Archived Reduce The Spawn Rate Of Mobs On S3

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Kingdoms Baby!
Dec 4, 2012
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We all know that s3 is New Ceardia and Fendarfell. These are the worlds that Massive Mobs are enabled on. Where ever you go in these worlds, the amount of mobs is ridiculous. You may say "It is because there is no caves in Fendarfell though". I have looked at how the mobs spawn in Fendarfell and noticed that they spawn in groups. I am not sure though if it affects the vanilla limit of mobs per chunk. I stayed in my base and realized I was getting more and more FPS lag by the minute. I went outside and fought a creeper and my laptop entirely crashed. It literally restarted Windows. My friend went out and killed most of the mobs and my FPS increased from 5-7 to 24-36 FPS. Here is some pictures of how mad it spawns in Fendarfell:

2014-03-02_14.05.20.png 2014-03-02_14.07.37.png

Maybe just reduce it so there are mobs still spawn but about 25 or 35% less mobs spawn rate or something. Please leave reason if you disagree with this post. It should also fix some of the TPS issues s3 faces aswell.
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I have to completely agree with this. I remember being surrounded by around 100 monsters at one point.
I totally agree with this, and I can barely play on the server without encountering a fee bad lag spikes that are now often throwing me off the server. It's good for dark rooms though. ;)
This I agree with!
I disagree somewhat. If the lag can be reduced without taking away the numbers of mobs, I would much prefer to keep the mobs. Night time on massive was never a challenge, in fact, nothing more than a joke. Now there is a reason to lock your doors and hide at night. Maybe it is just me, but I prefer a challenge and this is a lot of fun for me.
I disagree somewhat. If the lag can be reduced without taking away the numbers of mobs, I would much prefer to keep the mobs. Night time on massive was never a challenge, in fact, nothing more than a joke. Now there is a reason to lock your doors and hide at night. Maybe it is just me, but I prefer a challenge and this is a lot of fun for me.

I can somewhat see what you are getting at but with the mobs with tags upon their heads, it is like have 1 server with 1100 players on if it has 1000 mobs on and 100 players on. I am not sure if the name tags affect it though. But then there is also the fact that mobs are a lot harder now to defeat so it will still keep your point of the challenge.
We all know that s3 is New Ceardia and Fendarfell. These are the worlds that Massive Mobs are enabled on.
MassiveMobs are enabled in Fendarfell and Daendroc. Fendarfell is the only world on s3. Daendroc and Ellador are on s4. Fendarfell is the most challenging world wrt mob spawning, as there are few caves in which mobs can stay during the day, so most hostile mobs die during the day and need to be respawned at night. This keeps a fairly constant load on the server. At this point Cay is working to identify sources of lag and eliminate them. If this requires adjustment to the spawning rates/areas that will be done as well, and has already been adjusted once.
most hostile mobs die during the day and need to be respawned at night.

A majority of the mobs where armor which either delays or stops them from burning during the day. Therefore there is still many mobs to keep lagging clients and the server. And even when they are set on fire, it lags the client even more.
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A majority of the mobs where armor which either delays or stops them from burning during the day. Therefore there is still many mobs to keep lagging clients and the server.
You are assuming that the lag is caused by the number of mobs, when there are a number of possible causes for the lag. FYI Mob generation can cause more lag than an existing mob.
You are assuming that the lag is caused by the number of mobs, when there are a number of possible causes for the lag. FYI Mob generation can cause more lag than an existing mob.

Then why generate more mobs when you can reduce the limit or generate them over a longer period of time.
Then why generate more mobs when you can reduce the limit or generate them over a longer period of time.
Reducing the limit or generating mobs over a longer period of time can produce a situation where a person walking through a world may not encounter any mobs. There isn't a "quick" fix that magically solves all the problems. The problem is being aggressively addressed, and there probably isn't anything more productive to be said on the matter. Watch for Tech updates in the change log on the website from Cay, to see the latest fixes.
Maybe that is true, but it's also completely ridiculous that during a intense role-play a random zombie or skeleton comes out of no where, cuts the conversation short, and kills you - just because you didn't have armor on to show your 'rp clothes'.
Besides the amount of lag in S3 does not equal the ''epic'' of Massive mobs.

