Archived Regalia And Vampires

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Too lazy to make a cool title
Oct 22, 2012
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Hey, i don't know if anyone have suggested this about vampires already but here it goes. After i saw this Crimson Inquisition thing, i figured that they should be able to kill vampires in regalia even tough it isn't a war zone or anything like that. i suggest this to go into the vampire plugin that for example if you shriek or turn on bloodlust, then these Crimson Inquistion people get the ability to kill you. This would only be between the vamps and Crimson peps.. And other players won't be involved.

Feel free to change or add your own suggestions to this, idk if it will be too wierd and stuff. But it will defneatly make vampires hide their asses when they are in regalia ;)
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Nice, have been wanting to see some combat with the vampires in Regalia :P
This would be nice if it were vice versa, so the vamps can attack them as well. Vampire revolution! :D

If the crimson inquisition could only attack vamps and not vice versa, that'd be awful.
Perhaps only making it vampires can attack if a Crimson has attacked them in the last 30 seconds, similar to the pacifist plug in.
Agreed with Jared.[DOUBLEPOST=1362354990][/DOUBLEPOST]Maybe longer than 30s though, like 2 mins.
Also, pvp turned on in the sewers and undercity. But that'll be a different thread ;)
Why not just allow pvp for vampires in Regalia? If they attack someone they can be attacked as well. That would be more RP accurate, as the 'good' vampires wouldn't attack anyone but the evil ones would.
Why not just allow pvp for vampires in Regalia? If they attack someone they can be attacked as well. That would be more RP accurate, as the 'good' vampires wouldn't attack anyone but the evil ones would.
That would just create a chaotic killing spree 24/7 in regalia. No thanks. Perhaps down in the undercity or in the slums, but not in the whole city....
That would just create a chaotic killing spree 24/7 in regalia. No thanks. Perhaps down in the undercity or in the slums, but not in the whole city....

You can do it by district? Nice, then the poor district and undercity should both be PVP allowed for all, and the Common, Elven and Dwarven Districts should have PVP for vampires. Nobles and Merchants have the silver to prevent pvp in their area via kick-ass guards.
the only problem with vampires fighting back is that they would spawn 10 feet away, then could keep charging back into the fight until the guards are overwhelmed.
Let's just keep it to the Undercity and Sewers. Even that is a tad overboard: If it was on the surface, new people to the server would be killed and likely ragequit.

And again, vampires should be able to fight back, but only against Crimson's. Difficult to code, but it'd be fantastic.
Let's just keep it to the Undercity and Sewers. Even that is a tad overboard: If it was on the surface, new people to the server would be killed and likely ragequit.

And again, vampires should be able to fight back, but only against Crimson's. Difficult to code, but it'd be fantastic.
In EssentialsChat, there are groups. If we do the same basic thing as moderation, then we can make Inquisitors.
Not sure how I feel about vampires being able to fight back. That sounds unfair, but really, crimson guards only have leather armour. Fighting a diamond armour vampire would be impossible.
Not sure how I feel about vampires being able to fight back. That sounds unfair, but really, crimson guards only have leather armour. Fighting a diamond armour vampire would be impossible.
That also brings up a good point because every vampire could just show up wearing diamond armor just to kill the guards and say they "won" the roleplay, though i would assume this is also being taken into account already
You can do it by district? Nice, then the poor district and undercity should both be PVP allowed for all, and the Common, Elven and Dwarven Districts should have PVP for vampires. Nobles and Merchants have the silver to prevent pvp in their area via kick-ass guards.
Nope, not to my knowledge at least.
Nope, not to my knowledge at least.

I think you can actually, Ulumulu said something about a bar in the slums which has PVP enabled, so I can only imagine.

I am going to look for something a bit broader though, we don't want vamps to taunt people in the slums and then lolrun into the noble district.
I think you can actually, Ulumulu said something about a bar in the slums which has PVP enabled, so I can only imagine.

I am going to look for something a bit broader though, we don't want vamps to taunt people in the slums and then lolrun into the noble district.
  • "Set areas where PVP, TNT, mob damage, and other features are disabled"
Looks like it.
Can Vampire's then attack other Vampire's down there? . . .
Cause that would be a little strange :/
For the overall request/suggestion:
It would be great. Vampires shouldn't be able to attack back, crimsons wear leather and the respawn rate is horrible. A very RPish explanation is, that vampires cannot attack back because Regalia itself is a holy city....
Undercity and pvp:
Lol killing others would be a problem, I am sure of that.
Pvp in certain districts:
Possible, hard to create (setting up regions that cover district with all cornes and blabla). But possible.
For the overall request/suggestion:
It would be great. Vampires shouldn't be able to attack back, crimsons wear leather and the respawn rate is horrible. A very RPish explanation is, that vampires cannot attack back because Regalia itself is a holy city....
Undercity and pvp:
Lol killing others would be a problem, I am sure of that.
Pvp in certain districts:
Possible, hard to create (setting up regions that cover district with all cornes and blabla). But possible.

