Archived Reading A Book In An Item Frame Instead Of Rotating It.

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I would really enjoy this idea. My town has a small library, but the books commonly get stolen when people read them and forget to put them back. It would help a lot for them to just right-click and be able to read, and would also allow visitors to read the books as well. I'm not sure if this is can be coded, but it would be great if it can be.
When you right click a book that is in an item frame you can read it instead of rotating it.

You can already read a book in an item frame by using the MassiveBooks plugin to copy the book to a book and quill. Therefore, making your own copy of the book!
You can already read a book in an item frame by using the MassiveBooks plugin to copy the book to a book and quill. Therefore, making your own copy of the book!
The problem is, at libraries, people can just copy the books and leave with them without paying.
The problem is, at libraries, people can just copy the books and leave with them without paying.

My response.... Don't make a library if you expect people to honor the system and not copy the books. If you'd like to share your books with the community but want payment for copies acquired of the book, the only way is a ChestShop.
My response.... Don't make a library if you expect people to honor the system and not copy the books. If you'd like to share your books with the community but want payment for copies acquired of the book, the only way is a ChestShop.

Yes, or have a library that has dedicated librarians who will take note if a book isn't returned or given back to them.
My response.... Don't make a library if you expect people to honor the system and not copy the books. If you'd like to share your books with the community but want payment for copies acquired of the book, the only way is a ChestShop.

Or we could implement a system like suggested so people can visit that specific library if they want to read that book.
No no no this is way off XD
The idea was for build boards and such like that or long extensive rules you would see in factions /f homes instead of members having to dish out book and quills they just read it. seriously would you wast a book and quill just to read a note on a build board in someones town?
My response.... Don't make a library if you expect people to honor the system and not copy the books. If you'd like to share your books with the community but want payment for copies acquired of the book, the only way is a ChestShop.
But I dont think you can deadbolt or lock item frames...what if they just...steal the books?
But I dont think you can deadbolt or lock item frames...what if they just...steal the books?
Then they obviously need to fix that because its dumb... I mean does that mean if you makea chest shop and use item frams to label you get robbed? or if you want to have your trusty "Sebastian" tucket in an item frame above your bed you will most likely get killed by it instead?

I think we have an issue...
whait! does this mean that when I make a combo lock that recognizes items rotation value in the frame I can't because the riddle will be messed up if tis like the axe of the dwarves point up at the trees and the their picks at the ground and instead it will just be the item frame waits for dirt or whatever for no reason?
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