Archived Quick Suggestion

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Pink Fluffy Unicorn
Oct 22, 2012
Reaction score
Hey I'm about to go sleep, but I just got an idea. It occurred to me that whenever there's an empire war, there are no real frontlines. This is mostly because the factions of empires are scattered throughout continents and worlds, which makes it so there is no real "frontline". I feel that in Factions V2 empire factions should benefit each other in some way if they are within a certain distance of each other in their land claims. This would make war's a bit more interesting, as there would be a actual physical frontline where people could build trenches, fortifications, and other cool things.
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Me gusta. Perhaps if their factions have a touching border that is connected to the /f home, the faction automatically gets silver/copper added? Or, if not that, an extra combat bonus when inside their territory (ex: enemies doe 40% less damage rather then 30%).
personally, i think that for something to be considered a subfaction, it needs to be in the same area as the main one. Dosnt really feel like a kingdom if its not even on the same continent. Then again irl several governments have claimed civilizations as their own when no where near the main country, i just feel that most (not all) subfactions should reside near the main one. I know this shouldnt be a rule or anything xD just a suggestion for those who want a kingdom that actually feels like a kingdom.[DOUBLEPOST=1366089345,1366089263][/DOUBLEPOST]Dear god i missed my main point of that related to this topic, it would add a more RP style to the raid since you are attacking the actual kingdom/empire/etc head on.
Psst...factions will not include too many new features until cay starts a complete recode of the project.
We decided on making ""old"" factions sharding compatiple first and whn sharding is running smoothly, he will start a recoding.
But yes, we are definitly thinking about these things. In our brainstorming we also mntiond borderlins ect.
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