ideas from the Harmful Devices thread!

We actually do this. They are arrested for impersonation. But I have not been able to catch an impersonator who was not a GodRPer.
I do agree with the fact that they need a form of Identification but on the same note we also need more guards. On multiple occasions I've found myself in need of a guard during RP but even asking if any are nearby on Global hasn't worked. I believe that anything that will separate the guards noticeably from the rest would be as good a solution as any
I think metagaming could be a problem, what if those posing as guards were severely punished if/when discovered by real guards? This way, they could still go around pretending to be guards, but have serious reason not to. Plus we have a reason to use the ideas from the Harmful Devices thread!
Meta gaming is already a problem, and is already punishable, no new player will know how to judge who or what a guard is, there is no clear resounding definition of what a guard is to look like, they need to be identifiable, you don't see the police wander round in a hoodie with an iPod plugged in, they have a uniform, our guards need something to set them out by the rest and to make them official as well as have the ability to turn it of when off duty.
Maybe a thing much like the ticket system. From it guards can say if they are active or not, people can request a guard, and fakes will be easily caught out.
The Regalian Guard armor is made using commands and is a specific color that cannot be replicated through dyes. Anyone running around in the good old Regalian yellow and purple is a guard. A specific name color is unnecessary.

If specific name colors were necessary, here is a priority list of those who would get colors.

BabaManga - For being the server mascot and 'being cute'. Obviously would be painfully offensive pink.
Roleplay Staff Members - For better in game recognition and authority on roleplay matters.
Renowned Characters - For being even more well known.
Guards - They don't really need it, they have armor.
The Regalian Guard armor is made using commands and is a specific color that cannot be replicated through dyes. Anyone running around in the good old Regalian yellow and purple is a guard. A specific name color is unnecessary.

If specific name colors were necessary, here is a priority list of those who would get colors.

BabaManga - For being the server mascot and 'being cute'. Obviously would be painfully offensive pink.
Roleplay Staff Members - For better in game recognition and authority on roleplay matters.
Renowned Characters - For being even more well known.
Guards - They don't really need it, they have armor.

of my copious hours spent in regalia i have seen one guard in those colours, are you telling the rest i have seen wandering around in iron and other leather types are all fakes or ill equipped ???? if so my god there is so many people in need of a proper suit of guard armour or you desperately need to crack down on the fakes

on another note, look at the many agrees iv e had ? maybe you should reconsider how you identify the guards and make it easier, a blinding name would be far easier than armour. you need more than just the armour to identify them, its very clear people agree that more needs to be done :)
wandering around in iron and other leather types are all fakes or ill equipped ????
Just because someone is in armour that doesn´t mean they are a guard or trying to be one ....
I for example use leatherarmour as "uniform" for my couriers (so I don´t have to change my skin all the time).
There are also many people that rp as guards for other people and wear armour because of that or other reasons like hiding their face from guards, etc.
And to be honest in all my time being at the tavern I just saw 2 fake guards ...... and one of them was new so it wasn´t even really his fault
Again, an NPC guard near spawn wearing the exact armour the guards wear would be useful. The names people can easily meta roleplay, just like for any other renowned character username.
No need for this, really, it bassically encourages metagaming.

Maybe it would unless it was toggle able, the name colour would be a badge for them.

Again, an NPC guard near spawn wearing the exact armour the guards wear would be useful. The names people can easily meta roleplay, just like for any other renowned character username.

This would almost effectively as good as a name, we only need one guard fully equipped in the correct uniform! I like that idea I will edit it in

You're just ignoring the point. Fake guards can lead to good roleplay. If somehow we really did convince the staff to make an entire rank or a system to give each of the guards a red name, you'd effectively make it impossible for anyone to impersonate the guards.

Also, not everyone running around is a Regalian Guard. There are no laws against wearing armor. The special Regalian armor is enough.

You're just ignoring the point. Fake guards can lead to good roleplay. If somehow we really did convince the staff to make an entire rank or a system to give each of the guards a red name, you'd effectively make it impossible for anyone to impersonate the guards.

Also, not everyone running around is a Regalian Guard. There are no laws against wearing armor. The special Regalian armor is enough.

I agree but I still find importers annoying

Also there is an NPC with guard armor... Guard John.

Is it by the spawn?
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