Archived Rating Ideas! O:

This suggestion has been archived / closed and can no longer be voted on.


A.D.D at it's finest
Jan 28, 2014
Reaction score
Mithrilian Empire
We see them everywhere, we click their pretty faces...or bodies..or...WE JUST CLICK EM! XD We use them to express how we feel with just a click of that button on our beautiful or horrifingly ugly mouse of ours!~ <Because saying "click" twice just wasnt enough fer me :P >
We the players, that travel the forums, know these delightful beauties as...RATINGS!
As we all know our forums is a growing community, and what comes with a community are suggestions and ideas to help it grow into something FABULOOOUUUS~!
I thought, "Hey, everybody loves ratings...they're really nice! Maybe some of these wonderful people have ideas for a rating that they would like to share!"
And thus this little thread was born :3

My idea:
The feels rating!
We all experience the feels; whether they are hardcore, soft..or just..not easily moved.

The picture:
I was thinking a teardrop. It's easy to draw and recognizable as to what the rating will mean.

<I find tears to be very's probably why I draw a lot of my characters crying. Don't get me wrong! I don't enjoy the pain of others..I just find tears to be a sign of strength and willpower. I see it as the body's way of draining the weakness from inside, so new strength can be born; Emotionally and even physically.>

Now, it's your moment!
What idea(s) do you have for a rating? I'd love to hear and imagine it! :D

P.S. This is just a suggestion...I do not expect any staff to drop everything they're doing just to add another rating. It's their choice. Who knows they may like what they see! :)
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
A little serpenty thing or a fox face - The Sly/Slippery Rating

Rays of light - The Glorious Rating

Crate - The Seal It Up Rating​
A thumbs down for dislike would be good. And offensive needs to be brought back. I used that alot.
<I find tears to be very's probably why I draw a lot of my characters crying. Don't get me wrong! I don't enjoy the pain of others..I just find tears to be a sign of strength and willpower. I see it as the body's way of draining the weakness from inside, so new strength can be born; Emotionally and even physically.>
-Rates the feels-
Meh | WTF | Drama Queen | Face Palm | Cookie Reward | Cake Reward | Wipe your Arse | Lollipop Reward | Chill Pill | Nuke Post | Watching You | Big Ape | Share the Love | Lock Thread | Hiding | Bravery Award | Love You | Genius | Nice try | Ignorant | Arrogant | Hero | Heroeness | GG | Creeper | Perfect | Catchy | Priceless | Mature | Immature | Confident | Overconfident | WOW! | Ragenator | This is madness | Get down for what | Keep calm | Diamond Reward | Emerald Reward | What does it say? | Hacker! | Obamacare | MassiveCraft approved | Cayorion/Monmarty/Thortuna/etc. approved (only for staff) | Sneaky! | Captain Obvious | Mighty shiny | Dig deeper | Death wish | +1 Support | For President | Einstein! | Skilled | SPOILER! | Move like Jagger | Bad spelling | Good spelling | Scary | summa cum laude | magna cum laude | cum laude | satis bene | rite | non probatum
Last edited:
"Dapper" rating
Meh | WTF | Drama Queen | Face Palm | Cookie Reward | Cake Reward | Wipe your Arse | Lollipop Reward | Chill Pill | Nuke Post | Watching You | Big Ape | Share the Love | Lock Thread | Hiding | Bravery Award | Love You | Genius | Nice try | Ignorant | Arrogant | Hero | Heroeness | GG | Creeper | Perfect | Catchy | Priceless | Mature | Immature | Confident | Overconfident | WOW! | Ragenator | This is madness | Get down for what | Keep calm | Diamond Reward | Emerald Reward | What does it say? | Hacker! | Obamacare | MassiveCraft approved | Cayorion/Monmarty/Thortuna/etc. approved (only for staff) | Sneaky! | Captain Obvious | Mighty shiny | Dig deeper | Death wish | +1 Support | For President | Einstein! | Skilled | SPOILER! | Move like Jagger | Bad spelling | Good spelling | Scary | summa cum laude | magna cum laude | cum laude | satis bene | rite | non probatum
That Obama Care though..XD
Add rating, named "Morgue" ;3
The "I want to punch this guy in the face" rating.
This came to mind when I read that XD

IT'S A BIT GORY SO I SHALL ALERT THE SQUEAMISH!! ..but it's cartoony so..
When someone really pisses you off and you just cant stand it! This may or may not be what you are daydreaming yourself doing XD
๖ۣۜI feel the Fire Extinguisher is probably a brilliant idea. It'll be notable and much better than replying with more flame to a thread if one is beginning to start...
SCIENCE! rating.
It must happen.

