Archived Reform Of Raiding Rules

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Feb 29, 2016
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So, I'm going to start off blunt: the faction of Selendia wants to leave because of raiders.

I don't want to sound like a whiny baby. Yes, I know raiding is a part of factions. Yes, I get that it's somewhat fair to ask for demands from another faction, but here's our situation:

We have been raided at least once every day for a little over a week. We are a completely peaceful faction that stays within the walls of our city, building it up so we can make it a hub for role-players. Each raid, we lose a large amount of materials and have no way to really drive the attackers off, considering that they can just ender pearl over our giant walls. They're also demanding so many regals from us that it would put us way behind on our building and inhibit us further (this is in no way shape or form an option for us). Because of this, many of our members are leaving and blaming our leader for it.

She was on the brink of a panic attack this morning.

I honestly feel that there needs to be some sort of reform to prevent this type of situation from happening. At the end of the day, people like to play games like this to relax and have fun, and this is completely ruining the server for us. I do not know what a good solution is, but I feel like this needs to be brought up and something changed.
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You can surrender with Max tribute even if you aren't in a war. That would require the attacking faction to be in a truce with you for 30 days. And they cannot reject a Max tribute surrender.
You can surrender with Max tribute even if you aren't in a war. That would require the attacking faction to be in a truce with you for 30 days. And they cannot reject a Max tribute surrender.

"They're also demanding so many regals from us that it would put us way behind on our building and inhibit us further."
I know the feeling, I had a faction called Sparta and i got raided alot more then once a day, we had days where could do anything for 6 hours because diffrent factions raided us. Staff couldnt do anything because it wasnt a joint effort. If you want to stay safe i suggest going underground, joining a capable ally in an alliance. Or just you know.. pay tribute.
"They're also demanding so many regals from us that it would put us way behind on our building and inhibit us further."
They can't "demand" anything. Max tribute is calculated. It's 50*x+300 where x= the number of people in the smaller faction.

So if it's a 10 person faction vs a 3 person faction Max tribute would be 50*3+300=450

So they can't demand any amount of regals. If they refuse to accept Max tribute, alert a staff. It's against the server rules.
They can't "demand" anything. Max tribute is calculated. It's 50*x+300 where x= the number of people in the smaller faction.

So if it's a 10 person faction vs a 3 person faction Max tribute would be 50*3+300=450

So they can't demand any amount of regals. If they refuse to accept Max tribute, alert a staff. It's against the server rules.

They demand max, which we can't pay if we want to continue the projects we're doing.
We're not closed to suggestions, but those suggestions need to be substantial. Just going like "This needs reform, do it for us!" doesn't work for us, if you'd like us to change the system, please come with a suggestion that both appeases the side that believes the rules are too much in favor of one side, while also still breaking a compromise instead of a one sided change.
At some point, you really need to take a step back and realize that this is all in good fun. If your leader was on the brink of a panic attack, something is wrong there and it probably has nothing to do with being raided.

That being said, there's really nothing wrong with the current raid rules. Eventually, factions get bored, and if they don't, you just have to adapt one way or another. Afrovia is a prime example. A couple months ago, some people, including myself, organized giant raids on them. I think our record was around 40 premiums in God armor raiding then at once. But after a while, it got boring, Afrovia made (very ugly :P) walls, and it got to the point where most people didn't want to raid them. Eventually, it will be the same way with your faction.

In the meantime, do what others have suggested you to do, be proactive, get some allies and/or pvpers, and fight back. If you really don't want to, then just build some damned walls, as much as I dislike that particular approach.

Depending on who is raiding you, SunKiss may be willing to assist you.
We're not closed to suggestions, but those suggestions need to be substantial. Just going like "This needs reform, do it for us!" doesn't work for us, if you'd like us to change the system, please come with a suggestion that both appeases the side that believes the rules are too much in favor of one side, while also still breaking a compromise instead of a one sided change.

This was not an attempt of making people do it for us, more of "hey, this happened, any suggestions to make it more favorable to people who just want to rp?"

This was to spark discussion on how the rules COULD be reformed, so that there can be a formal suggestion later. But, since other players, staff included, see no problem with the system and aren't taking our situation seriously, then the server's just a bust for us.

I really wish it wasn't that case, but the only fair reform I can think of is if you allow factions to say "this is an rp based faction and we don't want no PvP" and prevent them from being raided, but that also is not a perfect system and would be heavily abused.
This was not an attempt of making people do it for us, more of "hey, this happened, any suggestions to make it more favorable to people who just want to rp?"

This was to spark discussion on how the rules COULD be reformed, so that there can be a formal suggestion later. But, since other players, staff included, see no problem with the system and aren't taking our situation seriously, then the server's just a bust for us.

