Archived Races Are A Bit Imbalanced...

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oh boy
Jun 19, 2013
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United States
I've noticed that quite a bit of races are imbalanced these days. Maiar can only get about five minutes out of water, agni take way to much damage at one time from rain, vampires are too god. That's why I've decided to give a list of what I think the race pros/cons should be. Please do not lock/spam this thread, I want it to be a discussion.

- Keep Current Perks. (Better chance of getting more wood from trees, and wheat from farms)

- Double Block Jump.
- Reduced Fall Damage.

- "Mining Heritage" Perk, Can Mine Stone 30% Faster Than Any Other Race.
- Has slightly better vision in the dark.

- 5% More Damage Dealt With Fists.
- "Tribal Gathering" Perk, Which Gives Them +5% Unarmed Damage For Every Orc In A 30 Block Radius, Capping at 30%

- 5% More Damage Dealt With Unarmed.
- 50% Better Vision In The Dark.

- Slowness I Effect 24/7
- 30% Damage Reduction From Mobs.
- 10% Explosion Resistance.
- 5% Player Resistance.

- Swims 20% Slower Than Any Other Race.
- Deals A Poison I Effect For 15 Seconds When Hit By Fists, Sword, Or An Axe.
- Is Healed By Poison Potions. Acts as a Regen.

- Keep Spider Passive Until Attacked.
- "Swarm Ferocity" Perk Gives a +5% SPEED Boost For Every Vespid/Spider Within a 30 Block Radius, Capping at 30%

- Trash Unbalanced Rose Healing.
- 20% Better Chance of Getting A Double Drop From All Crops.
- 10% Better Chance of Getting A Triple Drop From All Crops.
- 5% Better Chance of Spreading Moss onto Stone/StoneBrick, Grass Onto Dirt, And Mycelium Onto Grass.

- Swim in Lava 10% Faster For Every Other Agni in a 30 Block Radius. Caps at 30%
- Has a 20% Lower Damage Taken in Rain. (So Agni can actually escape!)
- Heal 1 Heart Per Second While In Lava.

- Swim in Water 10% Faster For Every Other Maiar in a 30 Block Radius. Caps at 30%
- Starves 50% Less While Not in Water. (So Maiar can actually do stuff!)
- Heal 1 Heart Per Second While In Water.
- Satisfies 2 Food Segments Per 3 Seconds While In Water.
- Satisfies 1 Food Segment Per 3 Seconds While In Rain.

- Double Block Jump
- Cannot Survive In Full Armor After 5:00 PM
- Bloodlust gives 5% More Damage With Everything.
- Bloodlust gives a Triple Block Jump.
- Vampires can drink blood from zombies, but gain a 30 Second Hunger Effect.
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Hmm, I never really had a problem with the current race perks.
But what do you think? I'd enjoy feedback. It took me a while to type that all up.
Some stuff needs to be tweaked, but in all, good ideas.
I like the orc hunting party idea, and the elven acrobatic abilities.
However 1 heart per second for agni and maiar are too much, one heart every five to ten seconds is a bit better.

Other stuff is a bit unnecessary, though I do believe yanar should have one or two more abilities.

Overall, some pretty solid ideas here.
I like your ideas and I support them all except the vampires. The vampires are supposed to be evil demons and hell spawns so them being powerful, fast, and athletic is natural also they aren't a race they are a disease. I do not think vampires should be nerfed any more then they have been because they are already so easy to kill, a full diamond armor vampire can be 5 shoted with a wooden object. And blood lust has been disabled as it is hasn't it? Or at least it hasn't been brought back from "re-balancing" it. Over all vampires have gone though so much nerfing and re balancing that I switched to human because it wasn't fun anymore.
Vampires are Baver's minions. Not spawn of hell. I thought they shouldn't be too powerful. Like I said, this is a disscussion.
- Double Block Jump.
- Reduced Fall Damage.

- "Mining Heritage" Perk, Can Mine Stone 30% Faster Than Any Other Race.
- Has slightly better vision in the dark.

- 5% More Damage Dealt With Unarmed.
- 50% Better Vision In The Dark.

- Slowness I Effect 24/7
- 30% Damage Reduction From Mobs.
- 10% Explosion Resistance.
- 5% Player Resistance.

- Swims 20% Slower Than Any Other Race.
- Deals A Poison I Effect For 15 Seconds When Hit By Fists, Sword, Or An Axe.
- Is Healed By Poison Potions. Acts as a Regen.

- Trash Unbalanced Rose Healing.
- 20% Better Chance of Getting A Double Drop From All Crops.
- 10% Better Chance of Getting A Triple Drop From All Crops.
- 5% Better Chance of Spreading Moss onto Stone/StoneBrick, Grass Onto Dirt, And Mycelium Onto Grass.

These are the ones with changes I have a problem with.

Elf need extra bow damage. Something does.

Dwarves I like the mining thing but they should keep the extra axe damage.

Tigrans should jump higher than elves. (Ever seen how high a normal cat or a lion jumps?)

Undead though more realistic this way are way underpowered now. Not only will they never catch anyone. But the wimpy player resistance barely makes up for anything. Keep undead the same.

I like naga being healed by poison. But I don't like the poison I effect. Everytime you meelee damage one your guaranteed to regret it. Also Naga shouldn't heal as much from poison. Like maybe half as much as a normal regen.

Yanar need the healing. Let's face it nobody cares about the rest. Except for spreading moss and mycelium which will be abused I guarantee it. Really if all they have is healing nobody wants to be them except for roleplay anyway. How many yanars have you seen in battle?
But what do you think? I'd enjoy feedback. It took me a while to type that all up.

