Archived Raise The Faction Price.

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Apr 7, 2013
Reaction score
The topic is mentioned in the title. I feel the need for the server to raise the price to purchase a faction from the server. One of the main driving factors of my thought on the price is just cause the Sheer number of factions already in Existence (Which i might add, is a Smacking grand total of 583different Player owned Factions). Well you say that that is only 1 reason and it is insufficient to argue with the price. However am i not the only player who realizes that Beginning players come onto the server get 2000 regals and buy a faction after 1-2 weeks of playing on this server. I mean sure that is fine, but.. 2000 regals also seems like not that much money. If i happened to add some player names that have made over 2000 regals in a month to better influence your thoughts? Ok.. i'll bullet off the player names that i have recognized.
  • Gnarlen : After 1 month of playing on the server he had gained a total of over 20,000 Regals
  • Melodine : After reaching /mctop 2 had over 18,000 regals and only 3 weeks on the server. (Owner of a faction)
  • Deathknight_101 : Only 1 month and 1 week old, having over 3000 regals and owner of the faction Hellmouth.
  • perssons90 : Said to have 10k+ Regals after first month on the server.
Are you a player in need of money? If so contact Mecharic ingame and he will do his best to hook you up with a
Now we could all agree that majority of these players worked and put a decent amount of time into earning this amount. However do we not want hard working dedicated players to run our factions?
So on to the other point... Factions are covering the map and it is hard to find a special spot to place your faction, With a simple look at the dynmap otherwise known ad the dynamic map can show the obvious spam of green boxes called factions. Can you not see the amount of factions spamming the screen on they dynmap? Take a look
With that being Shown, can you understand my point yet?

Here are some quotes from a survey taken ingame. Questions and answers. Read the quotes and try to understand other players point of view.
~ Looloo998 ~
Question ~ How do you feel about the outstanding number of 583 factions on the server?
"There seems to be a lot, maybe too much."
Question ~ Do you feel that factions are cheap in price?
"Well, i think the issue is that people can buy 3 months of premium and buy a faction. Premiums is a little overpowered, I do think they are cheap."
Question ~ Do players often take their factions for granted?
"I do believe that players take advantage of factions. I have been in factions, taking advantage isn't a good way to lead."

Question ~ How do you feel about the outstanding number of 583 factions on the server?
I don't really. Faction is a varied term in my opinion, so many people consider those as self proclaimed villages, kingdoms, ect. When they in my opinion can be anything between a Kingdom or simply a single mansion. If this is about the large amount of factions out there, that in my opinion is more of an issue of self proclaimed kingdoms. So in order to develop an actual opinion on that, i would need to know what each and every one faction stood for.
Question ~ Do players often take their factions for granted?
I think so. Factions need to be places of Rp just as regalia is. Most people don't utilize that and just hold them stagnantly

~ Anonymous ~
Question ~ How do you feel about the outstanding number of 583 factions on the server?
Is it pretty high now, But i doubt they're all active anyways. Alot of "Used" space that otherwise could be used by others simply due to the fact of high amounts of either empty or wasted Factions.
Question ~ Do you feel that factions are cheap in price?
I feel they are where they should be. Honestly. Which might sound contradictory, but i feel like creating the faction is just like buying a charter - It shouldn't cost TOO much - Most of the cost lies in the construction anyway.

Question ~ How do you feel about the outstanding number of 583 factions on the server?
"To me there are too much factions around, and not enough land to support all of them. Plus it makes it much harder to keep track of all of them."
Question ~ Do you feel that factions are cheap in price?
"I do think they are a little bit cheap, and now that I think about it, when you buy 3 months of premium you should get enough regals to start a faction."
Question ~ Do players often take their factions for granted?
"Yes I do think that people take their factions for granted, especially most premiums that think they are the strongest people on the server (given there are a lot of strong premiums) but almost every "noob" will buy premium so they feel strong enough to take on other factions. Most people that get a faction right off the bat will usually get banned or jailed because they haven't read the rules, and so they don't know how factions work in the since that they need a valid reason to raid people."
To make this thread as fair as can be please View my words before answering the poll. If you happen to disagree PLEASE EXPLAIN WHY. Thanks and have a great day.
If you listen to anything i say then please listen to this.. KEEP YOUR SIGNATURES IN SPOILERS PLEASE (Especially if they move)
~ Pokyug
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All the good spots in the new worlds have been taken, I don't see why people don't start reclaiming the old bases in the old worlds and rebuilding them to their former glory. Some of them were in spectacular locations
I agree, just go backward a little - just because a world is in bad condition doesn't mean you can't fix it up :)
Once again, increasing the price wont do a single thing. If a noob comes here and knows how to make money and pops out a faction in an hour (which happens more often than you think) then increasing the price wont do anything to change that, slow them down a little, but not very much.
And if they know how to make 5k regals in under an hour then they bloody well deserve to have a faction. I think that raising the prices will slow down the growth of factions, not put it to a stop. But I do want to see a price raise 2k can be just too easy to make.
Raising the faction price would instill chaos. Plus, those who spent days or months just raising the 2k regals to buy a faction would be pissed as hell, finding out they have to make another thousand. Trust me, I used to play when the faction price was 150 silver, and then it was changed.

