Archived Regalian Caravan

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The Storyteller
Jun 2, 2015
Reaction score
Killarney, Ireland
The world of Aloria is a big place, and people of all kinds are always moving around. I am proposing an idea for a new area of Regalia to be built. Nothing too complicated, my idea is to have a small grouping of caravan carts, like those at the summer festival, in a small grouping outside of the city walls, possibly near a gate. These carts can be rented for a cheap price, a new area of housing, but for shorter time. This could bring a new element into roleplay, giving the players somewhere to go, like hanging out with a camp of Dakkar or traveling group of elves.
Feel free to give feedback!
Thanks for reading!
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
I've been waiting for accommodations outside the city walls for a really long time, and this seems like a very very good idea.
I love Caravan, with the cards and stu-.. oh wrong one never mind

This seems like a wonderful Idea.
I think this is a wonderful idea. But I have to inquire, out of simple curiosity.

Where would this new area be located? Would it be ideal to be placed near the Poor District, or perhaps another place? And what sort of inhabitants would be found hanging about the most here? Why?

Again, this is all from pure curiosity. I tend to enjoy a detailed mental image when it comes to brainstorming.
I think this is a wonderful idea. But I have to inquire, out of simple curiosity.

Where would this new area be located? Would it be ideal to be placed near the Poor District, or perhaps another place? And what sort of inhabitants would be found hanging about the most here? Why?

Again, this is all from pure curiosity. I tend to enjoy a detailed mental image when it comes to brainstorming.

I was thinking about the area just out side of North Western Regalia, close by to the gate. I imagine it being a circle or two of at least 10 carts per circle, usually surrounding a fire. Maybe not even carts completely, there could be tents thrown in as well. Players could run small trading posts here. (See Picture)
As for the people of this nomadic site, I see perhaps not necessarily extremely poor citizens, but characters that live off the land. Gypsies, bards, merchants, of all races. Like a colorful melting pot.
I was thinking about the area just out side of North Western Regalia, close by to the gate. I imagine it being a circle or two of at least 10 carts per circle, usually surrounding a fire. Maybe not even carts completely, there could be tents thrown in as well. Players could run small trading posts here. (See Picture)
As for the people of this nomadic site, I see perhaps not necessarily extremely poor citizens, but characters that live off the land. Gypsies, bards, merchants, of all races. Like a colorful melting pot.
Ah, lovely. If you had to give a guess, or perhaps a hypothesis (as there would be no way to tell just by pure imagination), what would be the most common 'threat' to this small coup/gathering of folk that thrive or spend their time here? Obviously, a high dealer in the matter would be bandits, but what I wonder is would there be more crimes that occur here due to lack of security and regulation, or would this place grow to be that of an esteemed lot/establishment?

Your idea is very intriguing. I have to say I'm enjoying my speculations of it.
Ah, lovely. If you had to give a guess, or perhaps a hypothesis (as there would be no way to tell just by pure imagination), what would be the most common 'threat' to this small coup/gathering of folk that thrive or spend their time here? Obviously, a high dealer in the matter would be bandits, but what I wonder is would there be more crimes that occur here due to lack of security and regulation, or would this place grow to be that of an esteemed lot/establishment?

Your idea is very intriguing. I have to say I'm enjoying my speculations of it.

Well, considering these caravans often have a close community, crime would generally be pretty low between them. Although, pickpockets do originate from these places. In all honesty though, it would be up to the player. Since these caravans often consist of Nomads, the same group of people would not stay for very long, simply to stop by the city, sell their goods, and move on.
Well, considering these caravans often have a close community, crime would generally be pretty low between them. Although, pickpockets do originate from these places. In all honesty though, it would be up to the player. Since these caravans often consist of Nomads, the same group of people would not stay for very long, simply to stop by the city, sell their goods, and move on.
Very good. I also second this idea. With good building layout, I'm sure this would be an exciting place to roleplay at. +1
This is just amazing. I can easily see this being a huge roleplay hotspot for people who play nomadic characters. Assuming this is added, I may rent a tent myself.
I think the summer festival's layout and design fit this idea perfectly. I'd love to see something like this, maybe not even close to Regalia but a few minutes' walk away from the main gate, in the forest?
The first outside Regalia expansion that is planned right now is Huntingford, a small farming village with a few estates, houses, mills and extended farm fields rent able. Most of our resources will be tied up there, but if we have further plans we'll think about a caravan camp.