Archived Qadiri

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Wallpaper Enthusiast
Aug 20, 2013
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The City of Sails
Mithril. Represent.
Roleplay Guilds
Due to the release of the new Arab themed Qadir race, I believe they should have their own language which can be used by some Qadir characters in Regalia and (hopefully soon upcoming) Farah'deen. Qadiri should be used as characters, and based off the Hebrew and Arabic languages (Of course, not all keyboards can type those characters so people using Qadiri would type "{Qadiri} Hi there, where can I find the Globe Theatre?" as such.
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The Qadir language is an odd one, it has some bases in Arabic, but it is not completely based off of it, often times me and Green_Hood use a combination of Arabic and Serbian words and phrases. Might I recommend getting some of these words and phrases down in a sort of handbook or dictionary and using them this way? I will say now that I strongly disagree with using any language and just saying {Orcish, Elvish, Maiar, Qadir} Then speaking, it is very... im not sure of a good word I would call it silly and lazy I suppose. I would also say that the Qadir language would more than likely not be used by Qadir in heavy doses in Regalia, the Regalian government is already not the most trustworthy of Farahdeen, the Qadir and the Sultanate and speaking solidly in a foreign language of such a suspect race and government could instill fear or cause Regalians to jump to extremes. Such as thinking of Qadir as spies or saboteurs, speaking in a foreign dialect to relay information or "plot Regalias downfall". It would be more than likely Qadir would speak common in Regalia controlled territory with some Qadir language mixed in, which again I would recommend a mixture of Arabic and Serbian which can easily be looked up over the internet and used in a way similar to Spanglish. Perhaps I will work on making a sort of makeshift dictionary and post it on the forums somewhere for players looking for Qadir words but for now, Arabic mixed with Serbian is your friend.
I wouldn't call it lazy. Some use Daendroque characters (Like my own, Ichabod) and have them speak Daendroquin yet don't know the languages themselves. In character, anyone who wouldn't know the languages can't understand them. I agree using the language in Regalia would be suspicious, so suspicious that the guards would arrest those speaking it on suspicion of treason/attempted murder. Thus the Qadir who know Qadiri would go to Farah'deen to speak it, which would spice up roleplaying there.
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