Archived Race Idea

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Vreid Avulfur
Jul 23, 2013
Reaction score
Somewhere out in Elladors vast fields of snow
Race idea: A locked "subspecies" of the Undead race who are loyal to the Seraphs.
Appearance: The same as in life except skin is a bit paler and more ghostly. The eyes are that of a Seraphborn.
Buffs/Perks and Weakness's: Partial invisibility for 10 seconds. The eyes would still be visible along with the particle effects (the same as when a potion of invisibility is thrown at a spider) Armor, weapons and other items would not disappear and as such would have to be removed for the buff to take a better effect. During this partial invisibility the user has weakness and slowness upon them to even it out. If the user is hit or harms themself in any way during invisibility, the buff immediately wears off.
Lore: This Undead-like race would only come into existence when a Seraphborn dies or someone chosen by a Seraph after death comes back through the veil for a purpose (i.e: permission from mods for rp or pvp reasons).

I do not fully know what would have to go into creating a race like this but I thought it sounded like a decent enough idea.

Please post feedback and questions if you have them. :)
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
Moved to Feature and Idea Discussion.
Being undead is a cures, why would the seraph put this on someone? Also invisibility would be OP, also how can the skin reel were the eyes are?
ElfArcher9191 why do you disagree? Do you say that being undead is not a curse? Do you think having your soul cling to your rotting body to be a blessing? Or do you think being invisible would not be OP? Do you think being able to have a whole fac enter your base without you seeing being balanced? There is a reason why the invisible pots are disabled. As for the eyes, if that's what you disagree with, there is no ay the plugin could read your skin to recognise the eyes.
ElfArcher9191 why do you disagree? Do you say that being undead is not a curse? Do you think having your soul cling to your rotting body to be a blessing? Or do you think being invisible would not be OP? Do you think being able to have a whole fac enter your base without you seeing being balanced? There is a reason why the invisible pots are disabled. As for the eyes, if that's what you disagree with, there is no ay the plugin could read your skin to recognise the eyes.

The idea that you would disagree with a 10 SECOND invisibility is idiotic. If you had a well defended base, you would see this guy coming from a mile away and could easily tag him with an arrow. My point being you can't do a lot with ten seconds of invisibility! This would not harm RP, and would probably make it better!
The idea that you would disagree with a 10 SECOND invisibility is idiotic. If you had a well defended base, you would see this guy coming from a mile away and could easily tag him with an arrow. My point being you can't do a lot with ten seconds of invisibility! This would not harm RP, and would probably make it better!
No it wont, invisibility is OP, no question about it. It takes skill from engagements, you just pop invisibility and run around to flank for first few hits. for RP, it would not help RP at all. I see very few good RPer who have an undead character. Also, the Seraph would not do this to a person, they are rare and do not interact with people often.
No it wont, invisibility is OP, no question about it. It takes skill from engagements, you just pop invisibility and run around to flank for first few hits. for RP, it would not help RP at all. I see very few good RPer who have an undead character. Also, the Seraph would not do this to a person, they are rare and do not interact with people often.

It's ten seconds of invisibility!! What are you going to do with it!? You can't have armor on when you are invisible, because they will just see you, and any good faction member probably has a 1-2 shot weapon on them. The best you can do is try to assassinate someone.
It's ten seconds of invisibility!! What are you going to do with it!? You can't have armor on when you are invisible, because they will just see you, and any good faction member probably has a 1-2 shot weapon on them. The best you can do is try to assassinate someone.
Invisibility also allows you to grief unseen, the mods has removed invisibility for a reason, why would they give it to a race that would not fit the lore?
VERY slim possibilities...not very likely that it could happen
I can see this happening, also people can hack with this by glitching through doors while invisible. Or have infinite invisibility and just say they were using the races invisibility.
I can see this happening, also people can hack with this by glitching through doors while invisible. Or have infinite invisibility and just say they were using the races invisibility.

Now we're on a completely different subject, now we are in hacking territory. This idea is not fof hacks, but for just a ten second invisibility
Invisibility makes it impossible to tell between those who legitimately use the ability, and those who are hacking for invisibility. Also, it hands people the power to grief without anyone seeing a name, meaning that the person could go invisible, kill a few blocks, set a few blocks of lava, and run. Furthermore, this doesn't fit in lore what so ever. Seraph are not, and never will be a playable race under any circumstance.
Also, reread the undead lore please. Before claiming they can be "loyal" to seraphs.

The whole point of the race was that they were neither Undead or Seraphs. More like someone chosen to come back by a Seraph for a purpose. Anyway I had thought the hawkeye tool would balance out griefing if it ever did happen. Also the short time on invisibility would only be for quick getaways in rp or pvp. I would hope that if anyone was nearby they could easily spot someone after ten seconds. Also it would be a permission based group of people who applied to rp as something like this so griefing and hacking would most likely not be any bigger of a problem than it is with any other race (if not less). Thanks for bringing up some valid points that needed to be explained better. Honestly, I'm glad people are taking any interest in this at all. :)
As it says at the top of the Feature and Suggestions Section, they are NOT take any races suggestions at the moment. Please read before posting.
Invisibility makes it impossible to tell between those who legitimately use the ability, and those who are hacking for invisibility. Also, it hands people the power to grief without anyone seeing a name, meaning that the person could go invisible, kill a few blocks, set a few blocks of lava, and run. Furthermore, this doesn't fit in lore what so ever. Seraph are not, and never will be a playable race under any circumstance.

Hawkeye tool still works if the person was invisible
The idea that you would disagree with a 10 SECOND invisibility is idiotic. If you had a well defended base, you would see this guy coming from a mile away and could easily tag him with an arrow. My point being you can't do a lot with ten seconds of invisibility! This would not harm RP, and would probably make it better!

There's a reason invisibility pots are banned on server, well, banned and unable to be used. Even if it's only partial invisibility (which is impossible), some players with lesser machines wouldn't be able to see the enemies to "tag them with an arrow" that being said, archery is severely underpowered on server, so it wouldn't matter if you tagged them anyways.
There's a reason invisibility pots are banned on server, well, banned and unable to be used. Even if it's only partial invisibility (which is impossible), some players with lesser machines wouldn't be able to see the enemies to "tag them with an arrow" that being said, archery is severely underpowered on server, so it wouldn't matter if you tagged them anyways.

by tagged, I meant put an arrow in them in order to track them :D
by tagged, I meant put an arrow in them in order to track them :D

That wouldn't work out as well as one would hope, likewise, how long would the recharge take on the invisibility? Also, ten seconds may not seem like a long time, but if you have an entire faction of this proposed race, then consider one person firing the partial invisibility, then another, then another, and suddenly, you have an entire army within your walls before you realize it. It wouldn't be a good idea at all in my opinion. I think that a Seraph-type race would be interesting, but have them use a magic plug-in (If ever one was invented that the mods would be willing to use, which to my knowledge there is not.) instead of something that could overwhelmingly change the tide of a battle.
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