Vampires not being able to attack back would shut down Regalia. I personally think that not giving them the ability to fight back is just stupid - where is the fairness in that? Just have that wonderful beacon nerf their ability to fight (no bloodlust, no bonuses in combat). I'm not even a vampire and I'm saying this haha. If you really need to not let vampires fight back, then just don't enable pvp at all. You'll just cause people to rage at the admins, and no one wants to hear a bunch of angry players raging in global.
Vampires not being able to attack back would shut down Regalia. I personally think that not giving them the ability to fight back is just stupid - where is the fairness in that? Just have that wonderful beacon nerf their ability to fight (no bloodlust, no bonuses in combat). I'm not even a vampire and I'm saying this haha. If you really need to not let vampires fight back, then just don't enable pvp at all. You'll just cause people to rage at the admins, and no one wants to hear a bunch of angry players raging in global.
Where is the sense in Vampires showing up, not hiding their abilitys at all? If you want, you can avoid the crimsons with ease as a vampire....
We were instated because there are too many vampires who don't even try to hide their disea.
Vampires fighting back...that is ridicules in my eyes. Why should they even show up??

What you suggest is not to do with a finger snip, that takes hours of coding... Enabling Pvp for very limited people who don't abuse the powers is far easier.
And by all means, please hide yourself dear vampires... You have the chance, take it.
(The reason why the inquisition took place is that there are too many of them in Regalia openly stating they are the evilnes in person. We did react on that. Vampires should be feared...not there for the lols. If players don't want to roleplay as one, they should cure themself....
For those who want to try it out, don't do it infront of our eyes. I could write more, but it get's a pain to write it on the phone)
Where is the sense in Vampires showing up, not hiding their abilitys at all? If you want, you can avoid the crimsons with ease as a vampire....
We were instated because there are too many vampires who don't even try to hide their disea.
Vampires fighting back...that is ridicules in my eyes. Why should they even show up??

What you suggest is not to do with a finger snip, that takes hours of coding... Enabling Pvp for very limited people who don't abuse the powers is far easier.
And by all means, please hide yourself dear vampires... You have the chance, take it.
(The reason why the inquisition took place is that there are too many of them in Regalia openly stating they are the evilnes in person. We did react on that. Vampires should be feared...not there for the lols. If players don't want to roleplay as one, they should cure themself....
For those who want to try it out, don't do it infront of our eyes. I could write more, but it get's a pain to write it on the phone)

I'm going to dissect your post and reply to each chunk on it's own.

Where is the sense in Vampires showing up, not hiding their abilitys at all? If you want, you can avoid the crimsons with ease as a vampire....

HOW?! Those damned checkpoints made it virtually impossible to use Regalia for ANY purpose. I got so sick of them I stopped visiting the city and I'm not even a freaking vampire! It's easy enough to avoid the Inquisition if there aren't any checkpoints where you need to jump, but when those are up it's impossible to use the city for anything useful.

We were instated because there are too many vampires who don't even try to hide their disea.
Vampires fighting back...that is ridicules in my eyes. Why should they even show up??

They show up because Regalia is the CENTER OF ALL TRADE on this server. You can't buy things anywhere except Regalia, you can't get to other worlds anywhere by Regalia (unless you have a portal to each world) and you can't sell stuff anywhere but Regalia. Name to me one other place that EVERY world has access to which sells a large number of different supplies for various prices. If you can show me a vampire-safe trading area that every user can access, buy stuff, and sell stuff, then I will have ZERO qualms with the Inquisition. The primary reason I go to Regalia is for the RP and to maintain my bank. However, I know full well that many people go there to buy supplies that can't be purchased elsewhere, like, say, Ghast Tears or End Stone. The reason they show up is to buy stuff, sell stuff, and take care of shops they have.

What you suggest is not to do with a finger snip, that takes hours of coding... Enabling Pvp for very limited people who don't abuse the powers is far easier.

I'm sure that what I suggest would take a great deal of coding effort and time, but I think it would be worth it. Think about it for a moment: if a vampire cannot defend themselves then how is that RP-accurate? What vampire in known lore sits back and says "Yeah, you ram that wooden stake into my heart."? I have yet to encounter such a storyline, even the comedy vampires defend themselves. If you're going to enable pvp for the Inquisition then you should enable it for vampires. It may be difficult, but you can work past any possible forms of abuse by making it so that ONLY vampires that were attacked recently by Inquisition members can fight back - and then you can make it so they can only hurt people in the Inquisition. Certainly not simple or easy, but totally worth it to keep a balance between the Inquisition and Vampires. RP-wise an IG-wise, it would not be a good thing to have one group of people have absolute power over another.

And by all means, please hide yourself dear vampires... You have the chance, take it.

I have yet to see a /v hide feature that allows them to hide themselves from the Inquisition when those lovely checkpoints are up. And since all it takes is 'You! I think you're a vampire!' to get someone jailed/killed, it just doesn't seem feasible for vampires to hide while still being able to use Regalia for its intended purpose as a server capitol.

The reason why the inquisition took place is that there are too many of them in Regalia openly stating they are the evilnes in person. We did react on that. Vampires should be feared...not there for the lols. If players don't want to roleplay as one, they should cure themself.... For those who want to try it out, don't do it in front of our eyes.

