Archived Random Little Ideas!

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Inferior Being
Aug 12, 2013
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Well, seeing as most of my ideas blow, I'm gonna ask for everyone's ideas that they aren't sure are worthy of a thread. Just comment any little ideas in here you think would make Massivecraft better. Anything from plugins to event ideas. I'll start off with one now, I personally think a new maiar world would be great. I'm thinking a world scattered with islands for non-maiar and has extra deep oceans for undersea maiar cities. There would be underwater shipwrecks to scavenge and the seafloor would look much like that of aqua.
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Get a clean up crew of people to fix Daendroc of all it's **it. Or any world for that matter......
I just thought of this.

I think they should add more "Instants" into the MassiveCraft Server. I remember once testing one out myself, but let's get back to the topic...

It would be fun to take a long journey out into the wilderness of Regalia and finding some ruins to explore.

This is a personal opinion, but... Its just hard to role-play in the huge environment of the Regalian City.
It would be interesting to venture off into the deep depths of the foreign lands as well.
What about functioning torches while in-hand? I doubt it'll happen but it'd be sweet to see guards patrolling, lit torch in hand, that actually give off light!
Well, seeing as most of my ideas blow, I'm gonna ask for everyone's ideas that they aren't sure are worthy of a thread. Just comment any little ideas in here you think would make Massivecraft better. Anything from plugins to event ideas. I'll start off with one now, I personally think a new maiar world would be great. I'm thinking a world scattered with islands for non-maiar and has extra deep oceans for undersea maiar cities. There would be underwater shipwrecks to scavenge and the seafloor would look much like that of aqua.
I support your idea. Please add a Hadar continent.

Are these limited to just server ideas or can they also be ideas pertaining forum and roleplay features?
Anything! Whatever the heck you'd like to see implemented in any form. Also, as long as I'm at it, the more comments we get, the more likely it is to be seen by someone important.
The Shadow King

Daendroc is one of the older worlds, before chunk restoration was possible. Any restoration would have to be done by hand... I wouldn't be surprised if they decide to kill of Daendroc like they did Ceradia, and release a new home for all those races.


Hadar is in development.
I think that the quests to different continents (Like Emerald Isle) should have cool prizes that you can take outside of that world. The prize should only be winnable once a week per player, and it could be cool little things, like enchanted random items that are less powerful than voting ones, but still cool to have.
I propose the idea that Orcs should be able to eat raw meat and rotten flesh, then gain the full benefits as if it were cooked and minus the hunger de-buff.
-My quest to make Orcs even better
I'd suggest perhaps to add claimed Temples and such in random locations.
Ex. The Vampyre Temple, a sorta better version of a Jungle Temple,
But not only that, I think claimed locations with Villagers that are immune to damage. I want to see more organized and actually settlement. Even Cemeteries. Cemeteries would be neat for the dead.
I have a few Ideas.

  1. Add something that can give Maiars naturally better vision underwater. Having them half blind underwater is biologically illogical.
  2. PVP practicing areas. For those who starve for battle and need to do something when a war isn't going on.
  3. More limitations on magic. It's too common for my likings.
  4. A few changes in how aura works. I'll go more into depth about this if anyone cares.
  5. A thread promoting less used prospects in both in game and in roleplay worlds. I want to make one myself but I have realized that I'm usually the minority in popular opinion. If I made it, no one would really care about it. (ex. The pros of having living parents.)
  6. Changes to less used things in the game to make them more appealing and desirable. (ex. Small upgrades to low tier races.)
  7. More tutorials and guides to help roleplayers or other popular groups. I know of a few people that could really use them.
  8. We have a live stream feature on the forums but who uses it? Can someone do something relating that ghost town of a feature? The emptiness of it is starting to irritate me.
  9. If different races exist on massivecraft then why not different species? This is more of an incomplete idea that others can work off of if they want.
  10. More rules you can give for guards to enforce. It will make things more challenging and interesting.

This is all I can think of at the moment. I rarely go online minecraft so some of these might have already changed.


Hadar is in development.

Flippin yes!! My fish styled prayers have been answered!
I propose the idea that Orcs should be able to eat raw meat and rotten flesh, then gain the full benefits as if it were cooked and minus the hunger de-buff.
-My quest to make Orcs even better

That's a stupid idea...... They should have an ability that gives the diamond armour stats ven with no armour on and it double when you wear more armour.
I propose having some parts of worlds limited, only for the use of a certain race... Like if you aren't that race, it has the same effect as a world border. Such as, a jungle with old ruins for elves, a little desert thing for orcs, etc. It would probably be claimed by some permanent faction, and be for increased RP.
Just a rough idea, but really anywhere for sensical RP for races other than humans.
What about functioning torches while in-hand? I doubt it'll happen but it'd be sweet to see guards patrolling, lit torch in hand, that actually give off light!

This has been discussed by many programmers and is impossible to make Serverside.

