Archived Regalian Awakening Areas| Regalian Castle|

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Oct 12, 2012
Reaction score
Roleplay Guilds
La Ganga, Registry of Merchants.
Today I have very few things to suggest:

We all know Regalia is an empire, but I havent seen the area where the emperor resides. Perhaps when Regalian evictions are finished a sort of castle or large area where the Emperor resides opens? We have a chancellery so why not a sort of castle?


We all know we like to awaken our characters for our approved and legit Role-play beings, however, it was stated that there is indeed a Regalian group which awakens its citizens, I suggest they receive a center which may be visited by players to recieve their in-game awakening. (There are people that use their previous experience in the server for use in their Role-play story.)

Thank your for your time and consideration, and feel free to state your thoughts bellow.
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The palace is currently under construction, but it takes a while to finish as it's big.
The palace is currently under construction, but it takes a while to finish as it's big.

You staff members are always ahead of me, good to hear about the palace, I look forward to walking on its halls. If you need help, please tell me how I may be of assistance. :)
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