- Joined
- Jun 25, 2021
- Messages
- 147
- Reaction score
- 166
- Points
- 63

Digmann Duggall started in Hadaria's Hal Pormonth as a family versed in smithing and alchemical businesses alongside a focus on militaristic strength and wit. Kavaana Duggall was awarded a small sect of land for her efforts as a war general, and she began honing a focus on abject loyalty to her and her family, as well as her own ideals of how a Digmaan should be run. In 309, Undercro Igramnovire Duggall brought the Digmaan to Regalia, setting his sights on strengthening the family name. Some time later, he became vassalized by House shel Morathes, giving him the capability to start a Digmaan of his own. Igramnovire still defers to his mother as the Duggall Digmaan for now, meanwhile he focuses on bolstering his own sect of the Digmaan to eventually usurp her and take on the formal Duggall name in its entirety.

Hadarian with Imperial influences. Digmaan Dugall thinks that the Hadarian structure is a good start, but individuals should be granted more freedoms to express themselves in the way they want. Predisposed castes are not necessarily the best for future growth of the individual, as they may not always naturally conform what their cast says they should.

Colors: Reds, Blacks, and Golds. Accents of purple.
Races: All Allar, and occasional Slizzar at extreme discretion. (Slizzar must out themselves to the family in particular, and we'll deny the fact we have them to high Void. At least in public.)
Religion: Great Alchzech
Trades: Weapons/Armor/Jewelry (Smithing), Alchemy
Values: Extreme loyalty to the Digmaan and family, as the Digmaan is a family to be part of. Duggall values physical prowess and extreme wit, as well as the capability to keep a straight face under pressure. They desire to further strength through diversity and open-mindedness.

Given the state of Allar population in Regalia, this Digmaan's desire for diversification of beliefs and cultural views, and precedents set by Digmaan Vyzal, Digmaan Duggall under guidance of Cro-Igramnovire desires to bolster the relationship between Allar and Non-Allar through the usage of a title - Daz.
This title will be used to refer to Non-Allar Allies and members of the Duggall Digmaan.
- When used in front of a Non-Allar individual's name, it is used as an indication of close alliances or ties to the Duggall Digmaan without being an actual member. (Daz Jon Smith)
- When used behind their name (In similar fashion to a standard Allar caste name), it indicates that the non-Allar is an actual member of the Duggall Digman. ( Ellen Daz-Duggall)

To rule oneself is to set an example for all.
Vassal Baron Cro-Igramnovire Duggall of Ipsul
To rule oneself is to set an example for all.
Vassal Baron Cro-Igramnovire Duggall of Ipsul
Lazzai - - One to represent the many.
Rhax - - The strength of one to guide the rest.
Ghizzal - - Rampage and make your power known.
Nash-Avaq - - Shine light on the areas others may be too blinded to see.
Tol-Zzeem - - Proper organization is imperative to successful function.
Tol-Uvzzal - - Expression for all, guided by one.
Tol Maarq - - To maintain a state of order and cleanliness.
Tol-Iyaz - - Prosper through a well-balanced economy.
Tol-Chroq - - A metaphorical dragon to guide the hoard.
Tol-Kkhit - - A state of health to bolster one's prowess.
Eevie Cro-Duggall - Adopted Daughter of Igramnovire. Undercro.
Vyldello Maz-Duggall - Vibrant Maz-Allar.
Zaahza Maz-Duggall - Hyperactive Maz-Allar.
Allies and Others
Lavverocc - Foster Child of Igramnovire. Cro-Allar
Mallyx - Foster Child of Igramnovire. Cro-Allar

Cro-Kavaana Duggall - Cro-Allar - (Digmaan, Matron. 7'2, Greataxe wielder and strong militaristic leader. Smith.) Unplayable
Jofaaius Cro-Duggall - "Cro-Allar" - (Undercro, Patron. 6'5, Sanguiniphobic. Engineer / secret sorcerer, arcane knowledgeable.) Unplayable
Cro-Igramnovire Duggall - Cro-Allar - (Undercro / Baron, twin of Ssellkath, 7'2,. Warrior) Played (Active)
Ssellkath Cro-Duggall- "Cro-Allar" - (Undercro, twin of Igramnovire, 7'2, Sanguiniphobic. Diplomat / secret sorcerer.) Playable upon request. Will require working closely with Irelia OOCly
Auxillimus Cro-Duggall - Cro-Allar - (Adoptive Sibling, Twin of Allexamis, 6'7, Warrior / honor guard) Playable upon request.
Allexamis Cro-Duggall - Cro-Allar - (Adoptive Sibling, Twin of Auxillimus, 6'7, Warrior / honor guard) Playable upon request.
Yel'lynn Maz-Duggall - Maz-Allar - (Adoptive sibling, 5'10, hyperactive Scout / ranged specialist. Mute.) Playable upon request.
Xandross Als-Duggall - Als-Allar - (Adoptive sibling, 6'0, Diplomat) Playable upon request.
Kynsser Izu-Duggall - Izu-Allar (Kavaana's advisor, 6'0, Alchemist, Sorcerer, Diplomat) Unplayable
Reach out to Irelia#6391 on Discord, or DM me on the forums if interested in playing a family member.

Discord: (Required)
Character Name:
Character Sheet: (Or planned race, if sheet isn't made yet)
Do you have basic knowledge of Allar Lore?: (Required)

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