Archived Rating Ideas! O:

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A.D.D at it's finest
Jan 28, 2014
Reaction score
Mithrilian Empire
We see them everywhere, we click their pretty faces...or bodies..or...WE JUST CLICK EM! XD We use them to express how we feel with just a click of that button on our beautiful or horrifingly ugly mouse of ours!~ <Because saying "click" twice just wasnt enough fer me :P >
We the players, that travel the forums, know these delightful beauties as...RATINGS!
As we all know our forums is a growing community, and what comes with a community are suggestions and ideas to help it grow into something FABULOOOUUUS~!
I thought, "Hey, everybody loves ratings...they're really nice! Maybe some of these wonderful people have ideas for a rating that they would like to share!"
And thus this little thread was born :3

My idea:
The feels rating!
We all experience the feels; whether they are hardcore, soft..or just..not easily moved.

The picture:
I was thinking a teardrop. It's easy to draw and recognizable as to what the rating will mean.

<I find tears to be very's probably why I draw a lot of my characters crying. Don't get me wrong! I don't enjoy the pain of others..I just find tears to be a sign of strength and willpower. I see it as the body's way of draining the weakness from inside, so new strength can be born; Emotionally and even physically.>

Now, it's your moment!
What idea(s) do you have for a rating? I'd love to hear and imagine it! :D

P.S. This is just a suggestion...I do not expect any staff to drop everything they're doing just to add another rating. It's their choice. Who knows they may like what they see! :)
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
How about an "oh look at these imperial wannabes" raiting?
Some Awesome/Good ratings.

Fabulous! Rating.


I love it! Rating

Some negative ratings


You broke my heart. Rating.
How about a Déjà vu rating? Perhaps an eye for the icon? (great for when there are more than one topic on the same thing! :))
God knows we have a lot of Deja vu moments o _ o What does that mean exactly? Like word for word? XD I have always been curious haha
God knows we have a lot of Deja vu moments o _ o What does that mean exactly? Like word for word? XD I have always been curious haha
God knows we have a lot of Deja vu moments o _ o It means exactly "already seen". (The French verb for to see is voir, which in the passe compose is vu. Deja is French for already.) Gets rated deja vu and I see what you did there.