Archived Regalian Black Market And Illness Pluggin

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Oct 12, 2012
Reaction score
Roleplay Guilds
La Ganga, Registry of Merchants.
In roleplay, Regalians work as merchants, tavern keepers, and of course, thieves. If this is the case, i would suggest that Regalia makes a black market, for from the merchant district, or maybe in some underground sewer areas.

For example: Your walking to the sewers when you find a small settlement to the sides of the sewers, the settlement includes a couple of chests with stolen items which would be rather cheap.


On the other hand i might also suggest and illness plugging, which enables all races to become sick by:

Being attacked by zombies

Eating raw meats or rotten flesh.

Exposure to the sick.

Entering a dirty or contaminated city, (Influenced by AurelienBela.)

slight yet random chance of becoming sick for no reason (may be affected by your race type.)

It will add a certain RP element to the server which will make it much more realistic, yet medieval. I see both of these suggestions possible. And I also see them extremely full of potential. As for the illness plugging you could just edit a copy of the vampire plugging and add multiple copies of it, one for each disease, the race it affects, and how to cure one another.
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I agree but if you're attacked by a zombie nothing bad should happen as its very common and would get rather annoying . I also think certain biomes should effect and maybe give illnesses to certain races
I agree but if you're attacked by a zombie nothing bad should happen as its very common and would get rather annoying . I also think certain biomes should effect and maybe give illnesses to certain races

Zombies are rotting and decomposing, meaning that if they walk and attack you, it would probably create an infection which is a bit common, however the zombies may have just turned, making them a bit "cleaner"

I do agree the chance of illness caused by zombie infection should be slim, but possible.
yep. we need illness..and like my cousin suggested in tht thread on the new continent coming out, thirst. Thirst,illness, weather effects...those would make massive even more immersive
and itd be even cooler if admins/staff could an area and make it "diseased/dirty" where when players go through that selected area or if they stay too long they migh get sick (slowness, weakness, a very mild form of poison, or "blacking out" where they hav no vision and are paralyzed, immobile) great ideas but i thnk the massive staff are all very occupied right now. Great Ideas thoguh XD
and itd be even cooler if admins/staff could an area and make it "diseased/dirty" where when players go through that selected area or if they stay too long they migh get sick (slowness, weakness, a very mild form of poison, or "blacking out" where they hav no vision and are paralyzed, immobile) great ideas but i think the massive staff are all very occupied right now. Great Ideas though XD

Ill add plague to the list, i hope you don't mind. I do not however, support dehydration, itll make the server way too hard/ not fun since we would have to constantly be running to water, and think about it if we where at Gana-Isha?
Well, as much fun as this all sounds, I would hate to imagine the coding that this would force the staff to do. Plus, the whole plagues wiping out 2/3rds of Europe, and how this is medieval time period. Maybe cool idea, but not the greatest when used?
Well, as much fun as this all sounds, I would hate to imagine the coding that this would force the staff to do. Plus, the whole plagues wiping out 2/3rds of Europe, and how this is medieval time period. Maybe cool idea, but not the greatest when used?

I guess there should be some cures? Or like Yanar being able to cure you from the diseases instantly, or the altar of light?
I guess there should be some cures? Or like Yanar being able to cure you from the diseases instantly, or the altar of light?
Well, if alter's are going to be cures, why not the alter of darkness cure as well? Sure, it creates vampires, but its a center of faith just like the alter of light is. Sure it may be a center of faith that many view evil, but the power of belief is still there.
Regardless, I like the idea for the cures, but still not fully convinced that we should have the sicknesses in the first place.
In roleplay, Regalians work as merchants, tavern keepers, and of course, thieves. If this is the case, i would suggest that Regalia makes a black market, for from the merchant district, or maybe in some underground sewer areas.

For example: Your walking to the sewers when you find a small settlement to the sides of the sewers, the settlement includes a couple of chests with stolen items which would be rather cheap.


On the other hand i might also suggest and illness plugging, which enables all races to become sick by:

Being attacked by zombies

Eating raw meats or rotten flesh.

Exposure to the sick.

Entering a dirty or contaminated city, (Influenced by AurelienBela.)

slight yet random chance of becoming sick for no reason (may be affected by your race type.)

