Archived Ratings In Conversations

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May 31, 2014
Reaction score
So yeah, check out the title.. I think it'd be helpful to have ratings enabled in conversations, or as an option when making one. Is this possible, or does the forum coding just built for this?
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
I second this. Even though forum conversations are usually brief, sometimes it's a lot easier to just hit agree then type out a long winded response conveying the same message.

At worst forum conversations can turn into flame wars, but why would you create a conversation just to create salt mines?

So with this all said, I agree.
The only problem there is that you then may get people who will message each other simply to like each others post in order to have something around 500 likes on their account.
The only problem there is that you then may get people who will message each other simply to like each others post in order to have something around 500 likes on their account.
It's completely possible to do that in a thread. I could have has hundreds of likes already in Stuff if I wanted to. It could even become a like farm.
It's completely possible to do that in a thread. I could have has hundreds of likes already in Stuff if I wanted to. It could even become a like farm.

As aforementioned by Gabauchi, as well as doing that would be apparent to public, and view-able by staff.
This suggestion will be rejected based on the fact that this is not possible with the forums, based on my understanding of how the forums conversations work.
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