Archived Races Get Advantages/disadvantages In Different Biomes.

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Justice Bringer
Jul 3, 2012
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The title explains it self pretty good. But I had this idea out of no-where and thought it would be a good addition. First with all the custom biomes and such, there should be good/bad things added to it. Some examples are like

Pros: Extra damage done with bows when in/around trees.
Get extra speed when in/around trees

Cons: Take more damage in a desert.

And so on, So I hope that example can show y'all what my idea is. A short summary is basically, different biomes add more abilities to certain races depending on their orgins and RP story
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It isn't really possible to identify a tree as a tree. Since it's just a mixture of wood and leaves. Although enabling greater damage in a forest biome would be possible.
Why would an elf do more damage with a bow when around trees?
Because elves live in forests, hide in trees and shoot things. It doesn't have to be logical, it just encourages elves to live in forests, and gives them an advantage on their home ground. By this same logic an elf in the desert is like a fish out of water.
I like this idea, mostly because it encourages more role play. Its depressing to see elves live in deserts and dwarves live in grasslands ;(
Lord perhaps to add on to this, edit the main post listing the advantages and disadvantages of each race that is logical, and that you would like to see happen.
Dwarves: Mountain Biom - Faster Mining Rate, Chance of Double Drops, or Less Fall Damage (being short makes you BOUNCE!)
Orcs: Desert Biom - Faster Movement, More Swords Damage, or higher dodge chance.
Elves: Mixed Forest Biom - Faster Movement, Higher Bow Damage, or Higher Dodge Chance (tree + leaves + elves = WTF! Where'd the buggers go?")
Humans: No enhancements by biom. They are the all-around species, most adaptable and such.
Agni and Maiar: Already have benefits in ocean/lava respectively.
Yanar: Grasslands Biom - Higher Dodge Chance, Heal Faster, or Don't Lose Food (sunlight feeds a plant).
Vespid: Jungle Biom - Enhanced Dodge Chance, Higher Damage, or Increased Speed
Naga: Swamp Biom - Enhanced Dodge Chance, Higher Damage, or Increased Speed
Undead: 32 blocks of closer to bedrock - Enhanced Dodge Chance, Higher Damage, or Increased Speed. Or they get nothing cause they dead and thus lost their racial abilities.

If I missed any current races, remind me of them. The reason I generally have Dodge, Speed, and/or Damage is because most races are skilled at traversing their native biom rather then an alien one. A Lion can hunt a Tiger in the Savanna, a Tiger the Lion in the Tundra. Thus each race has it's own special 'best/native biom', where it's full abilities are seen.
you need some disadvantages for the terrains, here's my suggestions

Dwarves: jungles- Slowness (short height+ jungly vegetation= "curses! These weeds!")
Orcs: Swamp- Slowness-(these marshy plants keep slowing me down! And these bugs aren't helping!)
Elves: Desert- Slowness (sand is a VERY different material from dirt)
Yanar: Desert- Lose hunger faster/take damage (heat causes plants to lose water and nourishment)
Vespid: Tundra- Lose health (freezing temperatures kill the bugs quickly)
Naga: Tundra- Lose food faster/lose health (cold blooded animals)
Undead: They're dead, they don't have any weaknesses.

The reason I did tundra and desert a lot is because those biomes are supposed to be INHOSPITABLE! Its a desert and tundra for pete's sake!
Dwarves: Mountain Biom - Faster Mining Rate, Chance of Double Drops, or Less Fall Damage (being short makes you BOUNCE!)
Orcs: Desert Biom - Faster Movement, More Swords Damage, or higher dodge chance.
Elves: Mixed Forest Biom - Faster Movement, Higher Bow Damage, or Higher Dodge Chance (tree + leaves + elves = WTF! Where'd the buggers go?")
Humans: No enhancements by biom. They are the all-around species, most adaptable and such.
Agni and Maiar: Already have benefits in ocean/lava respectively.
Yanar: Grasslands Biom - Higher Dodge Chance, Heal Faster, or Don't Lose Food (sunlight feeds a plant).
Vespid: Jungle Biom - Enhanced Dodge Chance, Higher Damage, or Increased Speed
Naga: Swamp Biom - Enhanced Dodge Chance, Higher Damage, or Increased Speed
Undead: 32 blocks of closer to bedrock - Enhanced Dodge Chance, Higher Damage, or Increased Speed. Or they get nothing cause they dead and thus lost their racial abilities.

If I missed any current races, remind me of them. The reason I generally have Dodge, Speed, and/or Damage is because most races are skilled at traversing their native biom rather then an alien one. A Lion can hunt a Tiger in the Savanna, a Tiger the Lion in the Tundra. Thus each race has it's own special 'best/native biom', where it's full abilities are seen.
Tigran left tO say
you need some disadvantages for the terrains, here's my suggestions

Dwarves: jungles- Slowness (short height+ jungly vegetation= "curses! These weeds!")
Orcs: Swamp- Slowness-(these marshy plants keep slowing me down! And these bugs aren't helping!)
Elves: Desert- Slowness (sand is a VERY different material from dirt)
Yanar: Desert- Lose hunger faster/take damage (heat causes plants to lose water and nourishment)
Vespid: Tundra- Lose health (freezing temperatures kill the bugs quickly)
Naga: Tundra- Lose food faster/lose health (cold blooded animals)
Undead: They're dead, they don't have any weaknesses.

