Archived Raise The Faction Price.

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Apr 7, 2013
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The topic is mentioned in the title. I feel the need for the server to raise the price to purchase a faction from the server. One of the main driving factors of my thought on the price is just cause the Sheer number of factions already in Existence (Which i might add, is a Smacking grand total of 583different Player owned Factions). Well you say that that is only 1 reason and it is insufficient to argue with the price. However am i not the only player who realizes that Beginning players come onto the server get 2000 regals and buy a faction after 1-2 weeks of playing on this server. I mean sure that is fine, but.. 2000 regals also seems like not that much money. If i happened to add some player names that have made over 2000 regals in a month to better influence your thoughts? Ok.. i'll bullet off the player names that i have recognized.
  • Gnarlen : After 1 month of playing on the server he had gained a total of over 20,000 Regals
  • Melodine : After reaching /mctop 2 had over 18,000 regals and only 3 weeks on the server. (Owner of a faction)
  • Deathknight_101 : Only 1 month and 1 week old, having over 3000 regals and owner of the faction Hellmouth.
  • perssons90 : Said to have 10k+ Regals after first month on the server.
Are you a player in need of money? If so contact Mecharic ingame and he will do his best to hook you up with a
Now we could all agree that majority of these players worked and put a decent amount of time into earning this amount. However do we not want hard working dedicated players to run our factions?
So on to the other point... Factions are covering the map and it is hard to find a special spot to place your faction, With a simple look at the dynmap otherwise known ad the dynamic map can show the obvious spam of green boxes called factions. Can you not see the amount of factions spamming the screen on they dynmap? Take a look
With that being Shown, can you understand my point yet?

Here are some quotes from a survey taken ingame. Questions and answers. Read the quotes and try to understand other players point of view.
~ Looloo998 ~
Question ~ How do you feel about the outstanding number of 583 factions on the server?
"There seems to be a lot, maybe too much."
Question ~ Do you feel that factions are cheap in price?
"Well, i think the issue is that people can buy 3 months of premium and buy a faction. Premiums is a little overpowered, I do think they are cheap."
Question ~ Do players often take their factions for granted?
"I do believe that players take advantage of factions. I have been in factions, taking advantage isn't a good way to lead."

Question ~ How do you feel about the outstanding number of 583 factions on the server?
I don't really. Faction is a varied term in my opinion, so many people consider those as self proclaimed villages, kingdoms, ect. When they in my opinion can be anything between a Kingdom or simply a single mansion. If this is about the large amount of factions out there, that in my opinion is more of an issue of self proclaimed kingdoms. So in order to develop an actual opinion on that, i would need to know what each and every one faction stood for.
Question ~ Do players often take their factions for granted?
I think so. Factions need to be places of Rp just as regalia is. Most people don't utilize that and just hold them stagnantly

~ Anonymous ~
Question ~ How do you feel about the outstanding number of 583 factions on the server?
Is it pretty high now, But i doubt they're all active anyways. Alot of "Used" space that otherwise could be used by others simply due to the fact of high amounts of either empty or wasted Factions.
Question ~ Do you feel that factions are cheap in price?
I feel they are where they should be. Honestly. Which might sound contradictory, but i feel like creating the faction is just like buying a charter - It shouldn't cost TOO much - Most of the cost lies in the construction anyway.

