Archived Realistic Death Plugin

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Seasoned Runner
Sep 9, 2012
Reaction score
Says it all here. Reasons why:
  • Will help executions, preventing people from running back to their death spot and start yelling in all caps about how they were resurrected
  • Will help make deaths actually scary, instead of people getting killed in a battle and then returning in the next minute or so
  • Will enable the use of invisible, yet limited players, thus letting players actually act as assassins by being a ghost, sneaking into the enemy base, etc.
  • Will require effort from other players to help revive your essence
Some of this is lore-incompatible, but then again, magically pasting a tavern and taking one out isn't RP either. This is at least a good start to making the community have a better, more realistic death.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
Also, one thing. If you are going to leave a Disagree rating on this thread in regard to my ideas, please leave a simple reason on why you dislike it. This way, I can edit this idea and maybe work on a custom one if enough suggestions are made. Constructive criticisms will always be appreciated, but a simple 'no' will not suffice.
We need this.
"LaWl!11!!!1 I r rezerected by the Baver I Cnn kil u!1!!" -pulls out lightsaber-
you people KNOW you want THAT^^ gone.
I like it, but I'm not sure if it should be implemented. Besides lore incompatibility, it also adds a large amount to Massivecraft that I'm not sure if we want. If I die in a mob arena, and no one else in my faction is online to resurrect me, then life generally sucks. And other similar situations. Now, with a lot of modification, it would be awesome and a good thing to have, but I don't think the coder/s have that time right now. Granted, idk what they are doing, but I'm sure they are doing something else. But otherwise, seems awesome.
Says it all here. Reasons why:
  • Will help executions, preventing people from running back to their death spot and start yelling in all caps about how they were resurrected
  • Will help make deaths actually scary, instead of people getting killed in a battle and then returning in the next minute or so
  • Will enable the use of invisible, yet limited players, thus letting players actually act as assassins by being a ghost, sneaking into the enemy base, etc.
  • Will require effort from other players to help revive your essence
Some of this is lore-incompatible, but then again, magically pasting a tavern and taking one out isn't RP either. This is at least a good start to making the community have a better, more realistic death.
I think you overlooked an important fact.

Recent files
  • A: v3.1.01 for CB 1.5.2-R1.0 Jun 28, 2013
I think you overlooked an important fact.
Good point. I'll check with the developers myself and ask if they are updating the plugin, and if not, then if I could continue their work on it.

I like it, but I'm not sure if it should be implemented. Besides lore incompatibility, it also adds a large amount to Massivecraft that I'm not sure if we want. If I die in a mob arena, and no one else in my faction is online to resurrect me, then life generally sucks. And other similar situations. Now, with a lot of modification, it would be awesome and a good thing to have, but I don't think the coder/s have that time right now. Granted, idk what they are doing, but I'm sure they are doing something else. But otherwise, seems awesome.
Going on your point, I might ask them if I may modify the resurrection part of it for a server, if they allow me under their license, I'll give credit to them for the base of the code and then fine-tune it to Massivecraft standards.

Good news, developers said that they have made a development build for 1.6.2, as you can see at the top of the page. :)
It is a very interesting idea and will allow battles to actually be won instead of everyone keeps killing each other over and over again
I like this but I think that it should/could be modified to work with Good/Evil Alters on Massivecraft.
It is a very interesting idea and will allow battles to actually be won instead of everyone keeps killing each other over and over again
That's the other reason battles can actually be won, instead of just people determining it by which side tires first. An accurate death count and a loss in an army can be present instead of just setting your bed right outside of the enemy.
Might not work if people are going in global and local RESURRECT ME PLZ!!11!
Says it all here. Reasons why:
  • Will help executions, preventing people from running back to their death spot and start yelling in all caps about how they were resurrected
  • Will help make deaths actually scary, instead of people getting killed in a battle and then returning in the next minute or so
  • Will enable the use of invisible, yet limited players, thus letting players actually act as assassins by being a ghost, sneaking into the enemy base, etc.
  • Will require effort from other players to help revive your essence
Some of this is lore-incompatible, but then again, magically pasting a tavern and taking one out isn't RP either. This is at least a good start to making the community have a better, more realistic death.
I believe something like this was requested before, but that doesn't mean it's a bad idea.
I'd quite like it, but being stuck dead could be an issue, like if you happened to be a Dakkar and you walk into the rain at a bad point. Otherwise, this would be neat, I'd have it that you could be resurrected in 12 Massivecraft hours {About 12 minutes} or something of the sort, that way you won't be STUCK dead, but you could still be a ghost. Plus, it usually is just enough time to either end the Execution RP, or to have all the enemies at your base die, giving you time to search and destroy the portal/bed.
Brilliant idea, I'd say, I hope an admin approves of the idea. :P
Might not work if people are going in global and local RESURRECT ME PLZ!!11!
At that point, it's up to the staff to mute them. I could add a chat function so that they cannot talk in any other chats other than local, since ghosts can whisper to them.
I believe something like this was requested before, but that doesn't mean it's a bad idea.
I'd quite like it, but being stuck dead could be an issue, like if you happened to be a Dakkar and you walk into the rain at a bad point. Otherwise, this would be neat, I'd have it that you could be resurrected in 12 Massivecraft hours {About 12 minutes} or something of the sort, that way you won't be STUCK dead, but you could still be a ghost. Plus, it usually is just enough time to either end the Execution RP, or to have all the enemies at your base die, giving you time to search and destroy the portal/bed.
Brilliant idea, I'd say, I hope an admin approves of the idea. :P
I'll look through it as well as the despawning leaves, and I'll see what I could do. 10 minutes should be good enough for a death. I could also incorporate the Pacifist system into it, so people that get killed with Pacifist True only have a death time of 5 minutes. This would help people that keep falling off stuff and are accident-prone get back to what they were doing faster.
Bringing more consequence to death is an interesting idea, but darkroom training would become quite irritating. As well as any of those unfortunate times where conversational RP is interrupted by a random creeper or something like that.
Bringing more consequence to death is an interesting idea, but darkroom training would become quite irritating. As well as any of those unfortunate times where conversational RP is interrupted by a random creeper or something like that.
Those are player-generated events, and the Pacifist system could be hand-implemented into this by me so that Pacifist True people only get a minute of death, but Pacifist False have to be resurrected.
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