I actually like all this.

It's quite well organised and makes sense. There's a few things I think needed to be edited with it, like the ability for Maiars; You really need to stop trying to make Maiar's human (They are fish folk). but apart from that nice.

Also edit Elf, that's so low compared to the rest.
Your examples are kinda skewed. Maiar are supposed to spend nearly their entire gameplay in the water, and Agni are supposed to live in the Nether, it's what their gameplay is engineered towards, implying it is not a weakness and not something to compare other races with since it is working as intended.

Also vampires are not a race so they cannot be taken into consideration with the race equasion.

Also races are supposed to be roleplay flavor, we only added small benefits because otherwise 80% of the players would just stay raceless. Introducing new perks and changing old ones away from the "one perk standard" will cause even bigger unbalances.
Alright, later today I'll attempt creating another post that everyone agrees with.
Add "Human Will" 5% Increase in armor/defence for every human capping at 20% and only starts the 5% if more than 2 humans are near each other THEN after 2 it increses 5%
Undead should remove the slowness when on fire(like when they panic)
I really like the elf double block jump, maybe even more damage dealt with a bow, because with armor bows are fairly useless.
I dont really understand naga having slow swimming, naga are reptiles and most reptiles are actually known to be very good swimmers.
Well, majority of Nagas I've seen are snakes, and lets face it; tails instead of legs.
they should make it with elves it is easier to lvl up archery
Here are some problems i've noticed with the races
Elf: less fall damage + high acrobatics = a whole bunch less fall damage, not cool also double block jump would most likely be op'd since that would allow you to throw poison potions bellow you and not get hit, as well as being able to avoid potions easily.
Dwarf: seems alright but how will you give them slightly better vision in the dark?
Orc: seems alright
Tigran: how will you get them better vision?
Undead: keep'em the same as they are now
Naga: how will you make them swim slower? they should be faster anyways. Poison healing and poison skin is too op'd
Vespid: keep them the way they are
Yanar: double crops and triple seems great, healing should be either more efficent or take less roses and should be kept, also the mycellium spread would be abused unless its the mcmmo perk for herbalism, which would be a great idea
Agni: what mernmerti said, they should be in the nether, not fire princesses and stuff
Maiar: same with above except they should be in water, not little water princesses and ariels for gods sake
Vampire: meh i guess they're alright
Humans: i guess they should stay the same, since if they got a combat skill vampires would be just too op'd
Please no slowdown on us. Defends is useful if you can actually escape.
Well, I'd have to say, some of these should be moved down, like Naga dealing the poison would be op, the Regen from poison however is an interesting thought. The Maiar really SHOULD be able to be 'balanced' however, I mean, sure they're water creatures, but there literally is no approved Maiar character, simply because the Maiar cannot go far out of water, they can't go 7 minutes without need of water. I took count, around the 7 minute limit is for Maiar. They need to be able to go more like 15 minutes without water. more people would be Maiar then, and really would make it a worthful race. Even 15 minutes could make a big difference. There is a reason my character loves Maiar, simply because there is not enough of them.

I understand it's mentioned to not be changed, but I really believe that they should, because I have only seen about 5 people being active Maiar on this server the entire time races were active. I'd really hope to be seeing it more powerful than it's current form.
I've seen quite a few people rp as maiars, and one of my friends was going to be until he figured out he was bad at making characters :P
I feel that yanar should be able to do something with yeallow flowers. Maybe a negative effect? Red rose to heal, yellow flower to give slowness? Maybe make them weaker? Or give a boost at something, like speed or strength. But, I'm pretty ok with the races, I don't think they need to be hugely balanced or anything
Reptilian tail: 5% slower swimming
Poison touch: 5% chance to poison someone 5% to every Naga in a 20 block raidus caping at 20%
Reptilian scales: Immune to posion and a 5% chance to gain half a heart from being poisoned (Every hit there would be a 5% chance)

This is my version of a Naga
I think race benefits should stay where they are, and people need to stop expressing their ideas because this will never happen.
-Your cynical orc
a l
Well, I'd have to say, some of these should be moved down, like Naga dealing the poison would be op, the Regen from poison however is an interesting thought. The Maiar really SHOULD be able to be 'balanced' however, I mean, sure they're water creatures, but there literally is no approved Maiar character, simply because the Maiar cannot go far out of water, they can't go 7 minutes without need of water. I took count, around the 7 minute limit is for Maiar. They need to be able to go more like 15 minutes without water. more people would be Maiar then, and really would make it a worthful race. Even 15 minutes could make a big difference. There is a reason my character loves Maiar, simply because there is not enough of them.

I understand it's mentioned to not be changed, but I really believe that they should, because I have only seen about 5 people being active Maiar on this server the entire time races were active. I'd really hope to be seeing it more powerful than it's current form.
a lot less than 7mins
I played Maiar for about an Month and gave it up in the End because it was not playable with my Duties and was not as intresting to Rp as expected. I can understand that People that are Maiar want to be out of Water for a longer Time, but i also understand by now why Admins are not changing it. The Reason for that is that Maiar should be in Water nearly all the Time since they are Fishfolk, simple as that.
The Problem with that is that most Rp is happening in Regalia and although there are some Watersources here and there it still mostly excludes Maiar from Rp since these Fountains are rare and not always in a good Spot. And on the other Hand there are no really Maiarsettlements, or enough Maiar to develope an Maiar Rp outside of Regalia. So it maybe would be a good Idea to create a Place in Regalia where it is possible to Rp with Maiar without them have to sit in the Water Canals or Fountains or the little Pool in the golden Willow.
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