Question ~ How do you feel about the outstanding number of 583 factions on the server?
"To me there are too much factions around, and not enough land to support all of them. Plus it makes it much harder to keep track of all of them."
Question ~ Do you feel that factions are cheap in price?
"I do think they are a little bit cheap, and now that I think about it, when you buy 3 months of premium you should get enough regals to start a faction."
Question ~ Do players often take their factions for granted?
"Yes I do think that people take their factions for granted, especially most premiums that think they are the strongest people on the server (given there are a lot of strong premiums) but almost every "noob" will buy premium so they feel strong enough to take on other factions. Most people that get a faction right off the bat will usually get banned or jailed because they haven't read the rules, and so they don't know how factions work in the since that they need a valid reason to raid people."
To make this thread as fair as can be please View my words before answering the poll. If you happen to disagree PLEASE EXPLAIN WHY. Thanks and have a great day.
If you listen to anything i say then please listen to this.. KEEP YOUR SIGNATURES IN SPOILERS PLEASE (Especially if they move)
~ Pokyug
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I disagree! Factions are an anti-grief plugin (as per Cay's VERY clear statements) so it shouldn't cost more than someone can get in like a month or two. Besides, most players don't reach 2,000r for about 6-8 months. Just the dedicated ones hit 2k in a month or less.
I so disagree, also you mistyped my words making it look like I repeated myself ._. My words were that a faction can be anything between a Kingdom or simply a single mansion.
I believe this will just create more problems. Sure, money nowadays isn't such a difficulty to obtain, but having to spend more than over 2000r seems slightly ridiculous. I also agree fully with Mecharic. :P The fact that there are 500+ factions isn't... really a problem. If it's not doing any harm toward anybody, then why should it be brought up?

And, yes. People use factions for other uses, but, again, not much harm is coming out of it. Just my callin' on the matter.
Well if you look at it from a mathematical view, there are around 2000 active players on massive with 538 factions in existence. This means roughly 1/4 of the population owns their own factions, which to me seems like a lot.
A majority of buildings I see in factions, to me, look like grief to the landscape as it is so the 'anti-grief protection' thing seems to be more like 'grief protection' in my opinion(I know some people will find what I just stated offensive, and I'm sorry for that I'm just being honest x.x). So taking that into account I both agree and disagree.
I rather like the faction price as it is, but at the same time my friend just made 10,000r in less then a month by opening an art shop. They can now afford 5 factions. And I know not everyone is artistically talented and all, but still that's a lot of money to make in under a month, no that's a lot of factions you can afford in under a month. So at the same time something about the price needs to be changed, or at least something needs to be changed so factions are harder to obtain.
Factions are an anti-grief tool, and a community building tool, so I think they should only be in the hands of those who will not make horrid builds and those who will not scam their faction members. Instead, said scammers and horrid builders could join factions run by good proper leaders where they can learn how to run their own successful faction instead of buying one within their first months of joining only to let it go to complete and under waist in the end. They could learn how to build, and learn the iner-workings of the server so they can properly contribute to the community of Massivecraft once they can finally get their own faction. Buuuut thats just my opinion xD

So Ummm I guess in short I love this idea, but the cheap skate side of me is yelling "Noooooo!"

+3/4 Support? :/
I agree fully with this and think it's only fair for the price to be risen to at least 5-6k regals.

+1 support
Mecharic I guess you put up a decent point, more active players can earn only a handful because nobody has told them the way to earn it. You as a faction leader should teach your faction members how to earn the money. In all honesty the last time i went to go spend a half hour on the darkroom i got well over 100 regals from training ( Not to mention the stuff i got from enchanting which was 2 Protection 3 Diamond chest plates, 1 protection 4 unbreaking 3 diamond chest plate, and 2 Fire protection 4 unbreaking 3 diamond chest plates, Which adds up to about 400 regals profit in today's economy). Players also very well have the opportunity to to buy premium for 3 months which gives them the perk of easily obtaining 2100 regals. One more thing.. Out of all people you disagree .. ?, if this were to happen this would open a whole new world of business opportunities for you.

TechPac Yes, i added in your Quote anyways because you had some great thoughts on the idea, and it would not be entirely fair if i did not give both sides of the argument. Also.. sorry about the mistype, i have corrected the mistake.

Verityg I guess the land claim issue is not relevant to your faction, but for finding a spot where your faction could go to. Can be very difficult at times i might add, then again it purely depends on the role-play background of your faction.
Then again i really don't feel that getting 2000+ regals is that difficult. Within the last 3 days me and my friend have made together over 4k+ regals, just to try and prove that the money is not that hard to get in the Economy today.

TiroTypo xD i dont really have anything to say about your post that has not already been mentioned.

