Archived Race Suggestion

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Jun 24, 2013
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(Breath underwater)

. Carnivorous diet
(non-meat food does not affect hunger but is immune to food poisoning.)

.Water Healing
(Heal in water)

(chance of attacker taking half heart damage from skin when using close range weapons.)

.Big stomach
(takes longer to starve.)

.Webbed feet
(fly in water unable to sprint on land.)

.Karchadonians are shark like species that bear big teeth and a carnivorous diet they amerged from the seas not to long ago and were belived to live deep underwater... They adapted to breath air and water. They move fast in water but slow on land. Theyre hierarchy is built of a "Preyatorian(king)" and an inner circile of 5 called the "Jaws of the Preyatorian(advisors)"
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
isn't this the third or second new maiar-like race idea?
Staff doesn´t accepts Race Suggestions from the Community anymore.
Also this is like an Op Maiar Version with no really disadvantage you could even say they are like Gods of the Sea.

  • Gills/Webbed feet:They have the Strenghts of Maiar (Flying in Water, Breath undewater)
  • Carnivorous diet: Are immune to Foodpoisoning and just eat meat, meaning they can live from rotten flesh
  • Don´t dry out like Maiar do, so they don´t loose Hunger on Land
  • Water Healing: Heal in Water .... i don´t have to say anything to that or ?
  • Dentacles: Attackers taking Damage if they hit them .... So it is like you have natural Thorns on you
  • Big stomach: Can eat like normal Races and even loose Hunger more slowly ?
  • Webbed feet: Can´t sprint on Land .......
Sorry but this is another Op Race that will never be implanted, although i like the Idea of playing an Shark like Maiar.
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