I agree with this, 100%. It was a good test run but please, remove mobs until lag can be sorted more permanently and there's other methods to keeping these mods away easier, even lighting isn't working too well.
Hostile Mobs do not spawn in faction land. Use claimed land with a combination of fences and appropriate walls to protect the area you use to roleplay, or be prepared to have to roleplay a mob attack. Or you can always roleplay in Regalia, where no mobs spawn.
remove mobs until lag can be sorted more permanently

This is counter intuitive, in order to understand where the lag comes from, the lag must be profiled. If the lag doesn't exist on the server, it cannot be profiled, and if it cannot be profiled, it cannot be fixed. The plugin needs to be on the server for development purposes, otherwise the whole development would just stop.
This is counter intuitive, in order to understand where the lag comes from, the lag must be profiled. If the lag doesn't exist on the server, it cannot be profiled, and if it cannot be profiled, it cannot be fixed. The plugin needs to be on the server for development purposes, otherwise the whole development would just stop.

Ok. So why not develop a plugin that shows what plugin uses what server resources like task manager does on Windows. It would say what percentage of RAM it uses and the percentage of CPU that the plugin is using. This way you can see what is most likely causing the lag.
This is counter intuitive, in order to understand where the lag comes from, the lag must be profiled. If the lag doesn't exist on the server, it cannot be profiled, and if it cannot be profiled, it cannot be fixed. The plugin needs to be on the server for development purposes, otherwise the whole development would just stop.
Alright, I see reason in that. I'll delete my comment - Thanks :)
Server gets a bit laggy at some points during peak times but I'd deal with that than lose what those worlds have become. It's not often a minecraft server manage to capture that almost nostalgic time when the wild was a scary place. Honestly even from an RP standpoint I think it's brilliant . As citizens of these worlds we are not gods. We should be reminded that most of our lands have not unified and developed together. We should be reminded that our walls exist to keep more then just each other out. We should be reminded of time when attacks were not uncommon and the wild was still untamable. We must be reminded by our natural enemies exactly where we are as a civilization and how important it is for us to continue to develop. It serves as a lasting hostile reminder, we are but a small but growing cancer on worlds we yet to control.
Server gets a bit laggy at some points during peak times but I'd deal with that than lose what those worlds have become. It's not often a minecraft server manage to capture that almost nostalgic time when the wild was a scary place. Honestly even from an RP standpoint I think it's brilliant . As citizens of these worlds we are not gods. We should be reminded that most of our lands have not unified and developed together. We should be reminded that our walls exist to keep more then just each other out. We should be reminded of time when attacks were not uncommon and the wild was still untamable. We must be reminded by our natural enemies exactly where we are as a civilization and how important it is for us to continue to develop. It serves as a lasting hostile reminder, we are but a small but growing cancer on worlds we yet to control.

I am not saying that I do not like the mobs. I like the idea, the only problem is that the server is, a majority of the time, at around 7 TPS on S3 and it only hosts 1 world on it. How does that work when Daendroc has Massive Mobs as well and at times, that is the second lowest TPS running server, unless S3 has a memory leak which causes the server to loose stability? You also need a beastly computer to run it for the player. If you spawn too many mobs on single player, you begin to lag as well. I do not have a beastly computer at this moment in time so I have to use a laptop and it lags like mad for me. I know what it feels like for a person who is in this situation and if I went from a beastly computer to a crappy laptop, it would drive me insane. You try getting a laptop and play Minecraft on 9 FPS where the computer always causes your client to crash. The reason I have posted this in the first place is because not everyone has a decent computer and old ones can be very slow.
There are too many mobs in Fendarfell! Ok, it might be good for 'darkrooming', but it isn't any fun if you aren't! Getting attacked by one hundred zombies and other mobs, while being poisoned by cave spiders, is a pain in the ass. For premiums with god armor and weapons it might be pretty safe. But think of this. A newcommer comes online on MassiveCraft. He might become the next top-staff after a year. He gathers some wood, goes mining, finds some diamonds and he is happy! But when he goes back above ground, he finds himself in the middle of the night, between an army of monsters. Not knowing that MassiveCraft had this plug-in, he gets instantly killed, because he didn't prepare for it. He rage-quites and the maybe one day top-staff, might never return...
For noobs this is a big slap in the face, even for premiums who aren't really noobs anymore, like me, it's a pain in the ass. And please take care of the mobs spawning in houses! I was attacked by an army of mobs and tried to hide in one of the houses in my faction, so I could recruit this one person. But what's waiting there for me? Another bunch of annoying mobs IN the house.
Please, just reduce the amount of mob spawns, for the sake of the non-god armoured premiums and for the people who don't want to grind mobs every night! It are far too much of them, it isn't normal anymore to have 100 mobs surrounding you after one minute of standing still!