TylerJG92 I think going for 5000-6000 regals is a shy bit expensive, i was going towards a slightly less increase to make the overall cost about 3000-4000 Regals. However i am glad you agree with my thoughts.
Mecharic I guess you put up a decent point, more active players can earn only a handful because nobody has told them the way to earn it. You as a faction leader should teach your faction members how to earn the money. In all honesty the last time i went to go spend a half hour on the darkroom i got well over 100 regals from training ( Not to mention the stuff i got from enchanting which was 2 Protection 3 Diamond chest plates, 1 protection 4 unbreaking 3 diamond chest plate, and 2 Fire protection 4 unbreaking 3 diamond chest plates, Which adds up to about 400 regals profit in today's economy). Players also very well have the opportunity to to buy premium for 3 months which gives them the perk of easily obtaining 2100 regals. One more thing.. Out of all people you disagree .. ?, if this were to happen this would open a whole new world of business opportunities for you.

Yes, it is my job to teach them how to make money - but it is their job to make it. If they earn the 2k they deserve to lead a faction. That is my honest belief. If it takes 20 minutes or 20 years, they have earned it in some way, shape, or form. As for business, I do not give loans for the founding of factions. They aren't repaid very often.
I agree with this because newer players are just creating their own little factions of 2-3 people instead of joining others, making there be a large number of tiny little factions that compose of a few new players than having a few large, well established factions. This does not make logical sense for rp that there would be independent "nations" of only a few buildings and a cobblestone wall. This also means that some "noob" and his other noob friends will just create their own faction, and won't be exposed to rp or how Massivecraft works.
Yes, it is my job to teach them how to make money - but it is their job to make it. If they earn the 2k they deserve to lead a faction. That is my honest belief. If it takes 20 minutes or 20 years, they have earned it in some way, shape, or form. As for business, I do not give loans for the founding of factions. They aren't repaid very often.
Sorry, I did not realize that you did not help in the fundings for factions.
Ayaaaghhhurrmapkpaw SIGNATURE NOT IN SPOILER :(
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TheBatman1016 I Strongly agree with your statement, with the current 583 factions it splits people apart and creates a lack of unity, which is greatly needed on the server. (Well that is in my opinion at least)
(Sorry about my signature..) But like the faction I'm in, we have a lot of alt factions and smaller factions that was just use for claiming land/storage space/ expanding, because sometimes its not really practical to have to claim from point A to point B when all you want is this tiny place a little further then point B instead of that entire strip of land; also, we have these factions so we can have multiple, large scale bases on the same continent without having to claim everything in between them. (Then, there are those families that use factions to claim land and build mansion..*cough* Lady Rose and her wonderfully, 100% Sexy, fabulous mansion that I SSSOOOOO want..)
If you ask me TheBatman1016 is right on the money with this one and their is a very simple solution to it that does not involve ruining the faction costs for other possible great faction leaders.
Make it possible to destroy a faction.WOWWOWO! that would ruin ALLOT and make chaos.Well not if you had to make a forum application that admins had to vote on.You could make a trial kind of thing and if the accusing faction won then the defending faction "non RP noob faction" would then be susceptible to be claimed by another faction if their power went below 0 meaning that they still get a fighting chance and their faction is not completely destroyed but this would discourage their members from remaining in their faction and seek a more stable faction or at least a rising one that is beneficial to the server.
One main problem with factions these days is that they seemingly have no reason for their existance. No effort is put into reasons for raiding. Some factions need to really work on their roleplay background.Dworvin and if you could, PLEASE PUT YOUR GIGANTIC SIGNATURE IN A SPOILER.
I agree with this. New players could just join a pre-made faction if they really wanted to be protected, and anyone who really wants to make a faction will be willing to put a little bit of time into making the funds. However, I feel like 5000r is a bit high, maybe 3000-3500r? :)

I accidentally hit 'don't agree.' Is there a way to change my vote?
@The_Last_Miner1 I agree, like i said in one of the above posts i feel that the price should be raised to 3000-4000 Regals. When you really think about the situation from the hindsight, adding another 1000 regal to the cost will only hinder a couple of less dedicated members of the server to create a faction. If anything a 1000 regal increase will just make factions more of a money sink for the server.
Recently me and one of my friends on the server have done a test to see how hard it is to gain money on the server. From darkroom training, looting inactive bases, and selling proceeds we have received over 3000+ regals in the past 4 days.
Recently me and one of my friends on the server have done a test to see how hard it is to gain money on the server. From darkroom training, looting inactive bases, and selling proceeds we have received over 3000+ regals in the past 4 days.

