Qmcakku's Art Shop


<3 Thank you
Open again!!
Just a slightly new format(only an addition of background color yknow) + new art examples
(they're already edited onto the first post but im putting them here as well:)
Character Race:
Character Age:
Face/Head Description:
Clothing Description:
Color? Yes/No:
Character references(if any)?:
Background color:
Any extra details:
IGN: Sujitation
Character Race: Half-Orc
Character Age: 23
Face/Head Description: Smirking/Smiling
Clothing Description: In ref
Color?: Yes
Character references(if any)?: Refs
Background color: Dark Red or Green
Any extra details: Everything be in the ref and I am back for more!
Last edited:
Hi, I'm back
IGN: CyberMo01
Character Race: Sihndar
Character Age: 78
Face/Head Description: Maybe a soft smile, or a neutral expression?
Clothing Description: In ref
Color? Yes/No: Nah
Character references(if any)?:
Here's her face ref
Here's her hair ref
Annnnnnnd here's her outfit ref
And here's her app
Background color: None
Any extra details: Lemme know if you need any other refs
Character Race: Altalar.
Character Age: 110
Face/Head Description: Smug Grin.
Clothing Description: Basically his skin, I'll attach a picture of it. Also, the second reference has a bit of his clothing.
Color: Yes.
Character references(if any)?:

Background color: Orange/Goldish.
Any extra details: Creative Freedom!
IGN: SnashuuPomaymag
Character Race: Kathar - Shenath
Character Age: 62
Face/Head Description: Tiray has a somewhat soft face for a Kathar, with long, thin eyes, long eyelashes, and short brows. Her right brow has a silver ball piercing, and her lips have silver snake bite piercings. Her long ears are littered in small and simple earrings and industrial piercings of both gold and silver. Her lips are a somewhat darker shade of grey than her skin, and she has smooth black scales from her jawline, down her neck.
Clothing Description: Tiray wears magenta- almost red- robes, which cross together under a black sash. Along her arms are several decorative black straps, and she wears several chokers, necklaces and decorative charms around her neck.
Color? Yes/No: Yes please!
Character references(if any)?:
The clothes aren't accurate here, but everything else is!
First one - eyes, eyebrows, nose and lips are all accurate representations!
Second one - general facial structure, eyelashes, hair and body are all accurate representations!
Background color: Maybe one non-png and one light blue if that's okay? ^w^'
Any extra details: Not that I know of, but if I think of any I'll be sure to let you know! Feel free to ask me questions if anything here isn't clear, because I'm notable best with words!
Grand total: 100 Regals! Keep the tip because you're a great artist!