Archived Random Newbie Questions

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Brin Danoc - the Maiarian Free Traders
Feb 2, 2014
Reaction score
I've been playing a few days now and love this place, but I have just a few questions I hope someone will kindly answer:

1. Faction costs. I understand that they cost 2,000 r to create, but are there other costs to claim or maintain claims, or other things?

2. Can you have a chest shop in the wilderness? If so, is the chest susceptible to damage? I would guess that it could be protected with LWC, but wondering if that would be necessary.

3. What happened to the Agni race? Reading about it in the server info is what brought me here in the first place. Came for the Agni, stayed for the Maiar.

4. How do you accomplish the sales I see so often in chat? Are there any techniques used to minimize the possibility of a scam, or is one party going to have to hand over their side of the trade first and trust the other to do the same? The server's community seems pretty cool in general, so inter-player trust might be plenty, but just wondering.

EDIT: What?!? "Feature Idea and Discussion" Forum?! Crap. Sorry. I meant to put this in the "Help" section. If a Mod would move this to the proper forum, I'd really appreciate it.
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1. Factions only cost the base 2000, other than that, the only thing you might need money for would be armor and weapons for possible attacks and maybe building supplies for a base and those can range from cheap to pretty pricey!
2. Last I knew, chest shops were allowed in the wilderness, but that MIGHT have changed.
3. Has been answered by Lizman.
4. Sometimes you have to go by trust, if you fear being scammed, take constant pictures when buying and then send them into the Report a player section of the forums if you DO end up being scammed.
I love that you actually asked for help, and are already kind to the mods. Please, keep that attitude on the forums! Try not to be a troll or, just try to create a flame war. I do love that you made this, and now... I shall bump it! BUMP!

Yeah, a noob starting here and being kind is great. Hope we get more players like this.
I've been playing a few days now and love this place, but I have just a few questions I hope someone will kindly answer:

1. Faction costs. I understand that they cost 2,000 r to create, but are there other costs to claim or maintain claims, or other things?

Non premiums, start off with 10 power level, when they die they lose 2 power level, every hour they regain 2 power level. Premiums get 20 power level and 4 power level per hour. Each chunk, or 16x16 square costs ONE power level to claim. The more people you invite, the more land you can claim.

2. Can you have a chest shop in the wilderness? If so, is the chest susceptible to damage? I would guess that it could be protected with LWC, but wondering if that would be necessary.

Yes you can, LWC doesn't mess with Chest shops. Atleast that I know of.

3. What happened to the Agni race? Reading about it in the server info is what brought me here in the first place. Came for the Agni, stayed for the Maiar.

Agni, sort of turned into Dakkar. You can probably read up on the lore and find the reason.

4. How do you accomplish the sales I see so often in chat? Are there any techniques used to minimize the possibility of a scam, or is one party going to have to hand over their side of the trade first and trust the other to do the same? The server's community seems pretty cool in general, so inter-player trust might be plenty, but just wondering.

You just have to trust the other person doesn't scam, Usually I will record but if I am selling the item, I ALWAYS make them pay me first before I give the money. Always report scams with proof.

EDIT: What?!? "Feature Idea and Discussion" Forum?! Crap. Sorry. I meant to put this in the "Help" section. If a Mod would move this to the proper forum, I'd really appreciate it.

And if you need help starting up ingame, Message Brycea111, And i'll hook you up with some stuff.
Free Ofcourse ^_^
Wow, you guys are awesome. Thanks for all the warm replies! I guess I should go introduce myself... :)
Wow, you guys are awesome. Thanks for all the warm replies! I guess I should go introduce myself... :)

Your Kinda in my good side since you decided to use the name "Morgan". One of my favorite Walking Dead characters.
All of your questions seem to have been answered. I would just like to add on that, when trading, if you take screenshots/video the transaction, any scamming can be shown to staff and will be dealt with accordingly. If you have any trouble you can use the ticket plugin In-Game to contact online moderators, and for any other problems too, though generally players are pretty trustworthy.

Hope you enjoy your time on Massivecraft, feel free to send a pm to staff In-Game or on the forums if you need anything. Best of luck~!

Imboring56 Can you move this to the Help section please? Thank you~ <3
This is beautiful, absolutely beautiful that we actually have a player that has come to the forums when they joined the sever as compared to the vampyres that run around say they're all powerful gods of the universe that can kill you by breathing near you. Either way, it's nice to see someone coming here soon after joining. Also, Agni were changed to Dakkar and in the process changed to a completely different race, but have kept their affinity for lava. I hope to see you around :D (his makes me so happy I still can't put it into words without making this post excessively long. This is just absolutely lovely)
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