It will add a certain RP element to the server which will make it much more realistic, yet medieval. I see both of these suggestions possible. And I also see them extremely full of potential. As for the illness plugging you could just edit a copy of the vampire plugging and add multiple copies of it, one for each disease, the race it affects, and how to cure one another.

And also to state, wouldn't Nagas have an immunity to about all? After all, we do have our bodies built an immunity to all/most diseases...

Toxiclord said:
To add on top of this, Nagas would basically BE walking plagues, because of their toxic scales. So to make it worse, the poor Nagas would be like the rats during the BP, they would be the carriers of all of it.
Illness would have to be a very slim chance of contraction, and the ways would have to be reasonable. I think a few acceptable ways of contraction would be the following:
-Bitten by a wild wolf
-Swimming in the water of the Regalia poor district and sewers
-Getting attacked by a villager zombie
-Touching an infected player
-Swimming in swamp water while you are "bleeding" (mcmmo ability)
In roleplay, Regalians work as merchants, tavern keepers, and of course, thieves. If this is the case, i would suggest that Regalia makes a black market, for from the merchant district, or maybe in some underground sewer areas.

For example: Your walking to the sewers when you find a small settlement to the sides of the sewers, the settlement includes a couple of chests with stolen items which would be rather cheap.


On the other hand i might also suggest and illness plugging, which enables all races to become sick by:

Being attacked by zombies

Eating raw meats or rotten flesh.

Exposure to the sick.

Entering a dirty or contaminated city, (Influenced by AurelienBela.)

slight yet random chance of becoming sick for no reason (may be affected by your race type.)

It will add a certain RP element to the server which will make it much more realistic, yet medieval. I see both of these suggestions possible. And I also see them extremely full of potential. As for the illness plugging you could just edit a copy of the vampire plugging and add multiple copies of it, one for each disease, the race it affects, and how to cure one another.

This would definetly be a cool... Wait.. Not cool... Awesome add-on to the server, giving the RP a great boost, since many people could make their living from these diseases (both curing and spreading them).

Also... In the contaminated cities/ares (if these are added by the staff (you know who you are)) It would be close to impossible to move around... Therefore to make it more realistic, lets play with gravity! The infection/contamination would reach the height of 5-6 blocks before being weakened, but won't be gone untill above 10-12 blocks (above ground level, not sea level) to make it slightly more possible to move through a contaminated area, with the risk of falling down and suffer a possible terrifying death. Or just be o the roof's below 12 blocks height, and be contaminated...

Also... Naga's would become walking death machines... Since they are immune to ALLMOST all diseases and potion effects, they would not become infected, but instead contaminated "walkers" running around and infecting people (thank the gods the naga race is one of the least popular). They would kinda be hunted down like Vampires, only with MUCH higher priority, and instant execution without trial just for being Naga. Sounds supporting for RP on the server, and makes sure the Naga's stay where they belong, in the waters.

Soo... After all... I SUPPORT this idea with all my heart and soul!
This would definetly be a cool... Wait.. Not cool... Awesome add-on to the server, giving the RP a great boost, since many people could make their living from these diseases (both curing and spreading them).

Also... In the contaminated cities/ares (if these are added by the staff (you know who you are)) It would be close to impossible to move around... Therefore to make it more realistic, lets play with gravity! The infection/contamination would reach the height of 5-6 blocks before being weakened, but won't be gone untill above 10-12 blocks (above ground level, not sea level) to make it slightly more possible to move through a contaminated area, with the risk of falling down and suffer a possible terrifying death. Or just be o the roof's below 12 blocks height, and be contaminated...

Also... Naga's would become walking death machines... Since they are immune to ALLMOST all diseases and potion effects, they would not become infected, but instead contaminated "walkers" running around and infecting people (thank the gods the naga race is one of the least popular). They would kinda be hunted down like Vampires, only with MUCH higher priority, and instant execution without trial just for being Naga. Sounds supporting for RP on the server, and makes sure the Naga's stay where they belong, in the waters.

Soo... After all... I SUPPORT this idea with all my heart and soul!

Thank you, although maybe undead should not become sick, nor should yanar. Yanar are plants and they would have a plague that affects crops in order for Yanar to be sick and ive got just the thing for Yanar:

...Wither effect.