I really wish it wasn't that case, but the only fair reform I can think of is if you allow factions to say "this is an rp based faction and we don't want no PvP" and prevent them from being raided, but that also is not a perfect system and would be heavily abused.
For people that wish to just RP there is Regalia, Warrenord, and Arach'n. The faction worlds are there to play factions. This server is already very lenient on people that wanna be peaceful it doesn't even allow overclaim so at least your builds will always be protected.
Unrelated to the topic of reform:


Do you vote? If you vote on all the sites once daily, you get at minimum 90 regals (10 regals per vote!). If you hit the regal lottery, you can get at most 290 regals.

On top of this, you can sell any voting items you get. Many players find these collectable and some items are worth a decent sum of money.

Imagine this. Every member of your 25 member faction votes on all sites for one day. That's 2250 regals in one day. At the low end. So vote, grab some members of yours to vote, and you'll be able to pay off that 1550 max tribute in a couple days with no real damage to your building fund. Plus you'll get that 30 days truce!
Unrelated to the topic of reform:


Do you vote? If you vote on all the sites once daily, you get at minimum 90 regals (10 regals per vote!). If you hit the regal lottery, you can get at most 290 regals.

On top of this, you can sell any voting items you get. Many players find these collectable and some items are worth a decent sum of money.

Imagine this. Every member of your 25 member faction votes on all sites for one day. That's 2250 regals in one day. At the low end. So vote, grab some members of yours to vote, and you'll be able to pay off that 1550 max tribute in a couple days with no real damage to your building fund. Plus you'll get that 30 days truce!

Yes, but when people leave, we have to constantly replace the materials taken from us, and our members keep leaving it makes everything much harder.

That and I cannot get the current leader to think straight, she's way too pissed to deal with anything related to do the server.
Yes, but when people leave, we have to constantly replace the materials taken from us, and our members keep leaving it makes everything much harder.

That and I cannot get the current leader to think straight, she's way too pissed to deal with anything related to do the server.
Honestly as far as I can tell you just expect to be immune from raiding because you asked. You don't want to pay tribute, you (seemingly) don't want to build walls, get allies or build traps. So until then, I really have no sympathy for you. I'm not sure if you actually expect to just become immune for raiding, but I really do hope you realize the problems that would present.

You're not going to become a power faction overnight, either. Pretty much all power factions, with the possible exclusion of Raptum, started off exactly where you were, and in some cases in a worse position. You really just have to keep on going through, and at some point it'll stop.
Honestly as far as I can tell you just expect to be immune from raiding because you asked. You don't want to pay tribute, you (seemingly) don't want to build walls, get allies or build traps. So until then, I really have no sympathy for you. I'm not sure if you actually expect to just become immune for raiding, but I really do hope you realize the problems that would present.

You're not going to become a power faction overnight, either. Pretty much all power factions, with the possible exclusion of Raptum, started off exactly where you were, and in some cases in a worse position. You really just have to keep on going through, and at some point it'll stop.

...we HAVE walls, very tall walls, yet ender pearls render them useless. Our allies also aren't doing much. And no, this isn't just for the faction. I'm trying to find a way to allow players who just want to rp to be able to make their own spots to do so. But, as I've been learning very quickly, pretty much everyone on this server wants to PvP, so that's not an option.
The raiding rules have been switched, nerfed, changed, and reformed in the past. I think the current situation is rather perfect. I agree with jes. It seems you want everybody else to conform to your needs and you don't seem to want to make any changes.
No offense meant by this but if your leader is getting that stressed out then maybe they shouldn't be leader? Not everybody has what it takes to be a leader and that's not something to be ashamed of, being leader is a very hard task so maybe your leader should step down and let someone else have a go at it.

Raid rules used to be very strict on this server and it almost completely destroyed the PvP community because some of us only log in to raid and PvP and it's really not fair to limit us from doing so as nobody is limiting your ability to RP. Believe it or not there aren't really that many active factions on the server and nobody wants to raid a faction with 1 or 2 people online. You may have to work around other players but so do us PvPers. Learn to adapt to the situation at hand you have to do that IRL so IDK why you feel it should be different IG. Games are meant to have some sort of challenge you need to overcome.

One bit of advice I have is to make a very good underground portion to your base because walls are completely pointless now. Even with how far out Afrovia has claimed I can still very easily breech their walls with a sky island and Elytra. Unless you have REALLY HIGH walls like close to max build height and you have enough claim power to claim really far beyond those walls they won't stop anything.
At this time I am closing this suggestion due to a lack of substantial discussion to how the raid rules could be specifically modified, the benefits vs disadvantages of a change, etc.
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