I've been training up my skills in a darkroom, and found it's actually fairly easy to get money:- I make about 250regals/h just from mobs, and potential more on their drops. If you also enchant books with the levels you gain, i'm sure you could make upwards of 750regals/hour easily.
@The_Last_Miner1 I agree, like i said in one of the above posts i feel that the price should be raised to 3000-4000 Regals. When you really think about the situation from the hindsight, adding another 1000 regal to the cost will only hinder a couple of less dedicated members of the server to create a faction. If anything a 1000 regal increase will just make factions more of a money sink for the server.
4000r? What I'm saying is, brand new players who don't want to invest their time to grind regals 24/7 can just join a faction, but don't make it so you have to have no life for a month to make one.
I dont think making factions harder to obtain will help unify them, I think factions just need to be less damn paranoid.

-man runs out in full enchant armor- "what do you want!?"
"im looking for a place to spend the night"
"go away!"

Thats most people's attitudes nowadays. No one RPs at their faction any more due to fear of raid, while that is normal, it can easily be diffused if people stop keeping things they consider to be valueble on them all the time. I know spme people dont like to put away armor, especially with mobs, but really that can be fixed by using cheaper (chain) armor.
Then you deal with the fact that noobs just get a faction quickly. So an issue is that noobs get 2000r to quickly to make a fac is a problem, you honestly think that doubling or even tripling the price will stop them? Honestly its only going to slow them down a few hours. If newer players are making factipns too quickly, then perhaps it should be based upon how long someone has been a part of the server as well. The server keeps track of how long players have been on the server, why not utilize that?
Make it so new players cannot even create a faction for a set amount of weeks or even months. Because simply raising the price dosnt do a thing, ive seen the price go up many times dramaticly and it not doing a thing to slow down players.
According to /money analyze, there are 6500ish active players on Massivecraft. So less than 10% of players own there own faction.
Raising the price wouldn't necessarily stop a new player from creating a faction, but would rather just inconvenience them more, and at the same time make it more costly for those that legitimately want to start a prosperous, long lasting faction. If noobs making factions really is an issue, then like TechPac said, preventing people from being the leader of one until they're a month or so old on the server would be a better solution. And yeah, less factions = more unity is cool and all that, but if someone wants to do their own thing, let them. They shouldn't HAVE to be some scrubby recruit under somebody else for a while just because they're new or cause the price of making their own faction is like 5000r. If they put the effort in, they deserve it.
I'm actually not sure on whether this is right or not but... Did this post get necroed? O.O
I dont think making factions harder to obtain will help unify them, I think factions just need to be less damn paranoid.

-man runs out in full enchant armor- "what do you want!?"
"im looking for a place to spend the night"
"go away!"

Thats most people's attitudes nowadays. No one RPs at their faction any more due to fear of raid, while that is normal, it can easily be diffused if people stop keeping things they consider to be valueble on them all the time. I know spme people dont like to put away armor, especially with mobs, but really that can be fixed by using cheaper (chain) armor.
Then you deal with the fact that noobs just get a faction quickly. So an issue is that noobs get 2000r to quickly to make a fac is a problem, you honestly think that doubling or even tripling the price will stop them? Honestly its only going to slow them down a few hours. If newer players are making factipns too quickly, then perhaps it should be based upon how long someone has been a part of the server as well. The server keeps track of how long players have been on the server, why not utilize that?
Make it so new players cannot even create a faction for a set amount of weeks or even months. Because simply raising the price dosnt do a thing, ive seen the price go up many times dramaticly and it not doing a thing to slow down players.