-Greetings, Theboomyfly.
There are too many mobs in Fendarfell! Ok, it might be good for 'darkrooming', but it isn't any fun if you aren't! Getting attacked by one hundred zombies and other mobs, while being poisoned by cave spiders, is a pain in the ass. For premiums with god armor and weapons it might be pretty safe. But think of this. A newcommer comes online on MassiveCraft. He might become the next top-staff after a year. He gathers some wood, goes mining, finds some diamonds and he is happy! But when he goes back above ground, he finds himself in the middle of the night, between an army of monsters. Not knowing that MassiveCraft had this plug-in, he gets instantly killed, because he didn't prepare for it. He rage-quites and the maybe one day top-staff, might never return...
For noobs this is a big slap in the face, even for premiums who aren't really noobs anymore, like me, it's a pain in the ass. And please take care of the mobs spawning in houses! I was attacked by an army of mobs and tried to hide in one of the houses in my faction, so I could recruit this one person. But what's waiting there for me? Another bunch of annoying mobs IN the house.
Please, just reduce the amount of mob spawns, for the sake of the non-god armoured premiums and for the people who don't want to grind mobs every night! It are far too much of them, it isn't normal anymore to have 100 mobs surrounding you after one minute of standing still!

-Greetings, Theboomyfly.

Mob's don't spawn on faction controlled land. Don't go afk in the wild.
okay the big spawnrate is good but when i trie to go outside during the day i waste half of it just be clearing out all teh mobs and that's a bad thing, the don't burn due to the armor they are wearing
okay the big spawnrate is good but when i trie to go outside during the day i waste half of it just be clearing out all teh mobs and that's a bad thing, the don't burn due to the armor they are wearing

Just like vampires most hostile mobs burn when the light hits them. The armor I assume slows the process like with vampire but If I am to guess why your mobs are not burning I'd say the tree coverage near your land is keeping them alive. You should add torches around your perimeter or cut back the trees a bit.
Just like vampires most hostile mobs burn when the light hits them. The armor I assume slows the process like with vampire but If I am to guess why your mobs are not burning I'd say the tree coverage near your land is keeping them alive. You should add torches around your perimeter or cut back the trees a bit.
no they don't burn there is no shade nearby ot it is my house and then i kill them with ease. it's the same with vanilla mob wearing armor, they don't burn to
Mob's don't spawn on faction controlled land. Don't go afk in the wild.

What if you are a new to the server and cannot afford to get a faction. He may be independent and might not like joining new factions and meeting new people. What will he do then as anything can spawn in your house or around it and will just get hit by the mass mobs sooner or later from just walking outside?
What if you are a new to the server and cannot afford to get a faction. He may be independent and might not like joining new factions and meeting new people. What will he do then as anything can spawn in your house or around it and will just get hit by the mass mobs sooner or later from just walking outside?

Safety should come before personal pride there are also plenty of worlds where this isn't an issue. Lone wolves always die. Fight in a pack.
I don't think people are thinking both sides of the situation. Therefore I will list the ones I can think of.

Pros for the current Massive Mobs:

-Gives a challenge to the players making it more fun
-Good for leveling your stats/darkrooming
-Good for some situations in roleplay if your character is fighting off hordes of mobs

Cons for the current Massive Mobs:

-Can some what massively affect the TPS of the server
-Many mobs spawning for the client can cause FPS lag
-For new people to the server, they will struggle and possibly rage quit if they constantly die from the mobs. (You may say "there is other worlds with it not activated on" but what happens when all the older worlds get replaced in the upcoming years and all of the worlds will have massive mobs on?)
-It is a struggle for non-premiums in the fact that you die with god armor, the mobs will equip it and is a huge struggle to get their armor and sword back.