Undead are already dead, so their body would not attack these illnesses, but they would still have them. Contaminating eveyone they come close to.

Races to watch out for if this becomes a plugging:


I think the illness would be interesting. Although naga could become very annoying and mess up role plays if they just ran into the middle of one and infect everybody... Would make me go :@
I think the illness would be interesting. Although naga could become very annoying and mess up role plays if they just ran into the middle of one and infect everybody... Would make me go :@

Make them have to offer you blood and attack you to infect you. It would make less sense, but seem much more dealable with.
yep. we need illness..and like my cousin suggested in tht thread on the new continent coming out, thirst. Thirst,illness, weather effects...those would make massive even more immersive

No no no no no no NO!
Firstly, CAPITALS, which is the first reason I disagree. Secondly, Thirst would require me to continuous search for water sources or carry vials or something, and that is not okay. Additionally, you are asking mods to create things for little reward.

Weather effects might be nice, but mild ones. Such as, puddles after a down-fall of rain.
Maybe trees change color to more brown when it gets hot for too long.
Illness would be more realistic since it is a Roleplay server. Some people may find it annoying. By my personal inion it is an absolute YES. It would also enhance Roleplay characters since the characters could catch the diseases. I wish that they would add this, as long as it doesn't lag the server.
I think the illness would be interesting. Although naga could become very annoying and mess up role plays if they just ran into the middle of one and infect everybody... Would make me go :@

Samohtc! Such a long time since I've last seen you! Hai!
*Hugs him*
*Hugs everyone then runs off*
This would definetly be a cool... Wait.. Not cool... Awesome add-on to the server, giving the RP a great boost, since many people could make their living from these diseases (both curing and spreading them).

Also... In the contaminated cities/ares (if these are added by the staff (you know who you are)) It would be close to impossible to move around... Therefore to make it more realistic, lets play with gravity! The infection/contamination would reach the height of 5-6 blocks before being weakened, but won't be gone untill above 10-12 blocks (above ground level, not sea level) to make it slightly more possible to move through a contaminated area, with the risk of falling down and suffer a possible terrifying death. Or just be o the roof's below 12 blocks height, and be contaminated...

Also... Naga's would become walking death machines... Since they are immune to ALLMOST all diseases and potion effects, they would not become infected, but instead contaminated "walkers" running around and infecting people (thank the gods the naga race is one of the least popular). They would kinda be hunted down like Vampires, only with MUCH higher priority, and instant execution without trial just for being Naga. Sounds supporting for RP on the server, and makes sure the Naga's stay where they belong, in the waters.

Soo... After all... I SUPPORT this idea with all my heart and soul!

Well, actually, I must add something on to this idea;
Ever had of Rabies? Most diseases act just like that,
The body is just as dangerous dead as it was alive. If not, worse. Besides, cutting open a Naga or choking them would make their body no longer be a suitable infection location, as they won't be able to survive in this for any longer with lack of food and nutrients.
When they die, it would basically be like opening a biological bomb, basically shooting the infection around anyone whom gets near the body, not just touching it.
As again, there also is a lack of Yanar in the cities of Regalia, the only ones I have really seen that are there often are Faewyn and Jj2482, and eventually one of them won't be able to be around Regalia. The Naga's do have their anti-venom blood however, so if you were to drink their blood it could cure you, however give you a 5 second poison.
and itd be even cooler if admins/staff could an area and make it "diseased/dirty" where when players go through that selected area or if they stay too long they migh get sick (slowness, weakness, a very mild form of poison, or "blacking out" where they hav no vision and are paralyzed, immobile) great ideas but i thnk the massive staff are all very occupied right now. Great Ideas thoguh XD
I just made a mental connection, like the whole stay there too long thing.. it reminded me of Fallout with radiation. Also, with the blacking out I have something like that happen when I use Night Vision Potions... Might come in handy. xD
Maybe have a different disease for each race. Vespids have mushrooms growing from them that take over the Vespid's brain and cause it to try to infect other Vespids. Tigrans have a parasite that causes them to become dizzy and weak. Dwarfs lose all of their hair, and become extremely irritable. Elves start to turn into Dark Elves (would obviously be hard to happen and slow transformation). Maiar become dark colored because of pollution, and Agni start to lose their heat. Orcs start to lose strength and their tusks fall out. Naga shed their skin repeatedly, causing their scales to be weaker. Yanar start to decay.
Maybe have a different disease for each race. Vespids have mushrooms growing from them that take over the Vespid's brain and cause it to try to infect other Vespids. Tigrans have a parasite that causes them to become dizzy and weak. Dwarfs lose all of their hair, and become extremely irritable. Elves start to turn into Dark Elves (would obviously be hard to happen and slow transformation). Maiar become dark colored because of pollution, and Agni start to lose their heat. Orcs start to lose strength and their tusks fall out. Naga shed their skin repeatedly, causing their scales to be weaker. Yanar start to decay.

