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Needs Help/Review Qelliel Hellious

This sheet needs additional review by staff or community members. Please respond to the thread with tips!


Jul 12, 2024
Reaction score
Character Information

  • Full Name:Qelliel (Quill) Hellious
  • Heritage / Culture: Maraya (Vaulter)
  • Age: (Minimum 17) 27
  • Gender / Pronouns: He/Him
  • Religion: N.A
  • Occult: N.A
  • Character Occupation:Tailor and tinkerer/technician
Appearance Information:
  • Eye Color:Gold
  • Skin Color:Dark gray with gold freckles
  • Hair:Black
  • Height:6.4
  • Body Type:Slender and gangly
  • Additional Features:Tail, horns, with some gold bands and earrings.

Skill Information:

  • Hobbies and Talents:
  • He is a tailor and tinkerer, enjoying making outfits and knickknacks for people.
  • Mechanics:Maraya crystal production and resonance.
  • Ended up as a sharpshooter, and isn't half bad at it. Though he prefers to make weapons rather than use them.
    • He enjoys making and tinkering with the crystals he can produce, often using crystals for making trinkets and accessorizing his tailoring.
    • have small Ichor glands on their hands, which are capable of producing Chrysalis that they can shape into Crystals of any shape or size.
    • tech hijack and hacking from Maraya background
  • Languages: Common, Shalota

Combat Proficiencies and Abilities
Attack Stat:7 Dexterity
Defense Stat:5 Intelligence
Combat Style: Support
[13/14 points spent]
Proficiency Points:

Spoiler: [Character Information Section]

[Appearance Information]

Qelliel as a tailor enjoys dressing up a bit, and like himself enjoys darker tones with striking splashes of colors.

His skin and hair are rather dark for a Maraya, but not due to the result of corruption or mutation. Instead he simply was born Melanistic. (opposite of Leucism, witch is similar to albinism. Essentially the body produces to much melanin, making the affected much darker then they otherwise would be!)

He has horns that are curled back and up, the regular Maraya ears with some added piercings, and a long tail with bands.

[Life Story / Plot Hooks]

Qelliel was a tailor and tinkerer in times past, and his skills in the second ment he ended up being a part of the efforts against the fourth void invasion. His workshop was made into a weapons shop, just like many others things eaten up by the scrambled together war machine. Due to this he was aware of the coming horrors a bit earlier then the populace of the Meridic empire. He would eventually use his weapons, learning to sharpshoot as his homeland was one closer to the oncoming demons. Qelliel was always someone to keep spirits up, still loving to dress people to their best, and make people happy, but as the situation got worse even his spark was waning. He would end up in a vault like most survivors, his only being found recently.

As far as he is aware most of his loved ones from times past did not make it, or are still frozen elsewhere. He did have a family, a sister, parents, and the like, he did not have the chance to make a family of his own before things happened. He had dear friends on the fronts and in the workshops, and he misses them dearly.

He still has that spark of creation, still enjoying his work in sewing and tinkering. Hes still learning some new tools, but if you show him some kindness or coin, perhaps he will make you something.

Qelliel holds the Tohn Sona high regard just like most Maraya, but often does bend his thoughts around it. He does not understand magic, but he does not fear it ether. He prefers science and reason to religion, but understands why some seek comfort in it. He keeps most of his opinions to himself however, still used to a society lead by it, unsure of the current times opinion on things.