Post if you notice any more that can be added.
True, but there is one problem...
Mobs can spawn right next to claimed land, which causes the mobs to invade the faction lands too. I stand inside my faction's borders, but again, 100 zombies a bit further away, spot. Well, I just spent a whole night on mob grinding. And what about the smaller or beginning factions, that can't claim a 10 chunk-wide line around their faction, so that mobs don't spot you easily? And for me the big mobspawnrates are awefull. My faction, isn't that big yet. The houses are pretty big, even the Citizen's houses. I don't have the power to claim it all at the moment. So, to provide a few houses for newcommers, I have to build in the Wilderness. And even that, is a pain in the ass. I can only spend 1/4 of the minecraft day on building houses. 2/4 of the day is night and another 1/4 there are a lot of other mobs that didn't burn or despawn that I have to clear out. I almost get attacked every day. And don't say: 'Try to lit up the place'. I tried, but you know how much it helped? Well, it didn't. Mobs only burn in sunlight and torches aren't pretty. I tried building pillars with a fire on the top, but ofcourse, I again, only have 1/4 of the day to do it. And such a job is better done at night time, so you can see where light is needed. But at night it isn't possible because you get attacked by a ridiculous amount of mobs... Why is it so hard to see that there are to many mobs?

-Greetings, Theboomyfly.
I dont think people are understanding stages of plugin manafacture here, yes its going to lag because its new and its being worked on. It's a matter of patience and us working on getting it as optimised as possible.
As already stated by others we need it running to work out the kinks and there isnt really anything else that can be said to add to this point. You can continue to debate about how you want this and that, but this is how it is and you need to adapt for the time being.

After all rome wasnt built in a day.

Welcome to plugin development.
On a furthur note of being assaulted by the undead and whatnot, its not called wilderness for nothing xD .
If you want to state a claim in the wild lands of fendarfell your going to be jumped by the hungry undead denizens of the night and thus should try and take a few precautions, if anything i find this stimulates rp moreso as there is actual conflict and danger

Figure id go over the Cons list.

Causing tps and server lag - as i said its a new plugin it will be fixed eventually its still in the testing phase.
-For new people to the server and old world removal in a few years? - you realise in a few years the plugin will be complete right? and thus be fully optimised and ready for use at the best rate it can be, so theres plenty of time to use other maps. new and old players alike join everyday and die to regular mobs, rage quitting over death is a touch extreme and if anything just teaches you to be more prepared. yes i am talking prepared to fight 100 zombies.
-It is a struggle for non-premiums in the fact that you die with god armor, the mobs will equip it and is a huge struggle to get their armor and sword back. <- seriously? this happens with normal mobs. thats like saying fenderfalls mobs are bad because creepers kill people. being murdered and loosing your gear is part of the game. if you decide to go into a fight with lag spikes thats your own p.p.planning thats gone and killed you lol.
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i totalee agree on all point you made but that doesn't mean we can't complain about the big spawn rate no?
if nobody mentiond it then Cayron (?) would leave it that way coz nobody cared, now it is mention i think he will do something about it, maybe now maybe later, i don't know that's his choice :D
You insinuate that Cay doesnt care?

He takes great pride in all his plugins and work, ofcourse hes going to make it better for everyone. we as staff funny enough dont require threads yelling at us to do things for you guys :P

we always have the player bases interest at heart and we do what is possible to make your experience on massive the best it can be. but when it comes to plugins theres only a small group who are technomancers and mystical plugin wizards so it takes time to perfect them :) just rest assure we know the bugs aswell as we do play the game too (shocker!)

All we ask is patience <3
i don't say that. or at least i didn't mean it that way. what i tried to say whas that if nobody complained about the huge spawn rate he might think it was okay that way. and if you think something is fine the way it is you don't change it. i hope i made that clear now? i didn't want to be mean or something...
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