Raising the faction price would instill chaos. Plus, those who spent days or months just raising the 2k regals to buy a faction would be pissed as hell, finding out they have to make another thousand. Trust me, I used to play when the faction price was 150 silver, and then it was changed.

you must be a pretty cool guy to have your text in blue
I must agree to the premise of raising the faction price. I find roughly 10 factions withing 100 chunks of Dunwich, most of which are inactive or sparsely populated. I think it would be best to raise the price to the 3-5k range in order to prevent people from...
a) Over-sub-fac: One man pays for subfactions and gives them to his main officers to generate an (Empire), resulting in several factions with less than 5 people in them. ex. Khetsuran.
b) Noobly factions: Consist largely of dirt huts and/or greifed structures built by a prevous faction. These factions are usually run by one or two semi-active people with little skill and no interest in restoring their faction residence, much less on preserving the environment around their Faction.
c) Faction devolution: An active officer will have little to no trouble in securing a 2k loan from a wealthy individual, such as Mecharic, which often results in the officer leaving the faction to found a new one. This accounts for a fast and often-times irritating rate of new factions. These usually are built too close to other factions and typically result in sullied relations with the original faction.


Now as to the disbandment of current factions, I say no! There is no need to destroy all factions which are established and very successful. It would lead to a vie for power and control of Faction bases, as People attempt to grab faction's now unclaimed Cities.
Something no one has addressed is that when a player first comes onto the server for quite a few reasons wouldn't it be good if they joined somewhat large reputable faction, to learn about the server in general, for a week or two and then if they were still active and wanted a faction they could start to raise the money to get one. 2k really is fairly easy to get i'm not saying make it 10k for a faction but considering a warzone is 5k maybe make a faction 5k too.
I don't think cost is the problem. I think it's the difference between need and want that is causing the problem.
Situation #1 Quarantine
Need - a place to protect all of your creations
Want - an isolated place protected just for you
Effect: Separation from community and unhealthy to building friendships. Can end up becoming the root of jealousy from those who are lesser fortunate.
Situation #2 Paranoia
Need - more members for claiming more land
Want - none of those members to grief that claimed land
Effect: Extreme wariness could drive those who don't want to go through the trouble away. Most of the time, all the members leave because they had already fulfilled their purpose. Sometimes ends up back at situation number one.
Situation #3 Dictatorship
Need - to follow rules set by the leader
Want - to be your own leader so that the rules fit you
Effect: Faulty thinking causes selfish rule. Faction structure is built to improve the leader and his wealth while the members are left there to slave for the leaders benefit. Drives members away and often leaves a bad image on the faction leader's reputation.*
Situation #4 Specialization
Need - a group of people for standing a chance against other competition
Want - members who work well together, have a labor skill, or fit your personal preferences
Effect: Lesser qualified players look at you as an obstacle of personal prejudice. Members can feel used due to the uncomfortable specifics that they all fit into. Turmoil can be caused when members fully realize their importance.*

*exceptions include the naïve or desperate members.
If these problems were fixed, there would be less pointless faction creation.
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There are a decent number of factions, but they come and go. People build them up and they fall down (and are sometimes rebuilt again). I don't see anything alarming about the statistics. I can run from one end of any continent to another without feeling too cramped by all the green. Depending on the map, there can actually be a bit too much wilderness out there rather than too little.

I suspect the thread is addressing a problem that doesn't actually exist. Is there actually something getting in the way of someone enjoying the game or does the mere existence of many small factions simply offend someone's sensibilities?

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