Maybe some pre-approved people can get permission to livestream, and maybe of out-of-game material.
(random idea)
  • some ability for humans that is lost upon infection with the dark disease (aura of righteousness, or human only "holy" items) so we can have more people playing normal humans
  • maybe have vampires also lose their perks and powers during the day but keep their weaknesses and allow them the ability to turn into a bat that drains hunger (i see this as fair because we already have people using ender pearls to get everywhere) and remove their fall damage immunity
(issues/ideas that alread have threads)
  • special arrow types, blindness, slowness, trap, warp, all of those arrows that do little to no damage by themselves but cause side effects fit for a tricky archer.
  • a plugin for dreams and nightmares to increase the options for late night role-play
  • more interesting races that have more diverse abilities: shades for example
  • removal of shriek for a more soft shriek or add a longer cool-down with a blast back or stun effect
  • removal of massive armor for something more available to non-premims and less overpowered
I would really love to see, at the information warp, a short guide/hints and tips/Q&A for players new to Roleplaying, this could include not using smilies while in character and things along those lines.
I would once the ocean biome world hopefully it will encourage more pirates :D
I would like to see a re-sprinkling of animals over the worlds. They are agonisingly rare as it stands, leaving new players that may wish to go off and start a humble farm somewhere somewhat at a loss. Crops can't keep your interest forever.
For yanar I'd like for the yellow flower to do something negative, i.e: Weakness.

For vampires, remove night vision, jump-boost and bloodlust, but let them turn into bats, and only have night vision as a bat, while losing hunger in flight and not being able to fly to a certain level? Also, the vampire should lose hunger not when hurt and healing, but lose hunger maybe 4x slower than a human?

Maybe let elves and yanar get a better chance at good enchants, as they are magically adept.
Atkins66 Well, it looks like the next update's gonna have a lot of flowers! So it looks as though you might get your wish with Yanar.
Also, I have an unhealthy love for dungeons. What if sprawling underground labyrinths were built a ways from the spawns in new worlds? You could solve puzzles and fight through mobs to get a reward at the end that they can actually take back! Of course it'd have to be one heck of a maze so players don't memorize routes. Plus, if you had a long road from spawn to the dungeon, it'd leave opportunity for those roadside bandits. And of course, a time limit like raynesummer suggested.
Here's an idea:

Would it be possible to make it so Orcs go into a sort of "berserk" rage when they're low health? It seems fitting that when near death, Orcs lash out violently, doing more damage yet becoming much more vulnerable to damage. You probably could implement this ingame by making it so whenever Orcs go below 4 hearts they get a Strength II effect, but they take 100% more damage. Something similar to that. Now, if we were to go even more indepth to that idea, we could make it so when Orcs go berserk they buff other nearby Orcs, like if the berserk Orcs were inspiring them or something similar to that. This could have the possibility of creating hordes of Orcs that gain momentum as more and more of them go berserk.
Is it just me or I think that dwarfes are kind of left out when it comes to special abilities.
For instance only bonus they have is 15% better fighting with axe. Axe is a good weapon but its expencive comparing to sword. Lets say you want to make iron axe. You need 3 ingots when for making a sword you need 2.

The whole mining proffesion is left out. There should be some kind of mining bonus. Nothing special. Someting like for every ore there is 10% chance that it will spawn additional one. Someting like colonialism perk with humans.

This is just basic idea. Im open for new suggestions.
What about some sort of non-lethal weapons? You can beat the crap out of 'em but not kill them? Or perhaps some way to temporarily enable combat between faction members in a specific chunk? That way, you could build a coliseum and hold competitions for your faction members in particular... or take someone alive in PvP...
I think...there should be some sort of Role-Play Tournament, like Gladiator VS Gladiator Role-Play Event.
That would be very nice.
A nice gigantic coliseum with benches lining the walls.
People looking down and watching the fighting of the two gladiators in the rocky, almost mountainous terrain.
What about a skylands world? Should the fancy newfangled bird race be created, it could be their homeland hovering over the ocean. Beats me why the dirt flies...maybe there's four islands at each corner of the world with a beacon representing some ancient, magical contraption built long ago to hold up the islands. Heck, we could have a couple of them that broke and let half the sky islands drop...
Im gonna keep adding a freakin' bunch of ideas unless someone else joins in...
So... I want the players to have more of a say in what goes on, a lasting effect on the server! Whatever this "Imperial War" is that I keep hearing about sounds a lot like what I want. I like the idea of revolutions, but they gotta be well managed and thought out by staff. Either side can win, but it's not premeditated. Maybe set objectives and sieges or something. They've also gotta have many not a couple of server noobs who thought it'd be fun. Once again, staff have to be extremely involved (leading both of the warring groups) that way things don't go sideways. Finally, the loser can slink off to rebuild and try again.
I've always wanted the chance to join the badguys. It's always been a choice in popular video games to be able to either join the good guys or the bad guys. Why can't there be a choice to join Mrs. Baver in her plots of destruction? Maybe a chance to succeed with Regalia corrupted and a new ruler in charge. If not Mrs. Baver, another group can have the chance to take over.
Well, this needs saying so here goes....GANA-ISHA NEEDS FIXING!!! That place is so effed up its sad. It needs regeneration and/or remaking. And I'm not just saying this 'cuz I want more quartz...
Would it not be nice if the nobles homes...heck any homes had balconies or opening windows? Not sure if this is my adventurous or kleptomaniac side talking here-but I'd love to be able to crawl into a home through a window left open. It'd make for some strange RP if/when you awake to find some guy standing over you while you sleep or rummaging through your things.
(Definitely not just saying this to get more ideas out of you people...)
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