That'd be interesting. (Y) Although there would have to be someway for each disease to get to them... Maybe vespids being around mushrooms too long elves being in caves too long agni be out of lava/fire too long yanar being in deserts/nether ( Gana-isha ) too long. Dwarves, orcs, maiar, and naga I don't know.
That'd be interesting. (Y) Although there would have to be someway for each disease to get to them... Maybe vespids being around mushrooms too long elves being in caves too long agni be out of lava/fire too long yanar being in deserts/nether ( Gana-isha ) too long. Dwarves, orcs, maiar, and naga I don't know.

There really are no Maiar to affect out there, however a good idea. And again, Naga are immune to any/all diseases. And shedding would be a normal thing for Naga.
But if the Naga idea does pass, I should set my character to have been infected by it, as he does lack scales on his face arms and legs.
You could always go even deeper down that rabbit hole and make it so races will eventually develop an resistance to the disease, but the disease could always spread to other races which have little to no resistance to it.
If nagas have an immunity to it doesn't that mean their immune system destroyed the infection...I don't believe they would be walking death machines I just think that diseases wouldn't affect them. Including the spreading. Or at least they don't keep the spreading affect for near as long as other races and have to be exposed to it for longer.

I really don't think agni should get it either. What kind of disease could last long in temperatures over 130 let alone whatever the hell an average agni temperature is. Maybe when they are in cold biomes.
But This could make a very interesting role play experience for nagas. There could be naga villages in these diseased areas and swamps. Nagas would be encouraged to live in such places where they have an advantage of survivability. Actually I although i don't believe it is realistic I would like it if nagas could be walking death machines and be hunted down. There is kind of a thrill about being chased at every corner. And it would force nagas to create roleplay factions. Which I don't believe there is a single naga faction out there like there probably is for every other race.
Yea I think altars and maybe yanars should be able to cure Silent_ruler
In roleplay, Regalians work as merchants, tavern keepers, and of course, thieves. If this is the case, i would suggest that Regalia makes a black market, for from the merchant district, or maybe in some underground sewer areas.

For example: Your walking to the sewers when you find a small settlement to the sides of the sewers, the settlement includes a couple of chests with stolen items which would be rather cheap.


On the other hand i might also suggest and illness plugging, which enables all races to become sick by:

Being attacked by zombies

Eating raw meats or rotten flesh.

Exposure to the sick.

Entering a dirty or contaminated city, (Influenced by AurelienBela.)

slight yet random chance of becoming sick for no reason (may be affected by your race type.)

It will add a certain RP element to the server which will make it much more realistic, yet medieval. I see both of these suggestions possible. And I also see them extremely full of potential. As for the illness plugging you could just edit a copy of the vampire plugging and add multiple copies of it, one for each disease, the race it affects, and how to cure one another.
what about parasites?
As good as the idea is, I really couldn't be bothered with getting sick ¬_¬
It only really effects role-play, so the people there to just play the game will have an unnecessary nuisance to deal with, on top of hunger, potion effects, and all that jazz.
As good as the idea is, I really couldn't be bothered with getting sick ¬_¬
It only really effects role-play, so the people there to just play the game will have an unnecessary nuisance to deal with, on top of hunger, potion effects, and all that jazz.

Perhaps a command that enables/disables becoming sick? So if you wanted it for RP purposes, you could turn it on?
Well, there's all ready the dark disease, and it's relatively impossible to get without trying and easy as heck to get rid of...
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