I agree that there are way too many openly being vampires, but even so they should be able to defend themselves. If they cannot defend themselves then they will just quit Regalia(I know I will if I can be attacked by Inquisition members for no good reason) and close up shops. Then you would start to lose interest in Regalia and eventually the city will be about as useful as SilverWind was when Regalia came out. What I want isn't that much, just the ability for vampires to defend themselves when attacked, which would give them a chance to actually use the city and would enhance RP. The Inquisition currently has the problem of not being able to attack vampires. Well, give them that power without giving it to vampires and you have vampires not being able to attack the Inquisition. That would be as bad, if not worse, then the way it is now.

My last word in reply for now is that Regalia is meant to be the Server Capitol. The primary purpose of a Server Capitol is to serve as a friendly place where every player on the server can come together and communicate, trade, and have general fun. SilverEdge served that purpose nobly, with vampires and humans being welcome equally. All in all, I want Regalia to have the same atmosphere as SilverEdge did. I always felt safe and welcome in SilverEdge, considerably less so in Regalia.
They show up because Regalia is the CENTER OF ALL TRADE on this server. You can't buy things anywhere except Regalia, you can't get to other worlds anywhere by Regalia (unless you have a portal to each world) and you can't sell stuff anywhere but Regalia. Name to me one other place that EVERY world has access to which sells a large number of different supplies for various prices. If you can show me a vampire-safe trading area that every user can access, buy stuff, and sell stuff, then I will have ZERO qualms with the Inquisition. The primary reason I go to Regalia is for the RP and to maintain my bank. However, I know full well that many people go there to buy supplies that can't be purchased elsewhere, like, say, Ghast Tears or End Stone. The reason they show up is to buy stuff, sell stuff, and take care of shops they have

I know they show up because of this. Tbh, most likely everyone is in a faction, with the /spawn command you can get to the worlds spawn, so to the harbour and travel unnoticed from the guards. It will always be possible to flee from the inquisition. That thing yesterday was a reaction to something bigger, so it will not happen daily...
I'm sure that what I suggest would take a great deal of coding effort and time, but I think it would be worth it. Think about it for a moment: if a vampire cannot defend themselves then how is that RP-accurate? What vampire in known lore sits back and says "Yeah, you ram that wooden stake into my heart."? I have yet to encounter such a storyline, even the comedy vampires defend themselves. If you're going to enable pvp for the Inquisition then you should enable it for vampires. It may be difficult, but you can work past any possible forms of abuse by making it so that ONLY vampires that were attacked recently by Inquisition members can fight back - and then you can make it so they can only hurt people in the Inquisition. Certainly not simple or easy, but totally worth it to keep a balance between the Inquisition and Vampires. RP-wise an IG-wise, it would not be a good thing to have one group of people have absolute power over another.
Sure, It would be great. We discuss that on the other thread.
For the power, why else would we be so careful at taking guards on? And not, not all red-black-red armored guys are real guards.
When do we react:
  • It is obvious the person is a vampire(burning in sunlight, bloodlusting, shreaking, jumping two high ect.)
  • The person is openly saying that he/she supports vampires.
  • The person is hindering us to do our "job" (aka, walk around, open doors etc.)
That also leads to your next captcher, if you can hide yourself from these (or avoid doing that) it's fine.
Also, a /v hide command is under discussion.
My last word in reply for now is that Regalia is meant to be the Server Capitol. The primary purpose of a Server Capitol is to serve as a friendly place where every player on the server can come together and communicate, trade, and have general fun. SilverEdge served that purpose nobly, with vampires and humans being welcome equally. All in all, I want Regalia to have the same atmosphere as SilverEdge did. I always felt safe and welcome in SilverEdge, considerably less so in Regalia.

It should be a friendly and roleplayish place. A save-haven for people to roleplay. Vampires can go to the undercity, no guard will bother them there, never ever.
Regalia is taking the Roleplay way further than Silveredge. Silveredge didn't have a real royalty system, nor a back-story, nor a real purpose. Regalia does. Just because this temporary situation is uncomfortable to you shouldn't stop role playing. Everyone has to adept him/herself to it. Regalia is against vampires? Hide yourself in the sewers, swim in the river to flee from guards...Stay underwater longer than them...

Regalia does already has the better atmosphere than silveredge had in my opinion. There is more roleplay going on, there are more people together, there is more fun and more story! I ask you; If we define this as a roleplay server, why should more roleplay be bad? When the roleplay is bad to you, hide....go underground...
If you don't want to RP in regalia, go to your faction and play there....Regalia is only one place to do so.

In concern to your reply, I will set up some more ways for vampires to get out of the water.
Well, in response to your post Ulu, I think you covered all the bases fairly well. I just liked the more laid back feeling SilverEdge had, everything is so serious in Regalia. And I suppose I feel that the whole halablu about vampires is part of the cause for vampires being so popular. They were never this popular (or at least this open) before Regalia came out as an antivamp city. It's sorta like a challenge to vampires, and then everyone gets pissy when the vampires decide to retaliate. When no one made a big deal about vampires they weren't so noticeable. But anyway, it seems that the admins have everything under some semblance of control, so I'll drop the subject.
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