1. I believe @gridiron1024 said in a post that outside Regalia, role-play isn't the priority. If you are roleplaying and you want to "stay the night" or something related to that at a faction, make sure it is a Rp or at least Semi-Rp Fac. For example I wouldn't go up to Valyria and ask to stay the night….
2. Using how long a player has played on the server is not necessarily accurate. I have seen many players who first played on the server ages ago, then come back months later to start a fac.
Factions use to cost 300 Silver, 3000 Regals. Factions are designed to show power. In old Massivecraft days, there use to be only a couple of main factions, which most players would join. Farmlands being one of them. I think the price is waaay to low, and needs to be increased to AT LEAST 3000 Regals. They should be VERY hard to get, therefore showing power and skill.
I disagree! Factions are an anti-grief plugin (as per Cay's VERY clear statements) so it shouldn't cost more than someone can get in like a month or two. Besides, most players don't reach 2,000r for about 6-8 months. Just the dedicated ones hit 2k in a month or less.
they know to be very ugly... so I count most of them as grief
"Disband all existing factions (sending faction banks to their owners) and then raise the price to 5k" - Said no one here because they don't want to lose their faction but want to make other people not get one. *coughs a few times*
Factions use to cost 300 Silver, 3000 Regals. Factions are designed to show power. In old Massivecraft days, there use to be only a couple of main factions, which most players would join. Farmlands being one of them. I think the price is waaay to low, and needs to be increased to AT LEAST 3000 Regals. They should be VERY hard to get, therefore showing power and skill.
Once again, increasing the price wont do a single thing. If a noob comes here and knows how to make money and pops out a faction in an hour (which happens more often than you think) then increasing the price wont do anything to change that, slow them down a little, but not very much.
I agree with Okyno somewhere. Yes of course, factions create a safe place.
Although, most (former factions) look soo ugly. Not at all RP-like or server related. That annoys me.
I think there are way too many factions right now. If you travel by foot, you see every 2 minutes another faction. That's not fun. Most factions are now small, it would be more fun if it were bigger cities.
It's better for rp as well I think.
So imo: raise the prices or limit the amount of factions.
Once again, increasing the price wont do a single thing. If a noob comes here and knows how to make money and pops out a faction in an hour (which happens more often than you think) then increasing the price wont do anything to change that, slow them down a little, but not very much.
Is someone making money that fast, a noob? ;)
I believe that factions should be moderated in a form like they could be deemed unworthy if they are not governed well or look like garbage by admins and then could be disbanded if their power level falls below 0 and their land could be claimed if their power level could not sustain it.
Ive said this before but yeah...
I have been trying to get regals for a faction and I could have loaned frome Mecharic... YEAH
Also I hate this idea, it would make players who are good with factions and who couldn't afford premium (me) look like noobs
Ok, so here's my thoughts on this. If someone buys 3 months of premium, they get 2250 regals straight off. Now, many people will think that this is a bad thing, that they can buy a faction, but hold on a moment. The person who bought premium is keeping the server alive. They're the reason that we can still play the best server (in my opinion) out there. And the 2250 regals usually goes straight back into the server when they buy a faction, and they continue to play the server, buying more premium, contributing to the overall atmosphere and keeping the server running. Yes, there may be a lot of factions out there, but that doesn't mean that each and every single one doesn't deserve the time of day. They're an integral part of the server, and the fact that people will buy premium just to get a faction is one reason the server is still going strong.
Maaan... instead of saying, there are to many factions this server is crowded with claimed land. Has anyone considered ellador daendaroc maybe even Ithanian desert. There is enough space there for sure...l
Maaan... instead of saying, there are to many factions this server is crowded with claimed land. Has anyone considered ellador daendaroc maybe even Ithanian desert. There is enough space there for sure...l
Id like to see Ellador repopulate, its lonely there, and honestly its no where near as badly griefed as everyone says.
Id like to see Ellador repopulate, its lonely there, and honestly its no where near as badly griefed as everyone says.
I used to live there but now well i live no where but if i would be unbanned i would settle back down in my Ithanian shack in the desert. Though i putted alot of money and time in fendarfell... if i look so its over populated and all my stuff got griefed... But ellador has real nice terrain!
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