Qar-digmaan Yaotl Jogro


You betcha
Oct 21, 2017
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Digmaan Cro-Yaotl is an Allar Digmaan headed by Cro-Zzhin Yaotl, the Digmaan's founder and head. It's history is brief, as it was only founded following the beginning of the Chrysant War though its roots can be traced to the now defunct Digmaan Cro-Tecpatl, which was the Digmaan of the Cro-Allar warlord Cro-Ryzzun, Cro-Zzhin's adoptive father. It was during the heat of the war between Regalia and the Essa Empire that the Digmaan was formed. When the Chrysant War engulfed Hadaria following the unification under Miko Missa, Cro-Zzhin served as Under-leader to Cro-Ryzzun. This was short-lived, however, as Cro-Ryzzun was killed in their first engagement. Cro-Ryzzun refused to retreat upon the beachhead and had put the lives of the army at stake, Cro-Zzhin emboldened by the support of the troops slew his own father in one-on-one combat for Digmaan. Taking up his father's Mu-Allar armies, or what was left of it, he retreated into the interior of Hadaria and unlike many other Cro, would not surrender so easily in the latter stages of the war.

Cro-Zzhin quickly took up the mantle of rule to wage an unconventional war against the invaders, refusing to lay down his arms unlike many of his fellow Digmaan. Building upon the legacy of his slain father, he led a guerilla campaign, harassing Regalian supply and outlying camps while amassing a sizeable number of surrenderee prisoners of war which he kept as trophies of his victories against the foreign menace. Known for his obsession with death, he would carry around the skull of Cro-Ryzzun when on the battlefield, speaking to it and heeding supposed advice from the spirit of his fallen mentor.

Two months following the death of Miko Missa, Digmaan Cro-Zzhin Yaotl finally yielded to the Regalian Empire, issuing a formal statement of submission and releasing all prisoners of war held by the Digmaan. In return for his favorable treatment of prisoners, amnesty was given and Digmaan Cro-Yaotl was left to vye for control in the power vacuum that consumed Hadaria with the collapse of the Essa Empire. Into the current day, Digmaan Cro-Yaotl has been tangled in constant border conflict with numerous rival Digmaan in the Karfanth region, proving an unpopular figure among his contemporaries for his callous demeanor and ruthless tactics. Many have tried to tear Cro-Zzhin from his throne and many have failed. He sits now atop a mountain of corpses, poised to exert his influence over the Digmaan-Rassa-Allar and bring reform to his people or die in the attempt.



Digmaan -
Digmaan represent the pinnacle of Allar power within their society. They fulfill a curious role in Allar society under the umbrella of the Regalian Empire, acting as the lead of Allar nobility. They are the absolute authority of the Allar, with a large advisory to keep them connected to their community.

Undercro -
Also of noble blood, the Undercro serves as the Digmaans second leaders and lords, typically direct expansions of the noble family itself. They are required to only adhere to the Digmaan, however they must consider the Oracle, Krallok, and Jisz advisory seriously. This position is above the Rhax in terms of military ranking, if the Undercro deems a position in the Digmaan's military.

Rhax -
The Rhax hold a position as the field marshals of Jorgo, highly respected by most, these royal guards are tasked with protecting the Digmaan, undercro, and Oracle. They maintain training and raids, and interpret indirect orders. Rhax reserve the right to punish Jogro and the Arbiter, and are part of the Digmaans military advisory.

Arbiter -
Under the Rhax, the Arbiter has the power to take command during emergency situations. They also settles disputes between the Jogro and Tharaozz Occupations. They are responsible for discussing how to best approach an aggressive or defensive conflict to the Rhax. An Arbiter does not have to be limited to a Mu-Allar. They can also consist of Zu-Allar and in some cases, Al-Allar. Each Rhax is assigned an Arbiter.

Carnager -
Carnagers are granted to the more disciplined, yet destructive Sa-Allar of the Jogro military. Their rank exceeds common Jogro Warriors by permitting them to independently conduct front-line tactics on their own. Their purpose and objective is to destroy ramparts, obstructions, or meet the largest opponents on the fields for counter. They also specialize in breaking down doors for breaching tactics, and leading Mu-Allar jogro as a protective flesh shield during such breaches.

Jogro Warrior -
Jorgo are the main warrior/guard of the Digmaan. They are the teeth and bone of the Allar and do anything to protect the Digmaan. Fighting with 'Tooth and Claw', this infantry rank serves as the intimidating force which makes almost the entire Digmaan military. Normally Jogro are expected to have skills in small shield, longmaw spear, shortsword, and common shortbow.

Globadier -
This division was established under the rule of Mikko Missa in Hadar, who had the desire to train Al-Allar alchemists in throwing for alchemical artillery. This course normally takes up to a year or two, and only includes drills to improve throwing strength. No instructor is actually needed for this division, and it mainly includes an alchemist who spends a number of hours per week training their throwing accuracy and range with hefty rocks or similar objects. This style of combat is as deadly as the globe of alchemy in one's hand, however this expands to both the receiver of the alchemical weapon, and its user, as globadiers face the risk of being extremely open with explosive vials on their person. To counteract this, Globadiers typically remain far from close combat, only within range to throw their globes and vials of alchemy.​





IG Name: (MC Name)

Character Name:

Character Race:

Character Sheet: Link to sheet is preferable but not mandatory

Noble RP Experience: Have you played a character in or associated with the Noble System? If so, who, and for how long?

Why do you want to join the Digmaan?: Explain the motivation behind your application. Be honest!

Roleplay strengths:

Roleplay weaknesses:

Are you accustomed to Combat RP?: Have you engaged in CRP before? If so, explain an instance for reference. (This only applies to those applying for Guard positions)

Have you got a basic knowledge of Allar lore?: (mandatory)