The reason I did tundra and desert a lot is because those biomes are supposed to be INHOSPITABLE! Its a desert and tundra for pete's sake!

I do like these, just want to add for the elves... "Ah buggers, I lost my shoes again -moment of silence, cooking sound heard- AIH! MY FEETZ!"


Jungle - Faster Vine Climbing, Double Jump, Increased Speed, or Higher Dodge Chance.
Swamp - Slower (gah! I hate water...)
you need some disadvantages for the terrains, here's my suggestions

Dwarves: jungles- Slowness (short height+ jungly vegetation= "curses! These weeds!")
Orcs: Swamp- Slowness-(these marshy plants keep slowing me down! And these bugs aren't helping!)
Elves: Desert- Slowness (sand is a VERY different material from dirt)
Yanar: Desert- Lose hunger faster/take damage (heat causes plants to lose water and nourishment)
Vespid: Tundra- Lose health (freezing temperatures kill the bugs quickly)
Naga: Tundra- Lose food faster/lose health (cold blooded animals)
Undead: They're dead, they don't have any weaknesses.

Jungle - Faster Vine Climbing, Double Jump, Increased Speed, or Higher Dodge Chance.
Swamp - Slower (gah! I hate water...)
Ocean or river - slowness (same reason as swamp)

forest or jungle - slowness(reflexes to slow to avoid tree branches/above ground roots if moving to quickly, kill the living! *trips on tree root, gets up* kill them! *runs into tree branch* )
I don't really think their should be damage bonus, as it is with 1,000 archery I can nearly 1 shot someone with a god bow and elf . If there was 20% more bow damage than 15% more, I, and everyone else who has 1,000 archery would be nearly invincible in forest biomes. There would be a lot if complaining about that. I think there should just be skill gathering perks and MAYBE some jump/speed bonus' for a few races.
Dwarves: Mountain Biom - Faster Mining Rate, Chance of Double Drops, or Less Fall Damage (being short makes you BOUNCE!)
Orcs: Desert Biom - Faster Movement, More Swords Damage, or higher dodge chance.
Elves: Mixed Forest Biom - Faster Movement, Higher Bow Damage, or Higher Dodge Chance (tree + leaves + elves = WTF! Where'd the buggers go?")
Humans: No enhancements by biom. They are the all-around species, most adaptable and such.
Agni and Maiar: Already have benefits in ocean/lava respectively.
Yanar: Grasslands Biom - Higher Dodge Chance, Heal Faster, or Don't Lose Food (sunlight feeds a plant).
Vespid: Jungle Biom - Enhanced Dodge Chance, Higher Damage, or Increased Speed
Naga: Swamp Biom - Enhanced Dodge Chance, Higher Damage, or Increased Speed
Undead: 32 blocks of closer to bedrock - Enhanced Dodge Chance, Higher Damage, or Increased Speed. Or they get nothing cause they dead and thus lost their racial abilities.

If I missed any current races, remind me of them. The reason I generally have Dodge, Speed, and/or Damage is because most races are skilled at traversing their native biom rather then an alien one. A Lion can hunt a Tiger in the Savanna, a Tiger the Lion in the Tundra. Thus each race has it's own special 'best/native biom', where it's full abilities are seen.
The problem with that is that mostly everyone is given higher damage and dwarves are giving more mining drops (Already a Skill AND an enchant)
If this helpful, Someone said somewhere that all races except the Frostmorn will die of frostbite in Jorrhildr.
I agree. This would also make long hikes from one faction to another when raiding very fun because ti will actually improve your sense of travel - Elves would rather go around the desert land and through the forest to get to their enemies.
The problem with that is that mostly everyone is given higher damage and dwarves are giving more mining drops (Already a Skill AND an enchant)

It says 'Or' meaning they wouldn't be able to get ALL of these, just the one that people think is least OP.
Lord perhaps to add on to this, edit the main post listing the advantages and disadvantages of each race that is logical, and that you would like to see happen.
I was listing an example out of random to prove a point on the pros and cons.

Another addition that could be added it that I'll use dwarves for an example. A certain race gains Pros and Cons depending on the world they were found in. For example with dwarves, Dwarves deal more damage in Ellador, get the ability of haste when mining but in another world like the Gana-Isha they deal less damage. And so on.
Again lord, damage bonus would be simply to OP there is a reason they reduced the 20% damage we did when races first came out, to 15% bonus damage. People may say they want damage bonus in the different biomes, but most who don't like my idea, would be complaining a ton later when they are insta killed in diamond armor by an elf jumping though trees shooting at him.
Orcs get an advantage due to the fact that in lore the desert is their homeland, and naturally you would assume that people that live in the desert for their whole lives would get a advantage in that homeland.
I am adamant to adhereing to the 1/2 ability standard maintained, so it is very unlikely this suggestion will get anywhere for the next half year.
I personally feel as though this would limit role play and make it more boring. What is fun about the same race role played the same way in the same place. If you can justify what you are doing with role play and/or in role play then I see no problem with you doing what you want or living where you want.
The idea is that general races under class 1 only have 1 ability that sets them apart. Introducing biome dependancy would scew that.
So this whole thread is worthless now that it will 'screw it up?'
The idea is that general races under class 1 only have 1 ability that sets them apart. Introducing biome dependancy would scew that.

Ah. That makes a lot more sense :P Then we can withdraw this entire thread I think - though I hope in the future Class 2 or 3 races can have something similar to this implemented (after all, Agni and Maiar already NEED to exist in/near lava or water respectively).
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